⚠️2023年9月 note:更换了部分音乐的音轨,音轨来源可能与节目中或 shownote 中描述不符,恕不进一步作说明
今天讨论的核心:歌曲 Das Himmlische Leben (天堂的生活),关键知识点
- 是《第四交响曲》的末乐章,也是整部作品的精神内核
- 原定是《第三交响曲》的末乐章,副标题 What the Kids Are Telling Me
- 歌曲选自马勒创作的《少年魔号歌曲集》(Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
- 歌曲共分为4段(歌词见下方),大意是天堂里生活和平幸福,东西吃不完(荤素都吃不完),以及有最美妙的音乐
- 与《少年魔号歌曲集》中的另一首歌曲,Das Irdische Leben(尘世的生活)呼应。《尘世的生活》里描绘的是饿死的儿童。
9:57 马勒《第四交响曲》第四乐章,Ivan Fischer&Budapest Festival Orchestra
21:43 马勒《第二交响曲》第四乐章,Gatti&RCO, Mezzosoprano = Julia Kleiter
27:09 对比马勒第三交响曲中预示《天堂的生活》的乐段,Haitink&BRSO
35:59 对比分析《第四交响曲》第一乐章里各种阴晴不定的情绪
39:47 马勒《第四交响曲》第一乐章,Sinopoli&RCO
61:15 马勒《第四交响曲》第二乐章(节选),Bernstein, van Zweden&RCO
66:44 马勒《第四交响曲》第三乐章(节选),Bernstein, van Zweden&RCO
75:19 马勒《第四交响曲》第四乐章,Bernstein, van Zweden&RCO, boy soprano = Helmut Wittek
Das Himmlische Leben
We enjoy heavenly pleasures
and therefore avoid the earthly stuff.
No worldly tumult
is to be heard in heaven.
All live in greatest peace.
We lead angelic lives,
yet have a merry time of it besides.
We dance and we spring,
We skip and we sing.
Saint Peter in heaven looks on.
John lets the lambkin out,
and Herod the Butcher lies in wait for it.
We lead a patient,
an innocent, patient,
dear little lamb to its death.
Saint Luke slaughters the ox
without any thought or concern.
Wine doesn't cost a penny
in the heavenly cellars;
The angels bake the bread.
Good greens of every sort
grow in the heavenly vegetable patch,
good asparagus, string beans,
and whatever we want.
Whole dishfuls are set for us!
Good apples, good pears and good grapes,
and gardeners who allow everything!
If you want roebuck or hare,
on the public streets
they come running right up.
Should a fast day come along,
all the fishes at once come swimming with joy.
There goes Saint Peter running
with his net and his bait
to the heavenly pond.
Saint Martha must be the cook.
There is just no music on earth
that can compare to ours.
Even the eleven thousand virgins
venture to dance,
and Saint Ursula herself has to laugh.
There is just no music on earth
that can compare to ours.
Cecilia and all her relations
make excellent court musicians.
The angelic voices
gladden our senses,
so that all awaken for joy.
Das Irdische Leben
Mother, ah mother, I am starving.
Give me bread or I shall die.
Wait, only wait, my beloved child!
Tomorrow the reaping will be swiftly done.
And when at last the corn was reaped,
Still the child kept on crying:
Mother, ah mother, I am starving,
Give me bread or I shall die.
Wait, only wait, my beloved child!
Tomorrow the threshing will be swiftly done.
And when at last the corn was threshed,
Still the child kept on crying:
Mother, ah mother, I am starving.
Give me bread or I shall die.
Wait, only wait, my beloved child!
Tomorrow the baking will be swiftly done.
And when at last the bread was baked,
The child lay dead upon the bier.