经 | 第二期:w/Ohyung(恐惧、体化与和解)卡壳 Cacotopia

经 | 第二期:w/Ohyung(恐惧、体化与和解)

50分钟 ·


Cross-pollinated species, transmutable beings, androgynous beasts and humans thrive in the infinite space between heaven and earth, where matter and phenomena are in a constant flow of exchange. Body, as an expression of the shape and logic of the cosmos, is cultivated with porosity and fluidity, unifies yin and yang, transcends beyond death and pleasure. Through progressive speculation,we break epistemic entrapment and sensory deprivation to articulate a future beyond popular cliches. We think on a terrestrial scale to form an intimate solidarity with our surroundings, to hold space for a safe, pleasurable and emotive cohabitation.

This podcast belongs to Future Host’s on-going writing project “Scripture”. “Scripture” is a book of speculative fiction inspired by The Book of Mountains and Seas, an ancient Taoist classic. The fiction unfolds in two directions: Qinyuan, a diminutive bee-bird, sexes and assassinates its way out of the mythological landscape. In another world, the son of a master potter from Jingdezhen wanders in the western world as SHE, with insoluble mud on her hands. Chapters from “Scripture” will be released in English and Chinese concurrently with the podcast.

我想你会和我一样惊讶:李明德(Ohyung)的声音平和而温柔,与在ta舞台上的表现反差巨大,而ta的音乐制作更是雄心勃勃、不拘一格。很少有人像李明德一样真诚、天然又不屑修饰。Ta告诉我,为了现场表演,ta得把身体融入到自己写的歌词里。在录音室里,我俩都结结巴巴的,冒名顶替者综合症(imposter syndrome)在话语间隙发作。我们讨论了身体、恐惧,还有释放。本集将收录Ohyung的3首曲目,为了达到最佳效果,请调大音量,并用厕纸塞住你们的耳朵。robrus.li

I’m amazed and I think you will be too. How Ohyung’s peaceful and temperamental voice contrast with their stage presence, let alone their ambitious, eclectic music production. There is no one like Ohyung, so sincere, unpretentious and unfiltered. They told me that in order to perform live, they fused themselves with the lyrics they wrote. Together we stuttered so much in the recording. Our shared imposter syndrome showed up in the gaps between our words. We discussed embodiment, fear and leaving behind. 3 tracks from Ohyung will be featured in the episode, turn up the volume, and cover your ears with toilet paper for the best effect. robrus.li

曲目 Tracks by Ohyung:
- Shenme Gui (feat. Space Meow Doll & Qing Liberty)
- N1FWM (feat. Charlie Sheena, Gia Shakur)
- Sick (feat. Toyomansi)

专辑 Albums:
PROTECTOR, Released April 2020, Physical & Digital by London label Chinabot;
Untitled (Chinese Man with Flame), Released June 2018, Physical & Digital by LA label Deathbomb Arc.

提及概念 Mentionings:
Odd Future / Death Grips / Dreamcrusher / Dean Blunt / Princess Nokia / Butch Dawson / JPEGMAFIA / Film Atlantic’s soundtrack by Fatima Al Qadiri / Illustrious pearl aka Wo Chan / Adele Computer / Wing On Wo / Stray dogs at The Lot radio

制作团队 Credit:
主题音乐作曲 Theme music composed by Thoom aka Zeynab Marwan (@thoom_report)
封面图像 Cover image by Sam Lubicz (@slubicz)
设计 Design: Matt Tecson(@one________________winged)
技术顾问 Technical consultant: 秦榛 Zhen Qin