Hello 大家好,欢迎来到花间电台。今天的这一期节目比较特别,这是我们第一次录播全英文的访谈。嘉宾是我的朋友兼同事,Dr. Hélène Benveniste。我们聚在一起畅聊移民浪潮与全球气候变化的关系,从环境科学聊到社会文化聊到伦理哲学,希望你喜欢。你可以在这里找到 Dr. Hélène Benveniste 的更多信息。
本期嘉宾:Hélène Benveniste
01:45 European migrant crisis: how Helene got interested in climate change and migration.
04:45 The reality of how climate change is linked to migration: climate change can increase AND decrease migrant movement.
06:55 “Millions of people will cross the border due to climate change”: Is this true? Where does the number come from? What scientific basis should we use to plan for climate adaptations?
11:55 Effect of different types of climate disasters on migration.
13:10 Feedback between migration and climate change: Direct impact of migration on climate change is low. However, migration can have significant impact on the climate resilience of the vulnerable communities.
17:54 Global trends of migrant movements under climate change: people who have the resources to move vs. who are stripped of any means of movement.
20:19 Analogy with the refugee crisis: does it matter whether people are forced to move or are moving voluntarily?
23:50 Factors that go into migrant’s decision-making: does it make sense to pinpoint why people move?
25:45 Moving beyond “refugee status” to help those in need.
27:56 Border policies and the impact on migration.
30:35 Development on governance scheme: “the global compact for migration”, a holistic framework for helping migrants regardless of reasons to move.
35:00 Migration is not inherently problematic: humans have always migrated.
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