Vol.14 | Making new year resolutions with me【英语播客】Yeah, Why Not Podcast

Vol.14 | Making new year resolutions with me

14分钟 ·


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Hey guys, what's up now?
It's the last day of 2021 

and tonight I'm going to celebrate the new year with my roommates.
Yay actually, Oh my God,
I feel kind of tired and It's super cold outside.
I don't know what will happen tonight.
I hope everything will be fine and tomorrow I need to work.
Oh my God but yes,who cares, right? 

OK, so basically tonight we'll just go to the city center.
Probably there will be like,

you know, New year party and stuff.
I'm not sure if they will have it because

maybe they canceled it,
and because of the pandemic I know 

and if they have it 

probably they will have like the countdown event
like oh like 321 Happy New year! 

Yeah, and if they have it will just go there do something 

and then after that we just go to eat hot pot 海底捞

and then probably we'll just go back or do something else.
I don't know, but we need to be really careful
and I will take care of myself.
Wear a mask and do all the things you know.
Try to avoid crowds, 'cause it's still kind of dangerous to go out.
Actually I feel kinda you know,
not sure if everything will work well,
like because maybe we can't go out.
Everything is canceled. Yeah, let's see 

if you guys will go out and just have fun with your friends.
Celebrate the new year. Make sure you take care of yourself,

OK, let's back to today's topic.
The previous episode i thought that was,
you know, last episode of this year,
but I saw a comment said that 

oh,you should do a new year resolution 

and I was like Oh yeah,
why not like you know

 I'm gonna do New Year resolutions anyway,
because I will do it every year like 

you know so why not just do it with you guys this year right?
I can share my new year resolutions with you guys.
That's good right? So let's do it.
I'm not sure if you guys have this habit.
At the end of every year or the beginning of a new year,
you would just write the things that you want
to do for this whole year.
Like your new year resolutions,
if you have it, you can write it down and
share with us in the comments.
If you don't have it.
I hope he can do it this year,
right? Things you want to do for this whole year
and share with us in the comment.
And actually after one year you can come back to this
episode to check you know what things you did,
what things you you know you failed to do?
That's that's great, right?

I mean making a New Year resolution.

I don't know since when maybe after

I went to college it has become something like,
you know something as a ritual for me like 

I will do every year.
And it's not like I'm making rules or limits for
my this whole year.
It's not like I need to
finish all of them if I don't blah blah blah.
I'll be really bad. I feel bad something like that.
No, it's just like I'm writing them down the things
I wish myself I can do.
And I will check this list.
Over and over again to remind myself and push myself
to do them,
to improve, to become better.
I think it's a good thing,
even though I'm at the end,
I didn't do anything or I didn't finish all of them.
It's still OK. I will just keep doing the next year
Doesn't matter and don't think like.
For example, you're writing down.
I'm do go to gym three times a week.
And there's one week you just went to one time.
And you'd be like, oh,
I already fucked up .
I'm not gonna keep with this list.
I just, you know, give up.
No, it's not like that.
OK, this week I just went one one time.
It's OK. Next week I'll go three times again and
just keep doing it right.
It's not like you fail and you give up.
No, just keep doing. Keep pushing yourself.
To become better. So it's really a good thing for me.
I think for everybody. Yeah,
so I wish I can see you guys new year
resolution in the comments.
OK alright I'm gonna share my new year resolutions.
I have 10 things here.
The first one. I remember just one last year I
wrote it to read 10 books.
If you checked my. The episode called How Reading is Changing Me.
I wrote it. I mentioned it there.
I wrote this on my New Year resolutions of this year,
yeah To be honest, right now it's the last day
of this year I I think I read my books.
Not 10, I didn't read 10 books,
but it's still OK. This year I'm going to keep
doing it doesn't matter.
Alright, so read 10 books first one.
The second one is share Every book I read with you guys.
It's like I would just,
you know. While reading I would take some reading notes
and after that after I finish a book I will
just do one episode about that book.
I will share my reading notes,
my opinions, and what I've learned in this book.
And what's the authors Uh opinion.
Something like that with you guys.
So if you are interested you can check it later.
That's good, right? So this is a new thing.
I added to my list for this year.
And the third one is start my own video channel.
I wanted to do this for a really long time.
And actually I tried many times this year,
but I failed. I just feel so awkward and unnatural,
uncomfortable to speak in front of camera.
It's so awkward. Oh my God,
I try it like a couple of times.
And after that I watched myself in the video.
Oh, I'm like you know robot,
I don't know how to speak it's really awkward so
that's why I start my podcast because I don't have
to show my face in front of camera.
I can just speak. It's much easier for me.
But this year, no next year,
the new Year. 2022 I wanna try it again.
I'm gonna try harder practice more and also my girlfriend
will probably come back.
I can do something with her like you know we
can do some things together.
Maybe vlog or pranks. Yeah,
all those things. And you know if I have someone
in my video talk to me.
I think it's much easier for me.
Yeah I'm not sure alright.
The fourth one is for my podcast.
I wish for next year the new Year.
My podcast can get 10K subscribers.
I know it's super hard for me.
10K is a lot. But I will keep doing and
keep improving my podcast,
but it's still OK if I don't get 10K at
end of next year it's alright,
but I wish right the fifth one.
I will start to learn a new language.
Which is Russian. Actually, before I learned Spanish for one
year and I dropped it because it's really hard.
And also I lost my,
you know motivation and interest in that language.
Spanish is super beautiful. And I love it.
Actually, in the beginning my Spanish teacher .
She's really good. But later on we changed the teacher
and the second teacher.
I don't really like her teaching methods and stuff.
So I just it's kind of boring for me.
I just drop in and I was really busy to
do a lot of things.
Other things, you know, my studying stuff so I just drop it.
Maybe later I'll keep learning it,
I don't know. But next year I'm going to learn Russian.
Because. You know my girlfriend.
She lives in Russia and I wanna talk to her family.
They only speak Russian. oh no they speak Russian and
But yeah, I wanted to know it too.
Talk with them a little bit.
I'm not saying like in this year 

I will reach a really high level of this language.
No, I'm just going to learn some basic stuff.
Hopefully I can speak some,
you know, daily conversation. That'll be awesome,
right? OK. 6th one is for my personal finance.
I'm really interested in investment,
so I was watching a lot of videos and learning
about it,
but I'm still a beginner.
I'm buying stocks right now.
So I hope this year I will keep learning how
to invest and then my stocks can gain.
I don't know 10% profits.
I hope. Yeah. Yeah, I just hope that I can,
you know, improve my Invest skills.
Just this is my wish.
And I think everyone as a young people.
You need to learn how to invest.
I'm not saying you should do it,
but you should at least learn how to do it.
Learn what is that you should have your own financial plan,
how to manage your money and stuff right?
I think it's important for you to know 

when you're at a young age.
Because later on you will earn more money and you
need to know how to deal with your money to
do different things.
It's very good for you.
OK, the 7th. Is meditates.
I wanna three times a week.
I'll do meditation three times a week or something.
Yes, three times a week or whenever after nearest.
Yeah, I think it's kind of hard.
OK the 8th one is go to sleep earlier.
This is a huge problem.
My sleep problem. Damn my average time to go to
sleep in 2021.
I think it's around 1:00 AM to.
2:00 AM so for trying to time to I want
to go to sleep earlier.
Hope I can go to sleep around 12.
Yeah. I know it's still late,
but it's really hard for me and hopefully I can
go to sleep before 12,
like around 12. That would be the best.
OK, the 9th. Is for my.
Workout, go to gym stuff.
I want to I hope I can go to do
exercise 3 hours every week.
Three hours is like. If I go to gym every
time I go to gym,
I just go one hour so he's like three times a week.
I think it's not hard for me.
Alright, the last one is I want to have a family trip.
I really missed that part,
'cause I don't even remember when is the last time I travel.
I go travel with my family with my mom,
my sister. I don't know.
It's. I don't remember. So for next year I wish
we can go together.
And I wish my girlfriend can come with us.
We can go traveling together.
And I want to win to Rena.
Oh my God, that's it's so pretty.
I went there. 2019 such a beautiful place in the world.
It's like heaven. Oh my God,
I love that. So I want to go back there
and eat some food and traveling.
Relax. Enjoy the time with my family.

OK, that is the 10 things I want to do
in my new year.
And I hope you guys can share yours in the comment.
And happy New Year. I'll see you next time.
Take care guys bye bye.

展开Show Notes
Happy new year guys!!!!
Oh my god your voice is so 绝绝子
SH_KnBn:等好久啦 期待期待 迫不及待吖 😊😊😊
Love your podcast!!!
Thank you!😊
Look forward to the next issue~🙌🙌🙌
Hi why not update ? Miss you already~
Thank you ~ New episode is coming!!!!
My new year resolution is to wish my father to be health.
oh yeah, I wish your parents will be healthy and happy!
My 2022 plan is 1) lose weight to keep healthy 2) improve my English level 3) read more than 80 books 4) only spend time with the important people
Keep it up!
褚弥慈喃:天 八十本
looking forward to your video channel✨😎
13:55 我头一次认真听完超过10分钟的英文😯
looking forward to your reading notes reading review!!😆😆
08:20 This guy promised to learn Russian ,and 5000 people heard that😍No way back, Bro~💓