#104. Andy Boreham: At What Cost?THD美籍华人英语访谈秀

#104. Andy Boreham: At What Cost?

107分钟 ·

Andy Boreham is a weekly columnist at Shanghai Daily.  His video series, Reports On China, analyzes how Western media report on China.  Born and raised in New Zealand, he has degrees in Media Studies, Political Science and Chinese.  Today we discuss why and how Western media consistently reports negatively on China.  We talk about fake news, fear mongering, the decline of mainstream news outlets, controversial headlines, virtue signaling and Wokeism.


Connect with Andy |

Twitter: @AndyBxxx

头条: 绿眼睛Andy

抖音: 外媒看中国


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展开Show Notes
love ur channel!
19:45 the problem is when it becomes common sense that you know what you can or cannot say, you start self-censorship yourself, which is really bad in many ways…
indeed, why are the people so upset , so angry ? they dig, infer, and intimate, and suggest , and overreact , and bias and tilt . exaggerate the importance of some events , and downplay the importance of others , I think maybe they just enjoy trim the facts to fit " theory"