hi,你正在收听的是 「miniPod」:一个激发那些“感知到生活意义贬值的人” ,去探究属于自己道路的迷你型播客(时长 < 25分钟)
我的名字 rudy wang,我正在那些“独立个体”一起谈论,各自使用的工作流,自我学习的方式,以及如何扩展自己的思想
今天,我将和另外一位主持人kira,一起谈论在三个月的探索中,关于 细水长流、单件流、黄油密度 的故事
感兴趣:www. doubleL.space
hi,you are listening to the 「miniPod」 ,a mini-podcast that inspires "the one who perceive devalued meaning in life" to explore their own path.(The length is less than 25min)
my name is rudy wang , and I'm talking with those "individuals" about the workflows they use, the ways they learn by themselves, and how to expand their minds.
Today, I will be talking with another host, kira, about the story of long-running water, one-piece flow, and butter density in a three-month exploration.
More:www. doubleL.space
Contact :doublelspace@gmail.com