Picnic at the park 公园野餐Kelly的英文脱口秀

Picnic at the park 公园野餐

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Are you thinking what I’m thinking ? Doesn’t it look like a great day for a picnic? 你在想我想的事情吗?今天看起来多适合野餐啊!

You read my mind! Let’s go to the park and set up our picnic under the shady oak tree near the water fountain. 你太懂我了!让我们去公园,在喷泉旁的橡树下野餐吧。

Fantastic!  What should we bring to the park in our picnic basket ? 太棒了!我们要带些什么在野餐篮里去公园呢?

We shouldn’t bring anything that spills easily. Why don’t we prepare some finger sandwiches, a shrimp and mushroom salad and 2 pieces of chocolate cake. We can also bring some fresh berries to snack on too. 我们不要带容易洒的东西。不如准备些手指三明治,一份鲜虾蘑菇沙拉和两块巧克力蛋糕。我们还可以带些新鲜的浆果来做点心。

Wow! Look at this spread.  It looks so delicious! By the way, what beverage did you bring for us to drink? 哇哦!看看这堆美食,看起来真好吃!对了,你带了什么饮料来喝吗?   I brought a bottle of your favorite sparkling wine. 我带了一瓶你最爱的气泡酒。   Well we are almost there! Oh, look our picnic spot is vacant! Hurry let’s get set up and then we can take a Selfie with these beautiful rose bushes. After that we can post our picnic pics to our WeChat moments. 我们就快到啰!哦,看呀,我们野餐的地方没有人。我们快点开始吧!然后我们可以和这些美丽的玫瑰花丛合影自拍。稍后我们可以把野餐的照片发到微信朋友圈。    Grammar 语法

At or in the park

Many English students will ask the question, “what’s the difference between ‘in’ or ‘at’ when talking about a place like a park, library, restaurant, etc.?”


It’s usually pretty safe to say “at the [place]”. Saying I’m “in the [place]”, is often more precise. For example, if you tell your friends you are “at” the restaurant, that could mean you are inside or outside. However, if you say “in the restaurant”, then you are giving a more precise location.

通常说“at the [地点]”是比较安全的。说I'm in the [地点],通常更准确。例如,如果你告诉你的朋友你“at” the restaurant(在餐馆),这可能意味着你在餐馆的里面或外面。然而,如果你说in the restaurant(在餐馆里),那么你就给出了一个更精确的位置。

