008 JX | 蓬勃和混乱并存,这届NFT NYC的沉浸式体验 Chaos and exuberance go hand in hand: an immersive NFT NYC experienceWeb3 Revolution

008 JX | 蓬勃和混乱并存,这届NFT NYC的沉浸式体验 Chaos and exuberance go hand in hand: an immersive NFT NYC experience

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Summary / 内容总结:

史上参会人数最多的NFT NYC上周落幕了。Web3 Revolution播客邀请来了一位NFT收藏家JX来讲一讲沉浸式的NFT NYC体验,从主会场的混乱到蓝筹NFT parties的惊喜和蓬勃,蹦迪、party、社交、还是NFT roadmap的呈现并存。熊市下的大会到底传达出了怎样的情绪?这次大会看到了NFT的新玩法吗?

The most attended NFT NYC in history came to an end last week, and the Web3 Revolution podcast invited an NFT collector, JX, to talk about the immersive NFT NYC experience, from the chaos of the main conference to the surprise and exuberance of the blue-chip NFT parties, bouncing, partying, socializing, and the presentation of the NFT roadmap side by side. What kind of emotions did the conference convey under the bear market? Did this conference see innovations of NFT?

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Featuring Guest / 嘉宾:



Post-production / 后期制作:


Episode breakdown / 时间轴:

01:10 从JX的NFT NYC 总结 & NFT价值的再分析一文引发的一期播客,NFT是什么?NFT NYC是一个怎样的大会?像素小人(Crypto Punk)、无聊猿(BAYC)是什么?

11:40 Crypto Punk带动了NFT头像的玩法是一个误打误撞,恰好做对的事情;NFT办Party也仅仅从去年开始;NFT的价值寄托和玩法的创新

15:25 从会场到side events,从熙熙攘攘的纽约中城街头到有意思的蓝筹party,NFT NYC的全方位沉浸式体验&攻略(?)

33:30 NFT稀缺性、门槛高、拒人于千里之外的玩家俱乐部和Web3提倡的平民化和社群文化之间的冲突

39:40 NFT将结束饥饿艺术家的时代?NFT仍能够给艺术赋能吗?19岁的加密艺术家FEWOCiOUS从困顿到成功的故事

47:22 NFT NYC中看到的人机交互的艺术未来

48:38 现在进入NFT的世界,太晚了吗?新的艺术家还能够在NFT的世界中获得认可和成功吗?对于想要参与NFT世界的普通人来说,门槛太高怎么办?

54:03 Web3最重要的是”unlearn"? JX作为资深玩家的感慨

56:38 NFT的未来

01:10 A podcast (mirror.xyz) inspired by JX's [NFT NYC wrap-up & re-analysis of the value of NFT] article, What is NFT and what is NFT NYC? What kind of conference is it? What is Crypto Punk, Bored Ape (BAYC)?

11:40 Crypto Punk NFT evolved to PFP is an unprepared "right step"? NFT Party has only been going on since last year

15:25 From the venue to side events, from the bustling streets of Midtown New York to the interesting blue-chip parties, NFT NYC's all-round immersive experience

33:30 The conflict between NFT's scarcity, high threshold, and rejection of the players' club and Web3's nature of equality and community culture

39:40 Will NFT end the era of the starving artist? Can NFT still empower art? The 19-year-old crypto artist FEWOCiOUS's story from hardship to success

47:22 The future of human-computer interaction in art as seen in NFT NYC

48:38 Is it too late to enter the world of NFT? Can new artists still gain recognition and success in the world of NFT? What if the bar is too high for the average person who wants to participate in the world of NFT?

54:03 The most important thing about Web3 is "unlearn"? JX's thoughts as an experienced NFT collector

56:38 The future of NFT

About Web3 Revolution / 关于Web3 Revolution:

A podcast that dissects the web3 revolution

Twitter/Media bio / 推特和媒体链接:Follow us on Twitter @w3revolution_io

展开Show Notes
57:29 “现在nft的价值是非常依赖web2的社交链 未来web3会慢慢替代 社交关系的价值会慢慢往web3迁移 所购买的nft的展示平台不仅仅是twitter上 随着用户往web3产品使用的频率越来越高 使用体验越来越好 占领用户心智的时长越来越多 nft发挥空间的价值也越来越大 nft可以是包含任何信息 可以是任何载体”
56:15 “有的时候你的经验反而成为你的阻碍 我们需要一个unlearn的过程去面对知识更新很快的环境”