46:41,和文化研究中sound studies的区别
背景音乐:Infomercials & Heavy Eyelids, by Jaeden Camstra
1. Anthony Seeger. Why Suya Sing: A Musical Anthropology of an Amazonian People. 一本学科北美祖师爷的经典之作但我并没有读过…… It’s important for obvious reasons (e.g. bringing anthropological methods to music studies) but also belongs to an earlier generation of ethnomusicology. Some other big names in American ethnomusicology include Mantle Hood, Bruno Nettl, Alan Merriam, etc. Important to know, fundamental to the field, but not super instrumental in my personal everyday thinking.
Some canonical or recent influential work in sound studies:
1. David Novak and Matt Sakakeeny, ed. Keywords in Sound.
2. Steven Feld. Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression. Steven Feld 发明了acoustemology这个term,就是人怎样通过/伴随声音认识这个世界,这本书记录了他在巴布亚新几内亚卡鲁利人部落做的田野调查,可以看到雨林原住民如何通过聆听鸟叫模仿鸟叫来认识世界创造意义表达情感。Acoustemology这个概念在他此后的很多研究里也贯穿始终,不止应用在原住民和大自然的语境里。
3. Ana María Ochoa Gautier. Aurality: Listening and Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Colombia. 十九世纪哥伦比亚语境里的aurality和orality与殖民、知识生产、权力的关系(比如殖民者如何通过聆听和发声方式来界定何谓现代文明人 etc.)
4. book.douban.com 这本比较新,追溯了人类检测听觉的历史,以及各种文化社会观念/权力关系和我们对于听觉这个感官的认知是如何互相影响的
5. book.douban.com 这本是关于声音和美国的种族建构的。
6. book.douban.com 这本是近两年影响比较大的一本关于原住民和反殖民主义听觉实践的书。
Excursions in World Music (8th Edition)
Critical Themes in World Music: A Reader for Excursionsin World Music, Eighth Edition
初步了解“世界音乐”的入门级教材,遵循传统的区域研究思路,从微观的案例研究入手展现各国、各地区的音乐文化。配套的critical reader为2021年该书第八版的新增内容,旨在打破区域研究思路的限制,按照主题将原书中考察的案例重新编排论述,更有批判性地展现各地音乐文化作为当代人类社会文化现象的共性。书中谈及的主题有性别、仪式、(后)殖民性、空间、记忆、离散、科技,等。
关于ethnomusicology fieldwork的政治:Shadows in the Field: New Perspectives for Fieldwork in Ethnomusicology (2nd Edition)
关于Chinese American/Asian American music culture: Claiming Diaspora: Music, Transnationalism, and Cultural Politics in Asian/Chinese America global.oup.com 中译见 gb.oversea.cnki.net 译者段劲楠。
记录和分析美国华裔音乐文化的扛鼎之作。作者为指挥家郑小瑛之女郑苏。本书不仅展现了一幅跨阶级、跨流派的美国华裔音乐家群像,更在理论层面指出并试图填补了亚裔美国研究惯用的“主张拥有美国”(claiming America)思路和美国移民研究惯用的“美国化”(Americanization)模型的短板,将论述重点放在跨国主义这一概念上,为音乐人类学中的离散研究(diaspora studies)开拓了新方向,为亚裔美国人的文化研究填补了空缺。
a. Yun Emily Wang: “Sung and Spoken Puns as Queer "Home Making" in Toronto's Chinese Diaspora” www.academia.edu
b. Louise Meintjes: www.dukeupress.edu 南非音乐“走向世界舞台”背后的录音室政治 www.dukeupress.edu:
“In Dust of the Zulu Louise Meintjes traces the political and aesthetic significance of ngoma, a competitive form of dance and music that emerged out of the legacies of colonialism and apartheid in South Africa. Contextualizing ngoma within South Africa's history of violence, migrant labor, the HIV epidemic, and the world music market, Meintjes follows a community ngoma team and its professional subgroup during the twenty years after apartheid's end.She intricately ties aesthetics to politics, embodiment to the voice, and masculine anger to eloquence and virtuosity, relating the visceral experience of ngoma performances as they embody the expanse of South African history. Meintjes also shows how ngoma helps build community, cultivate responsible manhood, and provide its participants with a means to reconcile South Africa's past with its post-apartheid future.”
Some other exciting recent works:
a. Marié Abe. Resonances of Chindon-ya: Sounding Space and Sociality in Contemporary Japan.
b. J. Martin Daughtry. Listening to War: Sound, Music, Trauma, and Survival in Wartime Iraq.
c. “Noise at the Intersection of Demographics and Politics in Central Virginia”
小马感谢Rita老师向她推荐的Sianne Ngai的Our Aesthetic Categories和Mila Zuo的Vulgar Beauty这两本书。谢谢。