The art of letting go, emptiness, or sometimes nothingness. If you think about it, there is a Buddhism touch to it, isn’t there? The idea is that, if you hold on to an emotion, or a belief too tightly, you yourself are basically like a full room, or a solid fortress, that does not allow anything to go inside of you, not to mention to change you in a way that might potentially benefit you.
空:The Art of Letting Go
14分钟 ·
Trying to say something in English, but just find i cannot output anything without grammer fault.Maybe it is time for me to keep practicing and make myself a fluent English speaker.
Trying to say something in English, but just find i cannot output anything without grammer fault.Maybe it is time for me to keep practicing and make myself a fluent English speaker.
yes, it's a long journey, so pls take your time~ you can start by writing something first :)
I find something special in this episode: alongside the beautiful delivery as always, the speech tends toward being more hopeful with great certainty. It is positive and may indicate a growth of this channel. Long live the station, and cheers!
thx for always being here🥰
weird! I feel I am employed and it’s my job to comment. So what’s, on earth, the reason a boss thanks her employee?🤷♂️共4条回复
12:10 always embrace another way of knowing the world, don't stick to any of your previous judgements
08:32 immersing in emotios or even being controlled by them is no good, because you are potentially losing connection with what is really happening, since you are too absorbed in your own world. 说得好! 我们需要与自己的情绪联结,感受它们也是感受自己的存在,但是过于沉浸其中可能会看不见真相
07:50 our emotions depend on how we perceive things(很像ABC情绪理论)
06:52 对的,而且holding a belief too tightly也会使人偏激
02:11 对呀,生活就是这样的 永远无法掌控。所以与其尽力去掌控,不如学会应对不确定性的能力