罗宏,哈佛大学商学院副教授,《Management Science》副主编
01:49 求学经历和博士论文
03:50 侵权责任与医疗器械研发
31:36 “米兔”与好莱坞剧作家市场
70:15 商学院的工作体验
72:33 青年教师:从恐惧到自信
73:47 给HBS撰写案例
79:32 从现实里发现研究灵感
88:42 给作者们的建议
Galasso, Alberto, and Hong Luo. "When Does Product Liability Risk Chill Innovation? Evidence from Medical Implants." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14, no. 2 (May 2022): 366–401.
Galasso, Alberto, and Hong Luo. "Risk-Mitigating Technologies: The Case of Radiation Diagnostic Devices." Management Science 67, no. 5 (May 2021): 3022–3040.
Luo, Hong, and Laurina Zhang. "Scandal, Social Movement, and Change: Evidence from MeToo in Hollywood." Management Science 68, no. 2 (February 2022): 1278–1296.
Luo, Hong, and Laurina Zhang. "Gender Inequality and the Direction of Ideas: Evidence from MeToo." Working Paper. https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/research/publications/Pages/default.aspx