{PotatoEng20} Ultimate Marketing Guide for Web3 ProjectsMeta Potatoes

{PotatoEng20} Ultimate Marketing Guide for Web3 Projects

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Is marketing in Web3 different from that in Web2? What are the performance metrics of Web3 marketing? How to avoid failures in content distribution? How to form a vibrant community around tech-oriented projects? ...etc. In this episode, we will take a deep dive into Web3 marketing for tech projects with master marketer —— Art Malkov!

Web3 与 Web2 营销有什么不同?Web3 营销的绩效指标是什么?如何避免内容分发失败?如何围绕技术向项目形成一个充满活力的社区?...... 在这期播客中,我们同 Art 一起,以问答形式探讨 Web3 技术向项目的营销秘诀!

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👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾

Art Malkov|Contributing Writer to Forbes Business Council, Advisor @Columbia Lab to Market Blockchain Accelerator, Web3 marketing expert since 2016. CMO at IoTeX, Polymarket, etc. ArtMalkov.io

CoHost | F.  Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra

CoHost | M.  Experience designer, Strategist in Web3 & immersive tech

🥔 Outline 土豆快照

00:40 Art 个人经历 & Web3 marketing 观察

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02:30 Web2 vs. Web3 Marketing

Lots of crypto companies think they’re in an entirely different space so they ignore the fundamentals of marketing.” “加密公司不应因为处于一个全新领域而忽视一些市场营销的基础认知”

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08:28 Web3 Marketing Metrics

“I found metrics related to users, like active email subscribers, are meaningful.“ “和用户相关的指标,如活跃电邮账户数、钱包下载量,是有意义的”

It’s not about tech or non-tech, it’s all about active users. If you’re in the crypto space, you’re competing with other projects. 区别不在于项目是否 tech-oriented,最重要的是活跃用户数。因为crypto领域太小,所以该领域内所有公司都在和彼此竞争。

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27:43 Tech-oriented Projects Q&As

“Tech teams in this cycle tend to underestimate the value of marketing“ “Tech-oriented 项目容易低估 marketing 的价值”

“Maybe their budget is wrongly allocated. At least 25% of funds should be for marketing/promotion, including ppl.” “融资完成后就需要给 marketing 分配足够预算,至少25%,包括人力。”

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35:05 Roles of PR (Legit Publication), Tokenization (Good Incentivization), and Social Media (Authentic Community)

PR is the biggest fault in crypto because PR is easy, like fast food. The reality is, you don’t need PR, you need publications to show that you're legit.“ “PR是crypto领域最大的错误。项目需要的不是PR,而是能够证明其真实可靠的出版物。”

“尤其在加密寒冬中,应该合理分配 marketing 资金,将其用到涓滴销售/内容营销等方面以最大化PR效果。”

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49:45 Usage of "Web3", "Decentralization". (Practical Tips!

Tip1)A domain that is pronounceable and with no misspells. You should also consider using .com and .io. Do not use .xyz because they used to be really big in email scams. 一个可以轻易发音的、不会引发拼写歧义的域名。最好用 .com 或 .io,不要使用.xyz,它会让你在电邮营销时陷入麻烦。

Tip4)If you’re using Medium or Substack, you fail. Mirror is ok, Ghost is better (white label solution for blogging, most crypto companies use it). BTW, don’t use Mailchimp. 在官网blog上而不是第三方内容平台发布内容。不要使用 Medium 和 Substack,他们会偷走你的SEO流量;推荐使用 Ghost。另外,不要使用 Mailchimp,它对加密公司不友好且容易进入垃圾邮箱,可以使用 MailerLite。

👾 BGM 背景音乐

《Baby Can't U See》- Mikazuki BIGWAVE (ミカヅキ BIGWAVE)

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