GNS类似于GMXSupply cap: 100,000,000 GNS-> used as failsafe mechanism, should never be reached.Initial supply: 38,500,000 GNSTotal supply (= fully diluted): Dynamic, see Dune Dashboard-> 20% of the initial supply burnt until now (in two years).GNS mint & burningGNS can be minted to recollateralize the gDAI vault (at a maximum inflation rate of 18.25% per year)如果trader亏损过多,gDAI vault抵押率超过130%,超过部分回购GNS销毁,通缩GNS收入来源:trading fee,PnL回购
NFTNFT getting reduced spread and boosted rewards, as well as NFT bots executing limit orders and liquidations.Reduced spread when trading: -15% (Bronze), -20% (Silver), -25% (Gold), -30% (Platinum), and -35% (Diamond). You simply need to hold the NFT in your trading wallet.Run a bot to get rewards from executing liquidations and limit orders. All NFTs can execute equally in this regard. Instructions to set-up and run the bot are here.Boost your LP or SSS rewards by staking up to 3 NFTs. The boosts are 2% (Bronze), 3% (Silver), 5% (Gold), 8% (Platinum), and 13% (Diamond).
gDAI vault类似于GLP poolgDAI is an ERC-20 representing ownership of the underlying DAI asset. It follows an exchange rate model (similar to Compound's cTokens) where the price of gDAI to DAI changes in real-time from two variables: accumulated fees and trader PnL (both open and closed).gDAI = 1 + accRewardsPerToken — Math.max(0, accPnlPerTokenUsed)gNFT is an ERC-721 representing ownership of locked gDAI shares. Locked gDAI is purchased at a discount, based on the amount of time a lender is willing to lock up their funds, and can be unlocked following the lock duration.
feetrading fee:0.08% 还有funding fee和rollover feeIn total, 40% of the fees from market orders and 15% of the fees from limit orders are allocated to $GNS staking.As 70% of our trades are market orders: 32.5% of fees from all orders on average will go to $GNS staking.On all pairs, the "Governance & Team" fees are split 50/50, as well as the "ecosystem" fee below which is shared between GNS Single-Sided Staking and the gDAI vault.The "Market/Limit" fee below goes to GNS staking if the order is a market order, and to NFT bots if the order is a limit order.**Opening a trade: 0.08%:**0.06% -> Governance & Team,0.02% -> Market/LimitUpdating a stop loss (guaranteed execution): 0.015% -> Governance & Team**Closing a trade: 0.08%:**0.06% -> Ecosystem,0.02% -> Market/LimitThe reward for the order is 5% of the collateral for a liquidation, paid in GNS. For all other types, the reward is 0.02% of the position size (with leverage) for crypto.
而在 LP 这个问题上,GMX 的机制更精妙一些,GLP 类似于一个 Crypto index,GMX 的设计是一种对赌 + 借贷平台的设计,在对赌之外,有底层逻辑的支持。所以在牛市的单边行情下,其实 GLP 没有什么风险。因为 GLP 本质上只是借钱给了 trader,同时基于预言机价格与 trader 做了现货交易。trader 做多 Crypto,实际是 GLP 向 trader 借出稳定币,同时将池中 Crypto 卖给 trader。而 Crypto 价格上涨、trader 关闭仓位时,再把 Crypto 买回来,能借出的稳定币是有上限的,所以 哪怕 trader 净多头,GLP 也不会被掏空,同时净多头下稳定币借贷费会非常可观。那么对于 GLP 而言,其实只是失出了 Crypto 的上涨潜力,同时在 U 本位下收获极高的利息,也很难讲是在亏钱,GLP 的净值其实是不会降低的。GLP 真正的风险其实是熊市,单边下跌行情下被动 LP 会持续的被动接盘,不过毕竟币本位永不亏嘛🤣从这一点来看,GLP 和 AMM 的被动 LP 有蛮多相似的特点,我相信这也是为什么很多资金愿意参与 GLP 的原因。
但是我个人更好奇的问题是,到底是什么样的用户在 GMX 和 GNS 上交易,他们的动机和用户画像是什么?因为两者都有远高于 CEX 资金费、交易的成本并不低。GMX 会好些,有 0 滑点的优势。不过 GNS 依然有滑点,外汇交易也有很大点差,不支持合约地址调用 trading 功能(GNS 因为底层的缺陷,为了防止被 trader 攻击需要加很多额外限制)。所以在并不友好的交易成本和交易体验下到底吸引了什么样的用户?这个问题蛮值得研究的。