{PotatoEng26} Mirrorworld :  Plug-and-play Web3 Mobile SDKMeta Potatoes

{PotatoEng26} Mirrorworld :  Plug-and-play Web3 Mobile SDK

68分钟 ·

Welcome to 🥔 {PotatoEng}! In this episode, we invited Chris, co-founder and CEO at Mirrorworld, to talk about Web3 games and “traditional” mobile games. Our topics included: the original intention of Mirrorworld and its amazing iteration speed; ChatGPT and Blur, which “boom” recently; etc. Chris also shared his personal workflow management tips and tools.

In Q1 of 2023, Mirrorworld is aiming to launch a multi-chain mobile game development SDK. Check out their website for the latest updates! Also, if you’re going to ETHDenver, go catch up with Chris and watch the product demo live!

欢迎大家来到 🥔 小土豆的英文频道,这一期我们请来 Mirrorworld 创始人兼 CEO Chris 给我们讲讲 Web3 游戏和“传统”手游那些事儿。音频中我们聊到 Mirrorworld 成立的初衷和惊人的迭代速度,近期大火的 ChatGPT 和 Blur,讨论了华人 founder 在这个行业是否是天生弱势,Chris 还分享了他个人工作流管理的心得及好用工具🔧。

2023 年第一季度,Mirrorworld 将推出多链移动端链游开发 SDK,豆粉们可以关注 mirrorworld.fun 获取最新动态!计划去 ETHDenver 的小伙伴们,可以现场抓 Chris 聊天并一览产品 demo!

PS: 本音频录制于去年底,请大家注意文中提到的时间节点:) 全文由 ChatGPT 基于转录草稿生成(小土豆生产力大解放👏🏻)另外本次文章也有中文段落导读,欢迎大家来边听边看, 希望可以帮到大家~

大家喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦  🥔(注: 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes的立场)Note: All content does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content is a paraphrase and does not represent the position of Meta Potatoes

👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾

Chris | Co-founder & CEO at Mirrorworld

CoHost | F. Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra

CoHost | M. Experience designer, Strategist in Web3 & immersive tech

🥔 Outline 土豆快照

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01:00 Chris 个人经历,Mirrorworld 成立初衷和团队组成

“We realized that developing an application in web3, especially for mobile or cross-platform, is quite challenging.”

“We envisioned that owning an asset in different universes was akin to going through different portals, and Mirrorworld reflected this mysterious and decentralized ideology, much like a portal to different universes.

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08:06 Mirrorworld 背后的技术,以及为什么要采用这些技术

Our tech stack focuses on three main challenges: onboarding, conversion, and geographic coverage.”

“These make us confident that mobile distribution is the present and the future, but crypto has yet to fully capitalize on it. We want to help push this forward with developers, as they are key players in making this change a reality.”

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21:25 产品迭代和社区建设过程中的收获

Q: is there any individual gaming developer already adopting your platform, and how is it going?

Starting next quarter (2023 Q1), we will be allowing more BD, one-on-one pitching scenarios, and go-to-market (GTM) is going to be our big focus for the next quarter as well.

“We constantly review the data and evaluate every decision we make. This is what we do well, and it allows us to keep iterating and growing.”

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29:45 精益创业公司:从影视业和互联网大厂汲取养分

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32:26 从低代码/无代码聊到 ChatGPT 的真正功用

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36:18 Mirrorworld 商业模型、竞争格局和熊市策略

Q: We haven't talked about how Mirrorworld makes money. What's the business model, and why did you choose it for this product?

Q: Your product comprises several key components, including the wallet as an onboarding process, storefront, and on-ramp solutions. Did you choose to develop these components in-house or collaborate with third parties specializing in these fields?

Q: Is there any companies doing similar things to yours in the space?

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44:06 Chris 工作流管理和生产力工具分享

We want our team to communicate directly, concisely, and deliberately. Those are the 3 principles of communication that we have.

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46:50 区块链给游戏业带来的改变;链游细分领域的机会

1) First, a lot of limitations in traditional gaming are created artificially by the distribution channels themselves. 2) Second, there's the concept of free-to-mint, which involves a shift from primary revenue structures to secondary revenue structures.

Players want to see their achievements and milestones in the games they play across their lifespans. This can be achieved through SBTs, but it will only be popular when the games themselves are popular. It's all about progression and prioritization.”

{ .  }

延伸讨论:华人创业者在加密领域的位置;FTX 事件对行业的影响

“I never think about it from a nationality or geographic perspective.”

📖 Project of this Episode 提及的项目

Mirrorworld mirrorworld.fun

Makers Fund testnets.web3shop.me

Galaxy Interactive www.galaxyinteractive.io

rct.ai rct.ai

Magic Link magic.link

web3auth web3auth.io

Magic Eden magiceden.io

MoonPay www.moonpay.com

Epic Games store.epicgames.com

Saga phone by Solana store.solanamobile.com

Blur blur.io

ChatGPT chat.openai.com

Alchemy www.alchemy.com

Sequence sequence.app

Stardust www.stardust.gg

StepN stepn.com

0xMonaco 0xmonaco.ctf.paradigm.xyz

P12 p12.network

Carv carv.io

token2049 www.token2049.com

DeFi Alliance www.defialliance.org

Alliance DAO alliance.xyz

Encode Club www.encode.club

👾 BGM 背景音乐

《柴 鱼 の c a l l i n g》- 幸子小姐拜托了

🥔 MetaPotatoes.io | 元土豆



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