

44分钟 ·

这一集邀请的朋友是我的(前)室友Sif,同时也是我硕士期间的同班同学。去年毕业从学校里搬出来之后,我们就住在一起,直到今年4月中旬。趁着这次五一小长假,我决定给我们录一集播客, 一起回忆下近一年的合居生活~



  1. 1. How long have you been living together?
  2. 2. Why did you decide to live together in the first place?
  3. 3. How did you depict your living together and did it turn out to be what you expected?
  4. 4. What do you miss about the old apartment?
  5. 5. How was the journey together?
  6. 6. What was your favorite thing to do together?
  7. 7. What was the first thing you guys did after your move out?
  8. 8. If you were to give each other a leaving gift, what would it be? (You don’t have to really do it now!)
  9. 9. What’s the one thing that you wish you guys have done together but you’ve never got the chance to do?
  10. 10. What will you miss the most about each other?
  11. 11. What is the one thing (or two) you guys’ve learned from each other?
  12. 12. What have you incorporated from each other’s lifestyle?
  13. 13. What’s the one thing that the other person did for you and made you happy?
  14. 14. What’s the one thing about the other person that annoyed you the most?
  15. 15. Would you visit each other?
  16. 16. Will you be looking for a new roommate in the future?
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00:01提醒!开头声音有一点大…不好意思我太久没用AU剪辑了哈哈…懒得再修了… :)