Welcome everyone to {PotatoEng} 🥔 Lately, potatoes got interested in the topic of "fully on-chain gaming". We have discussed in our previous podcasts that due to factors such as "not fun enough", "poor user experience", and "attracting speculators rather than players", blockchain games have been constantly criticized. Among them, fully on-chain games, which move all servers to the blockchain, offer even less user-friendly experiences. Hence, we're curious about who is playing and creating these fully on-chain games, and what attracts investors to this field.
We are delighted to have David Amor, CEO of Playmint, one of the earliest projects in fully on-chain gaming, as our guest this time! He will clear up some of our doubts: What exactly is ‘fully on-chain gaming’? Who are the target players and what is the future market? Why does Playmint believe in fully on-chain gaming, and what are the technical implementations behind it?
Additionally, Playmint is hiring Solidity engineers! If you're a suitable candidate, feel free to DM M. or F.!
欢迎大家来到 PotatoEng 🥔 小土豆的英文频道。最近土豆们对全链游戏话题 "fully on-chain gaming" 比较感兴趣,并且我们在之前播客中也讨论过,因为“不够好玩”、“用户体验欠佳”、“吸引来的往往是投机者而不是玩家” 等等因素,导致区块链游戏一直为人诟病。而其中,全链游戏更是因为将服务器也完全移至链上,导致玩家体验更不友好。所以我们也很好奇,到底是什么样的人群在玩、在创造全链游戏,资本看好全链游戏的点又在哪。
这一期很高兴请来了最早一批做全链游戏的项目方 Playmint 的 CEO David Amor 来为豆粉们解惑:全链游戏是什么、目标玩家与未来市场? Playmint 为什么信仰全链游戏,以及背后的技术实现等等。
此外,Playmint 在招 Solidity 工程师!感兴趣的小伙伴欢迎 DM 大M 或 小F 聊聊!
欢迎大家来边听边看本期内容整理的图文版 ~ 喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦 🥔(注: 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes 的立场)Note: All content does not constitute investment advice. Some of the contents are paraphrases and do not represent Meta Potatoes' position
👩🏻🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾
David | CEO, Playmint
CoHost | F. Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra
CoHost | M. Experience designer, Strategist
🥔 Outline 土豆快照
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关于 Playmint 与全链游戏
Q: fully on-chain gaming, how does it differ from traditional gaming? And why did you choose to contribute to on-chain gaming?
🟣 全链游戏的定义:指的是将所有游戏资产、状态和逻辑都放在区块链而不是中心化服务器上
🟠 David 提到单纯将PC游戏、手游等等移植到区块链上这种方式, 并没有创造新的东西,也没有很好地利用区块链技术
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Q: many of current on-chain games are strategy games, puzzle games, or trading card games. Is this a trend limited by the current technology, or a marketing strategy to ensure the survival and evolution of on-chain gaming?
🟣 创造一个去中心化永续自运行的世界:没有人可以停止这个游戏,即使开发团队消失游戏也会一直存在。
“Firstly, the game world we create doesn't live on a server we operate, but on a blockchain. This means that I can't turn the world off even if I want to, and it will live forever in a decentralized way, which is fascinating. Secondly, there's a point about composability”
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Q: With Blockchain tech, is there anything new added to the industry, for example, ownership and token economy design?
“Many games are leaning into the play-to-earn idea, but we're not spending much energy on that. Instead, we're focusing on creating a game world that lives forever and emphasizes digital ownership and composability.”
Q: How would you say about the competitive landscape, or there’s no “competitive landscape”?
“Currently, there are around 30 fully on-chain games among a thousand blockchain games in the world, which amounts to only 3% of Web3 games.”
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怎样做更好玩的链游, 而非以链游为噱头吸引玩家?
Q: how do you think on-chain gaming can compete with current games? Are these types of gamers still the target customers for on-chain games?
🟠 链上游戏领域的开发者们做得不够好的一点是:“向外界传达链游到底好在哪?” 大家并不会因为一个游戏是基于区块链上的而来玩。
Q: Some of the current games, e.g. CS:GO, already have mature secondary markets to trade assets, then for the type of game that has its own trading market, what can blockchain add to it?
🟠 数字形式资产的所有权在游戏行业其实已经存在,但区块链技术让数字所有权真正可延展出更多形态:买卖,租赁,以更安全的形式确认归属和交易等等。
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链游, 全新的游戏类别
“My friend believes it's quite possible that blockchain doesn't add anything to the games we know today, but it enables the creation of new types of games. It’s quite hard to imagine a type of game we haven't seen before.”
🟣 全链游戏可能并不是给现有的游戏产业锦上添花,而是创造了一个全新的游戏类别。我们也从没经历过“permisionless”的游戏开发,这比手游等传统游戏行业更让人感到兴奋,因为它的创新程度和迭代速度都是前所未见的。
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Playmint 的发展与迭代
🟠 全链游戏的引擎还未成熟。客户端可以使用 Unity, Unreal 等传统游戏引擎,而服务器端则需要自建,或使用业内其他引擎,如 Mud.dev 等。
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Q: biggest challenge?
“The size of the market. But linked to that is creating engaging games that appeal to people beyond just on-chain gaming fans.”
Q: What can we expect from Playmint in the next couple of months or next year?
📖 Project of this Episode 提及的项目
Playmint www.playmint.com
Loot www.lootproject.com
The Crypt thecrypt.game
Lattice lattice.xyz
Mud mud.dev
Topology www.topology.gg
StarkNet www.starknet.io
Dark Forest zkga.me
Curio www.curio.gg
Dojo dojoengine.org
Arc jumpcrypto.com
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