Vol.50 魅力非遗,风情歌韵 | 长调Long Melody Folk Song叽里呱啦talking

Vol.50 魅力非遗,风情歌韵 | 长调Long Melody Folk Song

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在悠长而绚丽的历史长河中,蒙古族长调民歌从继承最早期的北方游牧民族草原牧歌开始,历经不同历史时期、不同生产生活方式的改变,逐步发展到今天成为我国宝贵的民族文化遗产,走过了两千多年的悠悠岁月。长调以草原人特有的语言讲述着蒙古民族对历史文化、文学艺术、宗教习俗、世界观、人生观、道德观、哲学和美学的感悟,是蒙古歌唱艺术最高成就的艺术形式被誉为"草原音乐活化石" 。


In the long and splendid history, long melody folk song has been developed into a valuable national cultural heritage in China for more than 2000 years, starting from inheriting the earliest grassland pastoral songs of the northern nomad, through changes in different historical periods and different ways of production and life. Long melody folk song of Mongol nationality has the indomitable vitality of the Mongolians, it tells Mongolians’ feelings about history and culture, literature and fine arts.religious custom, the world outlook, conception of life, morality, philosophy and aesthetics. It is an art form of the highest achievement in Mongol nationality art of singing. It is called " the live fossil of prairies music".

On November 25, 2005, UNESCO announced the third batch of "representative works of human oral and intangible heritage" at its headquarters in Paris, and the "long melody folk song" jointly declared by China and Mongolia were included in the list.

Common themes of long melody folk song:

1. Sing on the grassland - The vast grassland is the cradle of long melody folk song, while long melody folk song are musically oriented grasslands. As a product of Mongolian grassland culture, long melody folk song are deeply imprinted with the grassland in both content and form.

2. Praise the Steed - In the development process of grassland civilization, the steed is a close companion of the Mongols, playing an irreplaceable role in grazing labor, war, and daily life. Since the 13th century, the Mongols have marched onto the stage of history, relying on the four hooves of Mongolian horses to not only rewrite their own national history, but also create remarkable achievements that shook the world on the Eurasian continent. In a sense, a touching Mongolian history is actually created jointly by humans and horses.

3. Gratitude mothers - in a special sense, as a nomad, Mongols have been active in a large space and time from generation to generation, and women bear special responsibilities in maintaining families, nurturing children, and inheriting the achievements of civilization. The long-term wars and social turmoil in Mongolian history have further increased the burden on the mother's shoulders. Therefore, a large number of songs expressing feelings for mothers have emerged in the field of long melody folk song.

4. Celebrate heroes - One of the important contents of Mongolian grassland culture is to uphold bravery and admire heroes. From vast heroic epics to beautiful and melodious long melody folk song, they warmly praise heroic behavior and are full of the spirit of heroism.

5. Sing love - among the traditional folk songs of all ethnic groups, love songs account for the majority in number, and Mongols is no exception. This type of song has a beautiful melody, complete structure, simple and sincere emotions, expressing the Mongolian people's desire for beautiful love, and has high aesthetic and ideological value.

Nevertheless, either traditional unique form or traditional singing form of long melody, they need to make innovation with the time along with the changes of general social environment.Only in this way, long melody -the treasures of art, which was passed on through thousands of years, can't die out. And it can be in step with the pulse of the times. It will re-blossom vivid coloring gloss on the way of national resurgence.

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蒙古族长调民歌所包含的题材与蒙古族社会 生活紧密相联,它是蒙古族全部节日庆典、 婚礼会、亲期相聚、“那达慕”等活动中必唱的 歌曲,全而反映了蒙古族人民的心灵历史和 文化品位。 代表曲目有《走马》、 《小黄 马》、《辽阔的草原》、《辽阔富饶的阿拉 善》等等,感兴趣的宝可以了解一下~