Changing flight dates 改签航班Kelly的英文脱口秀

Changing flight dates 改签航班

7分钟 ·

Hello, I booked a flight to Paris and I need to reschedule my flight. My references number is ZYX324.


Not a problem, ma'am, which day would you like to reschedule your flight to?


Do you have any flights available for the 18th of May?


I'm sorry ma'am, it looks like we have no available flights that day except for one red-eye flight.


Okay, I guess I don't have a choice then. Will there be any extra charges?


Yes, ma'am, you will need to pay a rescheduling fee of $45 dollars and the red-eye flight has an additional charge of $85 dollars.


Ok. I accept the charge. Please go ahead and book the flight.


Ok, you are all set. I have booked your flight and I have sent an email with your confirmation number to your email address. Can I help you with anything else?


No, that should be all. Thank you.




"Except" is a word that we use to show that something is not included in a list or a group. It is often used to indicate that one thing is different from or does not follow a pattern of others.


For example, imagine that you are making a list of fruits that you like: apples, bananas, and oranges. If someone asks you, "Do you like all fruits?" you could answer, "I like most fruits, except for durian."


In today's program you probably noticed that we used "except for". When used to exclude something or someone from a group, "except" and "except for" are both fine.

在今天的节目中,你可能注意到我用了"except for"。当用来把某物或某人从一组中排除出去时,"except"和"except for"都可以。

However, when except is used as a conjunction, as in the phrase "The two brothers are a lot alike, except that Bob is much taller", "except for" should not be used.

然而,当except用作连词时,例如在短语“The two brothers are a lot alike, except that Bob is much taller”中,就不应该用except for。