

80分钟 ·

take your time 不急慢慢来

Where were we 刚才我们说到哪里了

Up to you 随便你

knock it off 别再讲了

It’s my turn 轮到我了

Don’t make fun of me

Keep the change

Let’s get take out 我们叫外卖吧

In a nutshell 简单来说

Let’s get this straight

It’s your call由你决定

Leave me alone

I do’t think so

Just in case 以防万一

one more thing

It’s a deal

It’s on me

I am all ears我洗耳恭听

I'll be right back

Sure thing当然

Save it 省省吧

Watch out 小心

Hold still 别乱动

Get away from me

I can’t take it anymore

Stop following me

Your phone is ringing

You ‘re wasting your time

Take a close look

Who knows

Are you serious

Will you cut it out你别胡闹了

I gotta see

I’m so full

Get everyone ready

It’s none of my business

You ‘re man of honor你是个正人君子

See you later

Got you

I’ll do it

Is that so

Take your pick

Let’s make a wish

Who cares

My apology

Take  care of yourself

Lead the way

God works

Farir enough好吧

Give me a break

You are killing me

Do’t take me wrong

Will you stop it

Thanks for the advice

Do that again

I’m so touched

Shut up

I’m starving

Be quiet

Save your energy

You’re scaring me

What a fool

Come on move faster

Do’nt go down easy

What’s your problem

Write it down

You’re kidding me

I do’t believe it

This way

Would you look at that

Good job keep practicing

I can make it

What do you think

Stop daydreaming

Will you marry me

Don’t try to fool me

What’s going on

You set me up你陷害我

Don’t worry

Forget it

I think as you do

It was like a dream come true

Give me a chance

What are you doing

Keep eye on him

How dare you

Shat do you say

Don’t bother me

It’s not your business

No way

I owe you once

Hands off

Put your hands up

Don’t listen to him

This doesn’t sound like you

Stop flirting with me 别跟我调情

I’m begging you

I watch my money

Easy now easy does it

You bet当然

I am on my way

I can’t believe it

I can’t wait

I don’t think so

I feel much better

I hope so

I noticed that

The triumphant return 凯旋归来了

I want to speak with him

I won

I’ll miss you

I’ll try

I’m bored

I’m having fun

I’m used to it

I ‘ve had it我受够了

I’m busy

Is it far

It doesn’t matter

It smells good

it’s about time

It’s all right

It’s incredible

It’s nothing

It’s near here

It’s time to go

I’ve got it

Call me tomorrow

Can you speak slowly

Come with me


Do it right

Do you mean it你是当真的吗

Do you want it

Don’t do it

Please don’t exaggerate


Give me a hand

Go ahead

Go right ahead

Have a good trip

Have a nice day

Have you finished

He doesn’t;t have time

How long are you staying

I am crazy about her

I can make it

I don’t have time

I’m in a hurry

I knew it

I found it

I ‘m ready

I am dead tired

I’ll get you

It’s different

It’s funny

It’s impossible

It’s not bad

It’s not difficult

It’s not worth it

It’s obvious

It’s your turn

Let me know

Let me think about it

Me too

Not ye

See you tomorrow

Show me

Tell me

That happens

That’s enough

That’s interesting

That’s right

That’s true

Wait for me

We have a problem

What did you say

What do you think

What are you talking about

What’s wrong with you

Where are you going

Where is he

You surprise me

You scaring me

You look tired

You’re always right

You’re lying

You’re welcome

My pleasure

Don’t mention it 别客气

I am proud of you

Have fun

It doesn’t make sense to me 我无法理解

You are wasting my time

I’m going to go

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Don t 那里的撇号用错了哦