A deadline reminder 最后期限提醒Kelly的英文脱口秀

A deadline reminder 最后期限提醒

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Hey Fred, I just wanted to make sure you remember that the deadline for our project is this Friday.

嘿Fred, 我只是想确认你记得我们项目的截止日期是这个星期五。

This Friday?! Thanks for reminding me! I thought it was next Friday.


Oh no! Are you going to be able to make the deadline?


Yes,  I should be able to. There have been so many projects and deadlines I’m having a little trouble keeping track of them all.


I understand! Nonetheless keep focused and on top of things. We don’t want any projects slipping through the cracks.


You’ve got it boss! I will start working on the final draft today。You have nothing to worry about!


Excellent, I know you are not one to leave things till the last minute. I know you always start working on things well in advance.


Absolutely! Thanks for the vote of confidence!


It sounds like you have everything under control, Fred. If you have any further questions about the project or tasks you know where to find me!


Grammar point 语法

Going to be able to

"Going to + verb" is a very useful grammar pattern that is often used to express predictions about the future. For instance, A: "Do you think it's going to rain today?" B: "Yes! I definitely think it's going to rain."

“Going to +动词”是一个非常有用的语法结构,通常用于表达对未来的预测。例如,A:“你觉得今天会下雨吗?”B:“是的!我觉得肯定会下雨。”

However, in today's dialogue, I combined this pattern with the set phrase "be able to": "Are you going to be able to make the deadline?" This pattern is softer and more indirect than asking "can you + do something?" It's also more friendly and less formal than saying "will you be able to + do something?" As a result, it's often used with friends or when asking questions at work. For instance, "Are you going to be able to write the report and make the presentation by Wednesday? If not, please let me know!"

然而,在今天的对话中,我把这个结构和固定短语“be able to”结合了起来:“Are you going be able to make the deadline?”这个句型比问“can you + do something?”更委婉、不会显得那么直接。它也比说“will you be able to + do something?”更友好、更随和一些。因此,这个表达经常用于与朋友交谈或在工作中问问题。例如,“你能在周三之前写好报告并做一下宣讲吗?如果来不及,请告诉我!”

For examples:

1. Are they going to be able to make it to the meeting?


2. Is she going to be able to pass the exam without studying?
