Retirement plans 退休计划Kelly的英文脱口秀

Retirement plans 退休计划

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Hi, Sally, is retirement treating you well?


Oh yes, I have been loving retired life. I picked up some new hobbies. I've been learning how to sew and play the piano.


That's so nice that you are finally pursuing your interest and living your dreams! I am considering the idea of hanging up my boots pretty soon too.


Really, Janice? You? You've always been such a workaholic!

真的吗,Janice?你? 你可一直都是个工作狂呀!

I know I've been a workhorse my whole life but I'm no spring chicken anymore, and my husband isn't getting any younger. We would love to take advantage of our good health while we still can, start traveling and spend some time playing golf.


Well if you do decide to retire you should be aware of the adjustment period. It will take some time to settle down. You may feel a little antsy at first and not know what to do with yourself. 


That makes sense. My job has  made up such a big part of my life and identity so I know it will be a transition for me. As you said I am a workaholic and old habits die hard. I know it will take me time to settle down. 


Well I’m proud of you for finally deciding to take the leap. You deserve the chance to enjoy the fruits of your labor after all these years! 


Grammar point: 

No [noun] construction

In our dialogue today we see the phrase "I'm no spring chicken anymore." Often when an English student encounters a phrase like this, they wonder what the difference is between saying "I'm no [noun]" and "I'm not a [noun]."

在今天的对话中,我们看到“I'm no spring chicken anymore”这个短语。通常当英语学生遇到这样的短语时,会想知道“I'm no[名词]”和“I'm not a[名词]”有什么区别。

The standard construction "I'm not a [noun]" is typically used for straightforward statements of fact. By saying "I'm not a spring chicken", the speaker is stating that they are literally not a chicken. Similarly, if you say "I'm not a doctor", you are simply saying that you are literally not a doctor. 

标准句式“I’m not a[名词]”通常用于直接陈述事实。通过说“I'm not a spring chicken”,说话人是在说他们真的不是年轻人。同样,如果你说“I'm not a doctor”,你只是在说你真的不是一个医生。

The alternate construction "I'm no + noun" is often employed for emphasis, humor, or to convey a stronger negation. Often a phrase like this will be followed by a "but".

另一结构“I'm no +名词”通常用于强调、幽默或表达更强烈的否定。通常这样的短语后面会有一个“但是”。

For examples:

I'm no chef, but I can definitely whip up a mean bowl of cereal.


I'm no magician, but I can make a full bag of chips disappear.


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