Mosquitoes really bite! 讨厌的蚊子Kelly的英文脱口秀

Mosquitoes really bite! 讨厌的蚊子

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He Jackie, is it just me or do the mosquitoes seem to be worse this autumn?


It’s not in your head. They are way worse this autumn, so much so that I can’t enjoy my autumn walks like I did last year. They are ruining my evenings.


I feel the same way. Isn’t it the worst when you get one trapped in your room and it buzzes around your head all night long? It is so annoying!


And their bites! They itch like crazy and I can't stop scratching!


I can relate. I’ve tried everything to ward off mosquitoes, repellent patches, bug spray and candles but none of them seem to be a hundred percent effective. In the end I always end up with a bug bite.


Well that bites! Why can’t we just wipe mosquitoes out of existence? Are they really that necessary?


I guess we will have to find other ways to avoid them and stay indoors this fall.


I guess you are right . Oh no! Do you hear that? One got in side the house! Buzz off you blood hungry pest!



Verb + like crazy

In today's dialogue, Jackie said that his mosquito bites "itch like crazy". This is a very common expression people use in the summer, but what does "like crazy" mean here?

在今天的对话中,Jackie说他被蚊子叮得“痒得要命”,这是人们在夏天非常常用的表达,但是“like crazy”在这里是什么意思呢?

Basically, to "itch like crazy" means to itch intensely or excessively. It is used to emphasize the severity or intensity of the itching sensation. Essentially, it conveys the idea that the itching is very strong or extreme. But we are not limited to itching here. We can use this pattern with so many different verbs. For example, "laugh like crazy", "run like crazy", "spend like crazy", etc.

基本上,“itch like crazy”是指强烈或过度地痒,用来强调痒感的严重性或强度。从本质上讲,这个表达传达了痒非常强烈或极端的概念,但我们并不局限于“痒”,我们可以用这个句型搭配很多不同的动词,例如“笑疯了”、“疯狂地跑”、“疯狂地花钱”等等。

For examples:

She needs to work like crazy to finish all of her projects on time.


My shoulder has been hurting like crazy for days.
