Changing your English name 换一个新英文名吧Kelly的英文脱口秀

Changing your English name 换一个新英文名吧

9分钟 ·

Jackie, I've decided I want to change my English name.


Why? I thought you picked the name Earl for a reason.


I thought Earl was original and unique but more than one person has told me that my English name sounds dated or it makes me sound like a stuffy old butler.


Well it does a little, but if you like that name who cares what others think.


I care! I want a young hip name. Maybe something like Jake?


Jake is great but it’s a very common name. For example I can think of 7 guys I know named Jake right now. 4 of them work at my office and everyone always mixes them up.


Hmm, maybe I should go with something more symbolic and original. One of the characters in my name means Wise. Maybe I could be called Wise?


Mm…that doesn’t translate well into English. What about a name that works for either gender. Jesse and Jody are  some great unisex name options.


Those are nice but I don’t feel like a Jesse or a Jody . I don’t think that kind of name suits me. Who knew picking a name would be so hard.


I’ve got it! What about the name Zeak? It’s cool and hip and it means clever-minded which is close to what your name means in Chinese!


Aw. That's it. Thanks, Jackie.



Like/hate being called

Today's grammar point is about expressing your feelings about your name or nickname. For example, a person could say, "I like being called Mark." Or "I hate being called Mr. Roberts. It makes me feel old!" But why are we using "being" here? Well, let's take a look at the grammar. There are a few different things happening here.


1. I like/hate + doing something. 我喜欢/讨厌做某事。

Words like "hate" and "like" are often followed by "verb-ing". "I like calling my cat my little fur baby!" Can we say, "I like to call my cat my little fur baby"? Yes. What about "I hate to call my cat my little fur baby"? This is a little more awkward. "Hate" is more often followed by a verb-ing.

像“hate”和“like”这样的词通常后面跟动词ing形式。“I like calling my cat my little fur baby 我喜欢叫我的猫毛绒宝贝”那我们可以说“I like to call my cat my little fur baby 我喜欢叫我的猫毛绒宝贝”吗?是的。那“I hate to call my cat my little fur baby 我讨厌叫我的猫毛绒宝贝”呢?这不太行,因为“Hate”后面经常跟一个动词ing形式。

2. We are using the passive voice: be called + name (+ by someone) 我们用被动语态:被叫 + 名字(被某人叫)

Active sentence: She hates calling me Mr. Roberts. She always calls me Mark.


Passive sentence: I hate being called Mr. Roberts (by my coworkers). I like being called Mike.


After "hate", the pattern "be called" changes to "being called".

在“hate”之后,“be called”句型变成“being called”句型。