「AFLCafé | AFL 咖啡」是「AI 未来实验室 | futureslab.ai」的社区频道。我们不定期举办 AI 开发者直播和访谈,并把这些沟通以播客形式发布。当前,我们通过 OffChain AI 社区开展 AI 开发者聚会。
AFLCafé is the community channel of AI Futures Lab, futureslab.ai. We host live-streaming, meetups and share our conversations with AI builders as podcasts. We're currently hosting in-person meetup in partnership with OffChain AI communities.
Who & When
Host: Chance Jiang, Director, AI Futures Lab
Guests: Artem, Ron Ding, researchers / developers behind AFL's 1st cast study「AI 对战街霸 II:GPT-3.5 真的比 GPT-4.0 更强大吗?」(AI vs. Street Fighter II, Is GPT 3.5 Really Better Than 4.0?)