When are you free?你什么时候有空?Kelly的英文脱口秀

When are you free?你什么时候有空?

7分钟 ·

Hey Keith, are we still on for Friday?


Oh, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Unfortunately, I double booked myself on Friday, so I'm not going to be able to meet you like we planned, sorry.


Don't sweat it! When are you available next?


My schedule is booked all next week. Would the following Friday work for you?


Oh, the following Friday I have some things to attend to but I might be able to reschedule them.


Oh, I don't want to cause you any inconveniences. What about Wednesday? Could you fit us in sometime in the afternoon?


Yes, Wednesday afternoon is perfect! Let me pencil you in!


Thanks again and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. I will make a note in my calendar too and I will keep you posted if anything changes.


Fantastic! Until Wednesday!



"Next" as an adverb

We all know that "next" can be an adjective. For example, "next week", "next month", "next year", and "next time" are all very common collocations. in today's talkshow, however, "next" is an adverb. We can see this in the line "when are you available next?" This can be used in declarative sentences, like "I'm not sure what I should do next". But, often we will see this pattern in questions. For example, "What should I do next?"

我们都知道“next”可以是形容词,例如,“next week”、“next month”、“next year”和“next time”都是非常常见的搭配。然而,在我们今天的节目中,“next”是一个副词,我们可以在“你什么时候有空?”这句话中看到这一点。这可以用在陈述句中,比如“我不确定下一步该做什么”,但是,我们经常会在问句中看到这种表达,例如,“接下来我该做什么?”

Now, some of you might be wondering: can we use "next" as an adverb before the adjective "next"? Like "next next week"? This is not proper English, and it's not common either, so it's best to avoid it and say, "the week after next week" or "in two weeks".

现在有些人可能会想:我们能把副词的“next”用在形容词的“next”之前吗?比如中文里的下下周是“next next week”吗?这不是正统的英语,也不常见,所以最好避免,“下下周”你可以说“the week after next week”或“in two weeks”。

Here are some more examples of how you can use "next" as an adverb.


I'm so happy we came to Paris. Where should we go next?


He has been asking everyone for money. He will probably ask you next!
