Someone took my delivery 有人拿走了我的外卖Kelly的英文脱口秀

Someone took my delivery 有人拿走了我的外卖

8分钟 ·

You are never going to believe this! Someone took my lunch delivery!


How could that happen? Usually the delivery person calls you when they arrive.


The delivery person rang my phone but I didn't notice because I was in a meeting. When I called the restaurant they sent me a picture of where my order was left down stairs. I ran down to get it but it wasn't there.


Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. This is why I don't select the contactless delivery option when I order take out. I prefer the delivery person to hand my order to me directly that way there are no mishaps.


I can't believe the lack of integrity people have these days. Why couldn't you pay a measly $10 for your own lunch you good for nothing thief!?


Well, maybe it was a mistake. Did you ever think that someone in the building grabbed your lunch by accident confusing it with their own order? As you know most people in the office order delivery at lunch time.


I don't think about that. That makes me feel a little better but I still wish we had a receptionist down stairs or our own delivery lockers, so this kind of thing wouldn't happen.


Yeah, wouldn't that be great!



The suffix "-less"

In today's dialogue, we learn that Mina never chooses "contactless delivery". In other words, she wants the delivery person to hand the food directly to her. The suffix "-less" means "without" and it can be placed at the end of nouns to make adjectives.


As you can see, it's a pretty easy-to-use grammar point and a great way to make your language a little more varied and complex. Here are some more examples of adjectives that you can make with this suffix.


Useless: 无用的

Thoughtless: 欠考虑的

Wireless: 无线的

His thoughtless actions hurt her.


I want to buy some wireless headphones for when I work out at the gym.


My parents think that studying history is useless. They want me to be a doctor.
