第一集: 纽约大学戏剧治疗专业就读体验

第一集: 纽约大学戏剧治疗专业就读体验

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如果您也是帮助专业人士,包括但不限于创意艺术治疗师、心理健康咨询师、社会工作者、护士等,我们非常愿意听到关于您的职业生涯的更多故事。请通过 ⁠⁠chulu3210@gmail.com⁠⁠ 与我们联系。中英文不限

Hello! Welcome to the first episode of How We Begin: The Story of helping professionals! 中文名:初路 Hosted by two drama therapists. When we heard about helping professionals, they often are giving professional advice and helping other people. That's why we wanted to start this podcast focusing on their journey to become who they are today.

The first episode I want to dedicate to my own profession of drama therapy. I invited two students currently studying drama therapy at New York University to share their present experiences from choosing the profession to actually doing drama therapy in the community. I hope you enjoy it!

Please like and comment to let us know if there are any other topics you want us to cover.

If you are also a helping professional, including but not limited to Creative Arts Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, etc., we would love to hear more stories about how you begin your career. Feel free to contact us via chulu3210@gmail.com. Language: English, Chinese

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