第二集: 纽约大学&康考迪亚大学戏剧治疗专业

第二集: 纽约大学&康考迪亚大学戏剧治疗专业

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你好, 欢迎再次光临《初路》!本节目由两位戏剧治疗师发起,我们想通过在这里的谈话,了解专业人士为何走上“助人者”这条道路——当我们回到最初的起点,是什么推动我们选择了前路的方向……

节目的第二集,我邀请到了加拿大Concordia University的戏剧治疗应届生Ming。站在“就业路口”的她和站在“实习路口”的我,将展开一场跨国度、跨学校、跨治疗体系的对话。


主持人:克拉拉(NYU Drama Therapy 2nd year)纽约大学受训戏剧治疗师、NADTA(北美戏剧治疗协会) 学生代表、纽约大学MOU 剧社创始人兼主席、加州大学洛杉矶分校 CFan 华语戏剧社前副主席。 她于 2020 年从加州大学洛杉矶分校毕业,获得心理学硕士学位,辅修统计学。 Clara同时也是一位“准”艺术家、演员、健身教练。

嘉宾:Ming (Concordia University Drama Therapy Alumni)北美戏剧治疗师,成瘾咨询师,加拿大康考迪亚大学Creative Arts Therapies毕业。团体带领时长180+,个案一对一时长110+。擅长议题:成瘾,创伤,焦虑,自我关怀阻碍,海外女性身份认同。民族舞者、中华田园犬拥有者🐕 【公众号:即刻登场】


- Inpatient Care 住院治疗

- Outpatient Care 门诊治疗

- Private Practice 私人心理咨询机构

- Eating Disorder 进食障碍

- Level of Care 需要照料的程度

Hello and welcome back How We Begin: The Story of Helping Professionals. 中文名:初路 Hosted by two drama therapists - Jun & Clara. When we hear about care-providing professionals, we often think about their efforts in helping others navigate their roads. That made the two of us wonder -- what took us on this journey in the beginning? When we look back at the starting point, what was it that made us decide to take the route towards this profession?

In this second episode, I (Clara) invited Ming, a recent alumni from the Creative Arts Therapies program at Concordia University. With her being at the crossing for employment and me being at the crossing for internship, we began a deep and fruitful conversation across countries, across programs, and across clinical settings.

If you are also in the care-taking professions, including but not limited to Creative Arts Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, etc., we would love to hear more stories about how you began your career. Feel free to contact us via ⁠⁠chulu2310@gmail.com⁠ ⁠⁠Language: English, Chinese.

Host: Clara, drama therapist in training at NYU, student representative at NADTA, founder and president of MOU Theatre at NYU, former vice president of CFan Chinese Theatre Club at UCLA. She graduated from UCLA in 2020 with a MA in Psychology and a minor in Statistics. Clara is a quasi-artist, an actress, a fitness trainer, and as an international student, she speaks Mandarin and English.

Guest: Ming, Registered North American Drama Therapist, addiction counselor, graduated from Creative Arts Therapies of Concordia University, Canada. Has 180+ group contact hours and 110+ individual contact hours. Focuses on addiction, trauma, anxiety, barriers to self-care, female immigrant identities. Ming is also a folk dancer, and owns a Chinese Pastoral Dog🐕.