#134. The Cool Kids

#134. The Cool Kids

89分钟 ·

Today we talk about Baby Metal, a popular Japanese Kawaii-Metal band.  We talk about Asian countries re-appropriating Western culture such as Heavy Metal music and why its controversial to some.  We talk about the concept of "being cool" and the need to fit into a tribe during our youth.  We share our opinions on what "cool" actually means and talk about "artsy fartsy" people versus those truly rebelling against the status quo.  We also compare American players to European players in the NBA.  We speculate on the cultural differences that might account for the perceived difference in problematic behaviors on and off the court.  We get into the idea of American exceptionalism and question if that sort of attitude is really only unique to Americans.  We ask if Americans are less humble today than they were in the past and how a rich economy attracts better talent.  We talk about the immigrant work mentality and if foreigners have an advantage over the local residents of a country like the US when it comes to chasing the American dream.   We also talk about growing up rich vs growing up poor and what we would change about the way we were raised.


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展开Show Notes
No XG are Japanese. They are just doing K-pop but they are Japanese :)
Will u talk about Matthew Perry one day?
It has so much fun and relatable to listen you guys talking about parenting.
白猫本人:listen and listen🤣