

4分钟 ·





On a roof in the Old City

Laundry hanging in the late afternoon sunlight:

The white sheet of a woman who is my enemy,

The towel of a man who is my enemy,

To wipe off the sweat of his brow.

In the sky of the Old City

A kite.

At the other end of the string,

A child

I can't see

Because of the wall.

We have put up many flags,

They have put up many flags.

To make us think that they're happy.

To make them think that we're happy.

I Don't Know If History Repeats Itself

I don't Know if history repeats itself

But I do know that you don't.

I remember that city was didvided

Not only between Jews and Arabs,

But Between me and you,

When we were there together.

We made ourselves a womb of dangers

We built ourselves a house of deadening wars

Like men of far north

Who build themselves a safe warm house of deadening ice.

The city has been reunited

But we haven't been there together.

By now I know

That History doesn't repeat itself,

As I always knew that you wouldn't.

Half The People In The World

Half the people in the world love the other half,

half the people hate the other half.

Must I because of this half and that half go wandering

and changing ceaselessly like rain in its cycle,

must I sleep among rocks, and grow rugged like

the trunks of olive trees,

and hear the moon barking at me,

and camouflage my love with worries,

and sprout like frightened grass between the railroadtracks,

and live underground like a mole,

and remain with roots and not with branches, and not

feel my cheek against the cheek of angels, and

love in the first cave, and marry my wife

beneath a canopy of beams that support the earth,

and act out my death, always till the last breath and

the last words and without ever understanding,

and put flagpoles on top of my house and a bob shelter

underneath. And go out on rads made only for

returning and go through all the appalling


between the kid and the angel of death?

Half the people love,

half the people hate.

And where is my place between such well-matched halves,

and through what crack will I see the white housing

projects of my dreams and the bare foot runners

on the sands or, at least, the waving of a girl's

kerchief, beside the mound?

耶胡达·阿米亥(Yehuda Amichai,1924-2000)是以色列当代最伟大的诗人,也是二十世纪最重要的国际诗人之一。生于德国的乌尔兹堡,十二岁时随家迁居以色列,二战期间他在盟军犹太军队中服役,目击了以色列独立战争和西奈战役,战后他当过多年的中学教师,先后出版了诗集《诗:1948-1962》《现在风暴之中,诗:1963-1968》《时间》等十余部,2000年逝世。阿米亥的诗透明而睿智,善于使用圣经和犹太历史作为诗歌意象,把日常与神圣、爱情与战争、个人与民族等因素糅合起来,因此他的诗多涉人类的生存环境和普遍命运,其想象力丰富得惊人,具有深远的哲学意味和语言渗透力。





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