At the pharmacy 去药店买药Kelly的英文脱口秀

At the pharmacy 去药店买药

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Wow! That sneeze was a doozy! It sounds like you’re not feeling too well. Can I help you find anything today?


Yes please. My allergies have been acting up again and I might even be coming down with a little cold. Could you point me in the direction the cold and allergy medication?


Absolutely, here are a few over the counter allergy medications right here. What strength are you looking for?


I feel like I’m dying. Give me the extra strength stuff please. I feel miserable.


Here you are. You mentioned you have some head cold symptoms as well? Are you looking for some pills to take or are you looking for an over the counter cough syrup?


Oh actually, the cough syrup is for my son. He is fighting a head cold at the moment . Does this syrup help fight headaches too?


It should, so he won't need to take any painkillers. Will that be all?


Great! Thank you. Achoo! Oh bother. One more question … could you point me in the direction of the tissue boxes?



"Should" to express that something is likely.

I get lots of questions about "should" because it has so many different meanings. For example, it can be used to express a suggestion, like "You should go home and rest" or "maybe you should go to the doctor". But, it can also be used to express that something is likely. And that's how it's used in today's dialogue. When the customer asks the employee if the cough syrup will work for his son's headaches, the employee says, "it should". In other words, she thinks that it will likely work, but she's totally sure.


As a result, you'll often hear "should" when people are making a guess or expressing an expectation. For example, your doctor might say, "If you take this medicine, you should feel better in a few days." Or, "Use this ice pack. It should help with the pain."
