Traveling with gifts 记得带礼物回来哦Kelly的英文脱口秀

Traveling with gifts 记得带礼物回来哦

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Hey honey, I’m arriving in less than three weeks.


I know, I’ve been counting the days. Could I ask a favor from you? Would you be able to pick up some gifts and souvenirs for some of my family and friends? I know they would love to receive a gift from your home country!


Oh, honey, we have already gone over this, I can’t lug a bunch of useless trinkets in my luggage. I just don’t have the space nor the arm strength.


Oh, please,  could you bring back just a little something. It’s not so much about the items, it’s the thoughtful gesture that will make an impression.


The souvenirs will put my bags overweight. Then I will not only have to pay overweight fees but I will get held up in customs.


I’m sorry I keep insisting it’s just that there have been some comments about you being a penny pincher. I know you are not a stingy person, I want them to see that too.


What?! They think I’m stingy and close-fisted ?!


They will not think that if you bring back some souvenirs!



Using present tenses to refer to future plans

At the beginning of our dialogue, an excited Jake tells Coco: "I'm arriving in less than three weeks!". Expressions like this sometimes confuse English students, because they don't know that we can use the present tense to refer to something that will happen in the future.


Like Jake, we often use the present continuous to express the future. But we can also use the present simple. He could also have said "I arrive in less than three weeks".


For examples:

1: We're flying back next Firday.


2: Are you seeing your brother while you're at home?
