Restarting work after having a baby重返职场的妈妈们Kelly的英文脱口秀

Restarting work after having a baby重返职场的妈妈们

8分钟 ·

Sam, what do you think about me going back to the grind? I’m not sure if I want to go back to my same line of work. I’m thinking about exploring other career opportunities now since our son has grown.


You know I will always support you no matter what you choose to do.


Thank you honey. I don’t regret taking some time off after our son was born but I think I’m ready to take the next step in my professional career now.


I love that you are a go-getter.  What kind of job are you thinking about pursuing? Are  you thinking about going back to your previous job or do you want to try something entirely different?


As much as I loved working there, I don't think I can take the intensity anymore. I think I want to look for a part-time job that is not too far from him.


Do you think there are part time job opportunities available in your line of work?


I’m not really sure what’s out there at the moment. Well it’s been years since I’ve been part of the workforce. I will need to update my resume and brush up on my skills a bit.


Well I think that plan sounds ideal. You are an incredible woman and I know you will be an amazing working mother!



"As much as"

In today's dialogue, Kelly said, "As much as I loved working [at my previous company], I don't think I can take the intensity anymore. In this pattern: "as much as" means "even though" and it can be used to introduce a contrasting statement. For example, "As much as I loved living in New York, it was really expensive!"

在今天的对话中,Kelly说:“尽管我很喜欢(在以前的公司)工作,但我觉得我再也承受不了这种强度了。在这个句型中:“as much as”的意思是“尽管”,它可以用来引入对比句。例如,“尽管我很喜欢住在纽约,但那里真的很贵!”

Of course, we could have also said "even though" here as well, but "as much as" is more emphatic, emphasizes emotions more, and tends to be more positive sounding.

当然,我们也可以在这里用“even though”,但是“as much as”更强调语气,更强调情绪,听起来也更积极。

Here are some more examples of how you can use this phrase:


1. As much as I enjoyed the movie, I did feel like it was a bit too long.


2. As much as I'd love to stay longer, I have to leave early to catch my flight.


BackGround Music:Relaxing light



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