The art of forgiving 宽恕的艺术Kelly的英文脱口秀

The art of forgiving 宽恕的艺术

9分钟 ·

Sally, you are never going to believe this. Karen got in touch with me the other day and said she wanted to apologize for what happened between us a few years ago.

Sally, 你绝对不会相信。Karen前几天跟我联系,说她想为了几年前我们之间发生过的事向我道歉。

Really? How did you respond when that happened?


I asked if we could meet for coffee and see if there is a way we can make amends.


Wow, you are a much bigger person than I am. I would have a hard time not holding a grudge after the way she treated you, when you had that falling out.


It was very hard for me but I can’t place the blame entirely on her. Both of us said things we regret. We both were under tremendous stress; I had just gotten laid off from work and she was going through a messy break up at the time.


I didn’t consider those factors before. I guess in hindsight sight, you both could have handled things better than you did.


Exactly. I wish I could go back in time and take back all my unkind words that I said to her too.


So are you ready to move forward, start the healing process and finally make amends?


Yes, I think we are both ready to let go of our resentment, let bygones be bygones. We have matured a lot since that time and it’s time let things go and to leave the past in the past.



Wish vs Hope

In today's talkshow let's learn about the difference between “wish” and “hope”.


1. I + wish + person (人) + noun (名词).

This pattern is often used in cards to express a wish. For example, “I wish you a merry Christmas!” In this case, we cannot say, “I hope you a merry Christmas”. We should follow “hope” with a subject and verb, e.g., “I hope you have a merry Christmas”.

这种表达经常被出现在祝福的卡片中, 用来表达愿望。例如,“祝愿你有一个快乐的圣诞节”!在这种情况下,我们不能说:“I hope you a merry Christmas”。“希望”后面要加上主语和动词,例如,“I hope you have a merry Christmas”。

2. Hope is for possible situations.

Hope 是针对可能发生的情况。

When something is possible, we use “hope”. For example, if your friend is sick, you could say, “I hope you get well soon”. Or, if your friend is going to an interview, you could say, “I hope you get the job.”


3. Wish is for impossible or unlikely situations.

Wish 则用于不可能或者可能性极小的事。

We use “wish” to express desires that we think or know will not come true.


Here are some more examples of how to use “wish” and “hope”.

这里还有一些关于如何使用 wish 和 hope 的例子。

1. I hope you come to the party. Everyone will be there!


2. I wish I could go to the movie with you guys, but I have to work!
