S503五分钟英语- Supercommuter 01/17五分钟英语ByEconFinDaily

S503五分钟英语- Supercommuter 01/17

14分钟 ·

#英语 #英语学习 #学英语 #Travel


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Good morning friends, today is Wednesday January 17th. Welcome back to the program.

I can’t believe that the first month of 2024 has already been half way through. Hope you all had a good fresh start.

In today’s episode, I am introducing an interesting piece of a supercommuter. He moved away from the big city, New Yeark, back to his roots i the Midwest, Columbus Ohio. And decided to stay at home while trying to stay at his NY office three days a week. So how did he do it?

I know a lot of people, young folks in particular, spend a lot of time on daily commute. In Shanghai, many have to live in the outskirt of the city while work in the city center. So how do you do you commute? If you are given the opportunity, would you stay near your family but become a supercommuter?

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I’m a Supercommuter. Here’s What It’s Really Like.

The reason for this madness: My job is in New York, but my apartment is in Columbus, Ohio. 

Bafflemen: a state of being utterly confused or bewildered. 
Underwhelm: fail to impress or make a positive impact on (someone); disappoint.
Crumbling: breaking or falling apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.

Using back-of-the-envelope math, I thought I could keep my expenses—rent in Ohio, plus travel costs—at or below the price of a nice New York studio, or roughly $3,200 a month.

Back-of-the-envelope: done quickly to provide a rough estimate

Luxury suites and room service

Subvert: undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
Nerd out: 像书呆子一样地仔细研究

Flight delays and blown budgets

Dwindling: gradually diminishing in size, amount, or strength.
Demeanor: outward behavior or bearing.