本期节目我们邀请到了老朋友Jan Smejkal - 深圳最hustle的老外。如今Jan在比特币钱包公司Xverse担任首席战略官,在web3.0的世界里如鱼得水,hustle的地方从深圳变成了全世界。本期节目就让Jan讲讲他的hustle故事,以及最重要的 - 让他给我们普及一下web3.0。
1:20 Jan的前半生 - 为什么来中国,来了之后在干些什么
2:34 在捷克卖小米手机,一个月赚4万美金
8:48 原来Jan是睿晟咨询的co-founder!
11:05 从这里开始内容为英文
13:29 the 2 parties in blockchain - miners & the ones who store the copy of the blockchain
20:18 what is Non-Fungible-Token(NFT) and why super expensive NFTs exists
28:25 DAPPS - decentralized applications
31:12 About wallet, and the best practice of keeping your private key
38:11 Not necessarily to build DAPP in every aspect of business, sometimes centralization is necessary
50:34 what is gas fee
55:20 the tech part of Web3.0 - pretty same with Web2.0 development?
1:03:55 what is Elon Musk's attitude to Web3.0?
Jan同样是全球知名Bitcoin podcast - TheOrdinalShow的host,对bitcoin/web3有兴趣的朋友可以关注他的频道!