#40 活着的证明:数学学习路途中的一些小故事

#40 活着的证明:数学学习路途中的一些小故事

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这次闲聊的是一本轻松励志的书Living Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey ,是由美国数学会(American Mathematical Society)和美国数学协会(Mathematical Association of America)联合出版,曾获得2022年的欧拉图书奖。一开始我们也聊了斯图加特最近的大邮轮之旅。


12:16 正片开始
17:55 第一部分:数学突然变得难了
29:00 第二部分:偏见和歧视
43:17 第三部分:考砸了也挺好
53:01 第四部分:每天最多学习10小时
58:54 看这本书主要的收获是什么?

01:50 Harmony of the Seas, 第四大的邮轮
15:20 Love and Math
27:15 Putnam Mathematical Competition
30:30 Maryam Mirzakhani,第一位获得菲尔兹奖的女性
38:40 Discovering the Art of Mathematics
40:18 The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein
58:14 Psych


展开Show Notes
很有意思的一本书,在ams 官网上找到了免费电子版的链接,给所有喜欢数学的人。 https://www.ams.org/about-us/LivingProof.pdf?_gl=1*qnjc0i*_ga*MTk4MDg5MzM5MS4xNzIzNzcyMzIz*_ga_26G4XFTR63*MTcyMzc3MjMyMy4xLjEuMTcyMzc3MjM1My4wLjAuMA..
gpt 解释coding与 programming的区别 The terms "coding" and "programming" are often used interchangeably, but they have subtle differences:

### **Coding:**
- **Focus:** Refers to writing code in a specific programming language. It involves translating human ideas into a format that a computer can understand.
- **Scope:** Typically focuses on the actual syntax and writing of code. Coders follow pre-existing designs or instructions to write the code that performs specific tasks.
- **Skill Level:** Often associated with the implementation part of development, where a coder might not need to fully understand the underlying logic or algorithms but can write code to achieve a specific function.
- **Example:** Writing code in Python to solve a math problem or create a simple website.

### **Programming:**
- **Focus:** Encompasses a broader process that includes not just writing code but also designing the logic, problem-solving, and developing algorithms to create functional software.
- **Scope:** Involves thinking through the overall architecture, problem-solving, and considering how different parts of the software interact. Programming includes coding but also includes testing, debugging, and optimization.
- **Skill Level:** Requires a deeper understanding of computer science principles, algorithms, and software design. Programmers design, develop, and maintain entire software applications or systems.
- **Example:** Designing a software application, determining how its components will interact, writing the code, testing it, and debugging it.

### **In Summary:**
- **Coding** is part of **programming**. Coding is about writing the lines of code, while programming is about solving problems and creating software applications. A coder writes the code; a programmer designs the solution, writes the code, tests it, and ensures it works as intended.
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