00:00 😆 加入我们,通过八卦学英语,趣味超无穷!
00:30 🌿 小红书是根草,种完、长完、还要拔,你都做过吗?
01:34 🔥 分享的口语贴士和九分雅思口语范文,点赞收藏爆棚?!
02:55 📹 一不留神,我们突然就开启了每周的直播之旅?
04:15 🤔 第一次直播毫无准备,但意外结交了不少新朋友,你猜发生了什么?
08:22 🧠 直播变心理咨询室?神秘嘉宾揭秘心理学的各种英文缩写。
09:39 🤣 老乡线下不见直播见,结果方言故事接龙,笑到肚子疼?
13:00 😅 直播间哭笑不得的尴尬时刻:严肃的问题 VS 过多填充词。
18:34 💕 直播间感动时刻:蹲点、越洋、分享,我们都是素未谋面的好朋友。
24:14 😫 为I(爱)做E的两个人,究竟找话题有多难?
25:37 🥐 突变法语夜,Yao有多嗨,Wing就有多“无语”?
28:40 💪 为了直播间单词小课堂,我们聊天都不能好好聊?
30:42 🌍 直播间的标签是娱乐与包容?其实主打是八卦与佛系。
33:24 📝 备考角度:如何将小红书的八卦运用到IELTS雅思等考试中。
37:16 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!
小红书同名直播时间:每周一、三21:30, 每周五、六22:00,评论区有单词小课堂!

38分钟 ·
So, I think that's the end for today.
Yes, so this is our sharing part one.
Oh, we have part two? I don't know that.
Yes, I think when we have more live streams, probably we have more to share. That's why I think this is part one so far. I can't wait to share more what we have learned with our audience. Okay, thanks for listening. Please subscribe us in 小宇宙、喜马拉雅、 苹果播客, 还有QQ音乐。
我们的同名播客不仅仅可以在 刚才提到的所有平台 上面收听,也欢迎 大家来到微博以及小红书 给我们留言,分享一下 你们的一些想法、看法等等。
对,我们小红书上面还有 非常多的知识。 还有,不要忘记来我们的 直播间玩哦!
Okay, see you guys.
Have a nice weekend. Thank you. Bye.
So, I think that's the end for today.
Yes, so this is our sharing part one.
Oh, we have part two? I don't know that.
Yes, I think when we have more live streams, probably we have more to share. That's why I think this is part one so far. I can't wait to share more what we have learned with our audience. Okay, thanks for listening. Please subscribe us in 小宇宙、喜马拉雅、 苹果播客, 还有QQ音乐。
我们的同名播客不仅仅可以在 刚才提到的所有平台 上面收听,也欢迎 大家来到微博以及小红书 给我们留言,分享一下 你们的一些想法、看法等等。
对,我们小红书上面还有 非常多的知识。 还有,不要忘记来我们的 直播间玩哦!
Okay, see you guys.
Have a nice weekend. Thank you. Bye.
所以我觉得把那些我们在聊的一些话题或者是还有一些关键词,把它写下来的话, 其实对于听众也好, 或者是对于我们连麦的朋友也好, 也是比较有帮助的, 可以让他们快速的知道我们在聊什么。然后我们也会把这些词分享在我们小红书的群聊上面, 这样子大家就可以回去看一下,然后复盘一下, 或是学习一下新的单词。但是这样子来说的话我们就很累啊, 又要说又要写又要想, 就好像那个英语老师那样子, 就是要把他们那些闪光点写下来。
对啊,确实是 挺忙的,就每次直播就不能好好聊天, 不能摸摸鱼, 因为就一直在那里听着要写那个单词, 但是我们觉得就说 如果能在真实的聊天过程当中可以了解一些单词的话, 通常这个记忆会比较深, 而且往后可能也可以增加更大的可能性去再次使用。 是,OK, so if you have to give a tag to our chat room, 如果你要给我们的 直播间打一个标签, so what will it be?
Entertaining! Oh yeah, of course, entertaining!
Gossip is always entertaining!
Yeah, agree.
这个标签对我来说就一定是 娱乐性, 就是八卦嘛, 肯定是娱乐为主。
Actually, I described our chat room as the gossip room, that's why many people were attracted to the room. 就很多人是因为奔着那个主题就说, 他说我很喜欢听八卦, 我想要八卦, 我说那你自己先说一下你自己的八卦。So for me, I would like to say inclusive, 他非常有那个包容性。 Because we have so many friends from different backgrounds, different countries, different industries.
Yeah, you remember we have at our first few live streaming, we have Australian night, we have American night, and then we have some Southeast Asian night.
Exactly. 就是我们好几次的话, 都不知道为什么就有一个什么澳大利亚专场, 美国专场, 美洲专场, 然后还有那个东南亚专场。
对,就不是我们有意而为的, 就刚好进来的朋友。
对,所以我就觉得 我们的直播间其实就有一个 非常大的一个包容性。就算是你是不同的行业, 不同的背景,不同的国家, 而且你有不同的兴趣爱好,我们都能聊, 都能尬聊。
对啊。So after talking everything, so do you have a plan for our Red Book?
I don't have a... I just want to have fun. I want to entertain others and entertain ourselves. At the same time, if you can learn one thing or two, that would be great. Like, you know, it's learning through fun.
Learning through... Gossip.
Gossip, of course.
Yeah, like you said, learning English is entertaining, right? That's why we want to make our posts or the live streaming fun. 就是不管是那个笔记也好, 或者是我们的直播也好,我们都希望它可以是比较欢快, 比较娱乐的。And actually I think we both go with the flow. 就是我们都是那种很佛系, 对,非常佛系的人。
Go with the flow. 可以翻译成佛系。
所以我觉得把那些我们在聊的一些话题或者是还有一些关键词,把它写下来的话, 其实对于听众也好, 或者是对于我们连麦的朋友也好, 也是比较有帮助的, 可以让他们快速的知道我们在聊什么。然后我们也会把这些词分享在我们小红书的群聊上面, 这样子大家就可以回去看一下,然后复盘一下, 或是学习一下新的单词。但是这样子来说的话我们就很累啊, 又要说又要写又要想, 就好像那个英语老师那样子, 就是要把他们那些闪光点写下来。
对啊,确实是 挺忙的,就每次直播就不能好好聊天, 不能摸摸鱼, 因为就一直在那里听着要写那个单词, 但是我们觉得就说 如果能在真实的聊天过程当中可以了解一些单词的话, 通常这个记忆会比较深, 而且往后可能也可以增加更大的可能性去再次使用。 是,OK, so if you have to give a tag to our chat room, 如果你要给我们的 直播间打一个标签, so what will it be?
Entertaining! Oh yeah, of course, entertaining!
Gossip is always entertaining!
Yeah, agree.
这个标签对我来说就一定是 娱乐性, 就是八卦嘛, 肯定是娱乐为主。
Actually, I described our chat room as the gossip room, that's why many people were attracted to the room. 就很多人是因为奔着那个主题就说, 他说我很喜欢听八卦, 我想要八卦, 我说那你自己先说一下你自己的八卦。So for me, I would like to say inclusive, 他非常有那个包容性。 Because we have so many friends from different backgrounds, different countries, different industries.
Yeah, you remember we have at our first few live streaming, we have Australian night, we have American night, and then we have some Southeast Asian night.
Exactly. 就是我们好几次的话, 都不知道为什么就有一个什么澳大利亚专场, 美国专场, 美洲专场, 然后还有那个东南亚专场。
对,就不是我们有意而为的, 就刚好进来的朋友。
对,所以我就觉得 我们的直播间其实就有一个 非常大的一个包容性。就算是你是不同的行业, 不同的背景,不同的国家, 而且你有不同的兴趣爱好,我们都能聊, 都能尬聊。
对啊。So after talking everything, so do you have a plan for our Red Book?
I don't have a... I just want to have fun. I want to entertain others and entertain ourselves. At the same time, if you can learn one thing or two, that would be great. Like, you know, it's learning through fun.
Learning through... Gossip.
Gossip, of course.
Yeah, like you said, learning English is entertaining, right? That's why we want to make our posts or the live streaming fun. 就是不管是那个笔记也好, 或者是我们的直播也好,我们都希望它可以是比较欢快, 比较娱乐的。And actually I think we both go with the flow. 就是我们都是那种很佛系, 对,非常佛系的人。
Go with the flow. 可以翻译成佛系。
So after all the Red Book sharing, I wonder if there's anything can be related to exams? Yes, we have a few questions in IELTS about social media. One topic is talk about your favorite social media site or application. Say when you first use it, why you use it, how often you use it, and if you recommend it to others.
Do you have any examples?
Yes, of course. So far my favorite social media is Red Book. It remains my favorite social media site for a variety of reasons.
A variety of... 多种多样的,多种的,多个的。
I use this app as a searching engine.
Searching engine.搜索引擎。
And I find that it is an application that allows me to express myself creatively.
Express myself. 表达自己。
I have accumulated a rather large number of followers over the years.
Accumulate. 积累;Followers. 关注者。 粉丝。
But I certainly would not call myself an influencer.
I still enjoy using Red Book very much and would absolutely recommend it to others. Some people may troll others on the internet, which can be rather upsetting.
troll网络喷子,像网络喷子 这样子在网络 干一些不好的事情。
But fortunately, you can block them easily.
Block. 拉黑。
I have been fortunate so far, because some people are very supportive.
Supportive. 非常支持的。
So after all the Red Book sharing, I wonder if there's anything can be related to exams? Yes, we have a few questions in IELTS about social media. One topic is talk about your favorite social media site or application. Say when you first use it, why you use it, how often you use it, and if you recommend it to others.
Do you have any examples?
Yes, of course. So far my favorite social media is Red Book. It remains my favorite social media site for a variety of reasons.
A variety of... 多种多样的,多种的,多个的。
I use this app as a searching engine.
Searching engine.搜索引擎。
And I find that it is an application that allows me to express myself creatively.
Express myself. 表达自己。
I have accumulated a rather large number of followers over the years.
Accumulate. 积累;Followers. 关注者。 粉丝。
But I certainly would not call myself an influencer.
I still enjoy using Red Book very much and would absolutely recommend it to others. Some people may troll others on the internet, which can be rather upsetting.
troll网络喷子,像网络喷子 这样子在网络 干一些不好的事情。
But fortunately, you can block them easily.
Block. 拉黑。
I have been fortunate so far, because some people are very supportive.
Supportive. 非常支持的。
So somehow that night I studied something like how to pronounce this French word, how to say this in French. And I was silent the whole night. But Yao was very active that night.
I'm so sorry because I started a topic. Because I used to study French. However, I forgot almost everything. That's why I saw people could speak French. That's why I said Oh, could you teach me some words? 我是出于私心的啦, 所以我就说, 那可不可以教一下我的法语? 直到我问Wing, 我说, Wing,那你试一下用法语来自我介绍。 他说,我不要,我要用德语。
I was just teasing Yao. I don't really, I don't really being mean.
Yeah, I know.
Yao is such a heartwarming person. She takes care of everyone in the chat room. It doesn't matter who joins us. She always makes sure that person gets taken care of. Make sure that person will have time to say hello to everyone. Share one thing or two to everyone. And then it's easier for them to join the conversation. So I think that is really important quality for a host.
That's very sweet. Do you know the reason?
Because I'm using the account of 尬聊英语 Gossip English. I'm the host.
That's true.
That's why I stand for our account. Stand for our image. 其实我觉得作为主持人的话,最重要是要照顾每个人的情绪,就是我觉得加入的人他们都是非常想表达的,不然他们就做listeners, 做幕后的听众就好啦,对吧?为什么他们要上线呢?那所以他们都想表达,但有时候他们插不上话,这时候就需要主持人来cue一下他们,来串一串场,所以我觉得这也是非常基本的素质啦。
而且我觉得我们 那个名字尬聊英语。对。我就觉得起得非常好。 大家去这里尬聊就好了。
对,所以大家看到尬聊的话就说 那没关系,这个房间都这么尬, 所以我也没什么关系。
So do you actually meet any difficulties or challenges?
Like about a week ago, you mentioned we should write down some keywords in our chatroom board. So everyone can learn some words or phrases in our chatroom. I think that is such a great idea. However, that also means our vocabulary needs to be good.
Very large.
And we need to jot down all the words in one paper sheet so we can post it later in our group chat of Redbook. So I think that is quite some of work. We need to talk at the same time and do all the notes.
Yes, so actually it's extra workload. 因为其实我们除了上线的人, 我们还有很多听众, 但有些听众他可能不知道我们在讲什么。
So somehow that night I studied something like how to pronounce this French word, how to say this in French. And I was silent the whole night. But Yao was very active that night.
I'm so sorry because I started a topic. Because I used to study French. However, I forgot almost everything. That's why I saw people could speak French. That's why I said Oh, could you teach me some words? 我是出于私心的啦, 所以我就说, 那可不可以教一下我的法语? 直到我问Wing, 我说, Wing,那你试一下用法语来自我介绍。 他说,我不要,我要用德语。
I was just teasing Yao. I don't really, I don't really being mean.
Yeah, I know.
Yao is such a heartwarming person. She takes care of everyone in the chat room. It doesn't matter who joins us. She always makes sure that person gets taken care of. Make sure that person will have time to say hello to everyone. Share one thing or two to everyone. And then it's easier for them to join the conversation. So I think that is really important quality for a host.
That's very sweet. Do you know the reason?
Because I'm using the account of 尬聊英语 Gossip English. I'm the host.
That's true.
That's why I stand for our account. Stand for our image. 其实我觉得作为主持人的话,最重要是要照顾每个人的情绪,就是我觉得加入的人他们都是非常想表达的,不然他们就做listeners, 做幕后的听众就好啦,对吧?为什么他们要上线呢?那所以他们都想表达,但有时候他们插不上话,这时候就需要主持人来cue一下他们,来串一串场,所以我觉得这也是非常基本的素质啦。
而且我觉得我们 那个名字尬聊英语。对。我就觉得起得非常好。 大家去这里尬聊就好了。
对,所以大家看到尬聊的话就说 那没关系,这个房间都这么尬, 所以我也没什么关系。
So do you actually meet any difficulties or challenges?
Like about a week ago, you mentioned we should write down some keywords in our chatroom board. So everyone can learn some words or phrases in our chatroom. I think that is such a great idea. However, that also means our vocabulary needs to be good.
Very large.
And we need to jot down all the words in one paper sheet so we can post it later in our group chat of Redbook. So I think that is quite some of work. We need to talk at the same time and do all the notes.
Yes, so actually it's extra workload. 因为其实我们除了上线的人, 我们还有很多听众, 但有些听众他可能不知道我们在讲什么。
Yes. I also felt very happy because of everything, because of all those kind of moments.
Yeah, true. It has been surprising to me. When I told Yao let's do live streaming, I didn't have any expectation or my expectation was low. I didn't know what we would encounter. In the end, we met quite a few good friends. Although we never met each other, but we enjoyed each other's company and enjoyed each other's laughter and conversations.
Yeah, exactly. And actually, I have to admit that live streaming actually is very time-consuming. Every day, I have a very packed schedule. 就是我的行程其实都非常的满。But I still try to make time for the live streaming. What motivates me is our followers. I know they've been waiting for me. That's why. That's my biggest motivation. And I also found it trying to create a topic is a very tough job for me. You know, I don't think I'm a very good talker. 我不太善于聊天。
It's been very challenging to me too. I'm more like an extrovert when I'm hanging out with my friends, close friends. But to strangers, I'm very introvert. 为i做e。 就是... 就是跟朋友 我可能会有外向点,但是 一般对陌生人物都是 不太怎么会说话。
对,所以其实 对于我们两个又i又e的人 其实找话题 真的是很难。 而且有时候会好像 感觉自己好像过于严肃, 就容易把天给聊死。 对啊。 But actually, since we are dual hosts, 就是我们是两个主播, we have different characters. I think Wing is very good at talking with people.
Yeah, because she knows a lot. She is knowledgeable. 她知识非常的丰富。
I feel flattered.
You deserve it. Every time when people start a topic like pets, movies, cars, or whatever, she can always have a conversation with them. And I would just be a quiet listener.
Don't you remember the French night?
I remember.
That was the night I was quiet the whole night. I couldn't join the conversation at all. I tried. So let me say something about the background. That night, somehow we winded up with a few people who either could speak French or studied French.
Or lived in France. Or lived in France.
Yes. I also felt very happy because of everything, because of all those kind of moments.
Yeah, true. It has been surprising to me. When I told Yao let's do live streaming, I didn't have any expectation or my expectation was low. I didn't know what we would encounter. In the end, we met quite a few good friends. Although we never met each other, but we enjoyed each other's company and enjoyed each other's laughter and conversations.
Yeah, exactly. And actually, I have to admit that live streaming actually is very time-consuming. Every day, I have a very packed schedule. 就是我的行程其实都非常的满。But I still try to make time for the live streaming. What motivates me is our followers. I know they've been waiting for me. That's why. That's my biggest motivation. And I also found it trying to create a topic is a very tough job for me. You know, I don't think I'm a very good talker. 我不太善于聊天。
It's been very challenging to me too. I'm more like an extrovert when I'm hanging out with my friends, close friends. But to strangers, I'm very introvert. 为i做e。 就是... 就是跟朋友 我可能会有外向点,但是 一般对陌生人物都是 不太怎么会说话。
对,所以其实 对于我们两个又i又e的人 其实找话题 真的是很难。 而且有时候会好像 感觉自己好像过于严肃, 就容易把天给聊死。 对啊。 But actually, since we are dual hosts, 就是我们是两个主播, we have different characters. I think Wing is very good at talking with people.
Yeah, because she knows a lot. She is knowledgeable. 她知识非常的丰富。
I feel flattered.
You deserve it. Every time when people start a topic like pets, movies, cars, or whatever, she can always have a conversation with them. And I would just be a quiet listener.
Don't you remember the French night?
I remember.
That was the night I was quiet the whole night. I couldn't join the conversation at all. I tried. So let me say something about the background. That night, somehow we winded up with a few people who either could speak French or studied French.
Or lived in France. Or lived in France.
That was pretty cool. That was his office hour and he had a very busy job. So every time he pretty much just showed up and said Hi. And then pretty much after saying Hi, he said goodbye. Have a nice day. Just check in and say Hi and have a good day to everyone.
He is so polite. That makes me wanna cry. He's really sweet actually. It seems that what we have done pays off.
Do you remember I think it's on the second or the third night after our first live streaming, one of our friend, followers texted you and asked if we were going live streaming that night.
Yes, I remember. Actually at that time, it was the third night. We didn't have a fixed schedule. 我们当时还没有固定的一个直播时间。Then I felt tired since we've been live streaming for two nights. I didn't want to start the live streaming and then I texted Wing. I said he's asking what should I reply. Do you remember what you said?
I said for him let's go live streaming.
Yes. So I text him actually we don't have plans for live streaming today. However, because of you, okay let's meet online. And then he said wow, it's very touching. 对,就是那位朋友的话, 我们才直播第三天, 他就已经开始在蹲我们。
就很感动, 其实遇到这些朋友, 就觉得很窝心。
对, 就是很累, 但是又觉得一切都非常的值得。 就是我们的付出, 其实没有白浪费掉, 其实都是有很好的收获。So do you have any other rewarding moments?
Well, there are so many rewarding or touching moments like one of our friends would share some very personal stories in our chat room.
And I’m so appreciate what he did. He was willing to share with us. We did ask him why he would do that and why he joined us. Do you remember what he said? You know whom I'm talking about?
Yeah, I know. I know.
He said when he joined this chat room, it's a bit different from others. He didn't expect the host would be very engaging in the conversation, like we cared about him and we treated him like friends.
And we don't only have one host. It's a dual.
Yeah. 我们是双主播的。 是的。 所以那天晚上, 他和我们分享了很多自己的个人故事。 他可能都忘记了, 其实我们还是有听众的。 虽然没有上播, 但是我们还是有很多听众, 然后在听他的私人故事。是的。 但他就是跟我们说, 他就说我们非常的投入, 对待他就好像对待朋友一样。
That was pretty cool. That was his office hour and he had a very busy job. So every time he pretty much just showed up and said Hi. And then pretty much after saying Hi, he said goodbye. Have a nice day. Just check in and say Hi and have a good day to everyone.
He is so polite. That makes me wanna cry. He's really sweet actually. It seems that what we have done pays off.
Do you remember I think it's on the second or the third night after our first live streaming, one of our friend, followers texted you and asked if we were going live streaming that night.
Yes, I remember. Actually at that time, it was the third night. We didn't have a fixed schedule. 我们当时还没有固定的一个直播时间。Then I felt tired since we've been live streaming for two nights. I didn't want to start the live streaming and then I texted Wing. I said he's asking what should I reply. Do you remember what you said?
I said for him let's go live streaming.
Yes. So I text him actually we don't have plans for live streaming today. However, because of you, okay let's meet online. And then he said wow, it's very touching. 对,就是那位朋友的话, 我们才直播第三天, 他就已经开始在蹲我们。
就很感动, 其实遇到这些朋友, 就觉得很窝心。
对, 就是很累, 但是又觉得一切都非常的值得。 就是我们的付出, 其实没有白浪费掉, 其实都是有很好的收获。So do you have any other rewarding moments?
Well, there are so many rewarding or touching moments like one of our friends would share some very personal stories in our chat room.
And I’m so appreciate what he did. He was willing to share with us. We did ask him why he would do that and why he joined us. Do you remember what he said? You know whom I'm talking about?
Yeah, I know. I know.
He said when he joined this chat room, it's a bit different from others. He didn't expect the host would be very engaging in the conversation, like we cared about him and we treated him like friends.
And we don't only have one host. It's a dual.
Yeah. 我们是双主播的。 是的。 所以那天晚上, 他和我们分享了很多自己的个人故事。 他可能都忘记了, 其实我们还是有听众的。 虽然没有上播, 但是我们还是有很多听众, 然后在听他的私人故事。是的。 但他就是跟我们说, 他就说我们非常的投入, 对待他就好像对待朋友一样。
Yeah, exactly. We were talking about some gossips and suddenly someone asked a very serious question like, so what do you think about AI? We were shocked.
I mean, that is a good topic too. It's just a little bit shocking.
Okay, we just spent so many hours live streaming. Actually, it was very exhausting for me. What do you think?
Yeah, it depends. Some nights were pretty fun because some of our friends or guests were really chatty. So we felt a little bit relieved because of that. Some nights we needed to carry a little bit more. We need to direct or initiate conversation with our friends. So that would be a little bit tiring. But overall, I think it was okay. What about you?
Yeah, same. 就是我们会有不同的朋友, 不同朋友他们有不同的性格。 有一些朋友的话, 他们非常会聊天。
对。 我们两个就非常的轻松。 就是他带着我们, 我们只要确保他不会走那个不太对的方向就行了, 就不会把我们直播间给封掉就行了。 但是也有一些朋友他们是非常的被动, 但他们也很想去练一下英语。 所以我们两个就会不停地去想话题, 还有不停地去跟他们互动, 跟他们聊天。 那这个时候的话其实就非常非常的累。
However, after so many nights, actually I found something very touching and rewarding. I mean, even though I felt tired sometimes. I remember one night when I just started live streaming at 10pm. After two seconds, one of our followers joined and he said, Hey, I'm here. I'm coming. I was like, Hey, how come you were here so fast? You know, Wing was not here at that time. So then he told me that, I know you're gonna live stream at 10pm. That's why I've been waiting for you.
Aww, that's so sweet.
Yeah, and he came every night. Wow.
Actually, it was very touching because I didn't know we have this kind of influence. 我们只是nobody. 但是没想到我们的小小举动 然后会收获 一些这么忠实的朋友
Yeah, so this is actually one of our followers. We also have another followers, but this follower is not in China. He is in Canada. So we have nearly 12 hours time difference. 我们有12个小时的时差 So when we go live streaming, actually it's the day time for him. But every time when we started, when he got the notification, he would just pop up and then say, Hi! How's your day?
Yeah, exactly. We were talking about some gossips and suddenly someone asked a very serious question like, so what do you think about AI? We were shocked.
I mean, that is a good topic too. It's just a little bit shocking.
Okay, we just spent so many hours live streaming. Actually, it was very exhausting for me. What do you think?
Yeah, it depends. Some nights were pretty fun because some of our friends or guests were really chatty. So we felt a little bit relieved because of that. Some nights we needed to carry a little bit more. We need to direct or initiate conversation with our friends. So that would be a little bit tiring. But overall, I think it was okay. What about you?
Yeah, same. 就是我们会有不同的朋友, 不同朋友他们有不同的性格。 有一些朋友的话, 他们非常会聊天。
对。 我们两个就非常的轻松。 就是他带着我们, 我们只要确保他不会走那个不太对的方向就行了, 就不会把我们直播间给封掉就行了。 但是也有一些朋友他们是非常的被动, 但他们也很想去练一下英语。 所以我们两个就会不停地去想话题, 还有不停地去跟他们互动, 跟他们聊天。 那这个时候的话其实就非常非常的累。
However, after so many nights, actually I found something very touching and rewarding. I mean, even though I felt tired sometimes. I remember one night when I just started live streaming at 10pm. After two seconds, one of our followers joined and he said, Hey, I'm here. I'm coming. I was like, Hey, how come you were here so fast? You know, Wing was not here at that time. So then he told me that, I know you're gonna live stream at 10pm. That's why I've been waiting for you.
Aww, that's so sweet.
Yeah, and he came every night. Wow.
Actually, it was very touching because I didn't know we have this kind of influence. 我们只是nobody. 但是没想到我们的小小举动 然后会收获 一些这么忠实的朋友
Yeah, so this is actually one of our followers. We also have another followers, but this follower is not in China. He is in Canada. So we have nearly 12 hours time difference. 我们有12个小时的时差 So when we go live streaming, actually it's the day time for him. But every time when we started, when he got the notification, he would just pop up and then say, Hi! How's your day?
Just some ice-breaking questions.
Yes. So I mean, I just want to know more about you, right? However, that guy was a bit offensive. It seems that I offended him for no reason. He said, why you ask this question? You can check my IP in my Redbook. 他直接叫我去看一下他小红书的IP. I said, okay, fine.
就把话给聊死了。 Yeah.
就直接把那个天给聊没了。对, 我其实并不是真的是很想试探他或者是非常八卦他什么信息。 我只是说, 那作为新朋友们互相了解一下吧, 对吧?
对, 那总得start from somewhere
Yeah, so actually, I think it's a very good ice-breaking topic. However, it's not the same for him. And then we have another friend joining. Then he asked the same questions to the other guests, but in a very serious way. I was like, hey, oh, hello, welcome. So where are you? What do you do? And then he was like, so we have some questions for you. Where are you? What do you do? He sounds so strange. It seems that he wants to troll somebody. 他好像想把其他人给, 就是给撞飞一样。
对。So the next time when I saw him joining our chat room, I would just tell Wing, hey, he is here. I'm so scared. Yeah. What will happen next?
Yeah, it's a little bit awkward. When the vibe in the chat room was so light, was so light-mooded, and someone so serious just joined us. I mean, usually it will be fine. If you want to talk about anything serious, it's okay. Just need a little bit smoother transition. That would be easier. Let me make a metaphor. It was like you walked into a room. Everyone was laughing. Then someone suddenly walked into a room and asked, hey, guys, what are you doing?
It sounds so scary.
Yeah, it's something like that, right? So everyone was chatting, kind of like, just laughing around.
Yeah, happily, right?
Yeah, and then someone just so serious. It just doesn't go with the vibe at that time. That's all.
Yeah, I remember one night we were chatting happily too. Suddenly, someone joined the chat room and asked a very serious question. Everybody kept silent. Yeah, do you remember that?
Yeah, I think everyone got shocked.
Just some ice-breaking questions.
Yes. So I mean, I just want to know more about you, right? However, that guy was a bit offensive. It seems that I offended him for no reason. He said, why you ask this question? You can check my IP in my Redbook. 他直接叫我去看一下他小红书的IP. I said, okay, fine.
就把话给聊死了。 Yeah.
就直接把那个天给聊没了。对, 我其实并不是真的是很想试探他或者是非常八卦他什么信息。 我只是说, 那作为新朋友们互相了解一下吧, 对吧?
对, 那总得start from somewhere
Yeah, so actually, I think it's a very good ice-breaking topic. However, it's not the same for him. And then we have another friend joining. Then he asked the same questions to the other guests, but in a very serious way. I was like, hey, oh, hello, welcome. So where are you? What do you do? And then he was like, so we have some questions for you. Where are you? What do you do? He sounds so strange. It seems that he wants to troll somebody. 他好像想把其他人给, 就是给撞飞一样。
对。So the next time when I saw him joining our chat room, I would just tell Wing, hey, he is here. I'm so scared. Yeah. What will happen next?
Yeah, it's a little bit awkward. When the vibe in the chat room was so light, was so light-mooded, and someone so serious just joined us. I mean, usually it will be fine. If you want to talk about anything serious, it's okay. Just need a little bit smoother transition. That would be easier. Let me make a metaphor. It was like you walked into a room. Everyone was laughing. Then someone suddenly walked into a room and asked, hey, guys, what are you doing?
It sounds so scary.
Yeah, it's something like that, right? So everyone was chatting, kind of like, just laughing around.
Yeah, happily, right?
Yeah, and then someone just so serious. It just doesn't go with the vibe at that time. That's all.
Yeah, I remember one night we were chatting happily too. Suddenly, someone joined the chat room and asked a very serious question. Everybody kept silent. Yeah, do you remember that?
Yeah, I think everyone got shocked.
对, 就像那是故事接龙一样。 It was so funny, and people were fully engaged.
I remember I laughed so hard that night. I couldn't breathe. I was completely out of breath.
Yeah, exactly. I had so much fun and that night actually brought me a lot of laughter. Even after I ended the live streaming, I just couldn't sleep.
Too excited.
That's why. It was very impressive, because it was the first time that I had this kind of experience. I thought I only can experience something like that when I met my friends face to face. However, I couldn't imagine we could have so much fun in the chat room like this. And so far, it was the most impressive one, and the only night that we played games. I wish we could play more.
Yeah, we can schedule that.
Yes. So you know, 人在江湖走。 哪有不湿鞋。好像不是这样接的喔。 Anyway, 我说人在江湖走, 肯定就是有好也有, 就是可能比较awkward的。
对, so yeah, this is a very good saying huh? So actually, do you have any awkward memories?
Oh, I remember one of our friends has a habit to use a lot of fillers during the speech.
Filler words?
Yeah, a lot of filler words, like use “um, a lot of, you know, so for me, yeah, for me”, it was quite distracting. So in one sentence, he would say, um, you know, this is, you know, and I was like, it was too hard for me to focus. Like all I hear is this filler words, and now I understand why in some speaking training, there is a position called ah-counter or filler counter, something like that, because when you use too many filler words, it caused problems. For me, I need to pay extra attention to just understand what he was saying.
It seems that you need a filter to filter those kind of filler words and then catch the key words.
Yeah, yeah, something like that, very, very distracting. What about yours?
So actually, I had a lot of good memories. However, one night, someone came to the chat room. As usual, I will ask some frequent questions, like, okay, so where are you now? So what do you do? Or something like that.
对, 就像那是故事接龙一样。 It was so funny, and people were fully engaged.
I remember I laughed so hard that night. I couldn't breathe. I was completely out of breath.
Yeah, exactly. I had so much fun and that night actually brought me a lot of laughter. Even after I ended the live streaming, I just couldn't sleep.
Too excited.
That's why. It was very impressive, because it was the first time that I had this kind of experience. I thought I only can experience something like that when I met my friends face to face. However, I couldn't imagine we could have so much fun in the chat room like this. And so far, it was the most impressive one, and the only night that we played games. I wish we could play more.
Yeah, we can schedule that.
Yes. So you know, 人在江湖走。 哪有不湿鞋。好像不是这样接的喔。 Anyway, 我说人在江湖走, 肯定就是有好也有, 就是可能比较awkward的。
对, so yeah, this is a very good saying huh? So actually, do you have any awkward memories?
Oh, I remember one of our friends has a habit to use a lot of fillers during the speech.
Filler words?
Yeah, a lot of filler words, like use “um, a lot of, you know, so for me, yeah, for me”, it was quite distracting. So in one sentence, he would say, um, you know, this is, you know, and I was like, it was too hard for me to focus. Like all I hear is this filler words, and now I understand why in some speaking training, there is a position called ah-counter or filler counter, something like that, because when you use too many filler words, it caused problems. For me, I need to pay extra attention to just understand what he was saying.
It seems that you need a filter to filter those kind of filler words and then catch the key words.
Yeah, yeah, something like that, very, very distracting. What about yours?
So actually, I had a lot of good memories. However, one night, someone came to the chat room. As usual, I will ask some frequent questions, like, okay, so where are you now? So what do you do? Or something like that.
And he also became one of our frequent visitors or friends on our chat room.
Okay. Fun fact, he is my alumni. 他是我的校友。Yeah, we graduated from the same university.
Yeah, and that night our chat room became a therapist's room.
Yeah, so we had educational one, educational night.
Yeah, we asked him a lot of questions. So I call that night as an abbreviation night. In psychology industry, there are so many abbreviations like ADHD, ASD, PDSD.
Wait, can you explain that?
All those abbreviations. That was a knowledgeable and very memorable night for me. You want me to explain all those words?
Yeah, sure.
No, I'm not going to do this, too complicated. If you are interested in all those abbreviations, please send us private message. I'm going to explain to you one by one. What about you? What's your most impressive night?
I remember during the May Day, one night at 2 a.m., it was full house. So actually the chat room has nine seats. 它有九个座位, but it was full house. 就是满员了, 对, 全满了。 The most interesting thing is that people found their 老乡 in the chat room. Like they found their friends from the same hometown, and two were from the northeast. 就是来自东北, I think it's 黑龙江 or 哈尔滨, I forgot.
哈尔滨 is 黑龙江市。 Oh, sorry. 省会。
Yeah, and okay, sorry. And then two are from 江门.
Yeah, my hometown. Yeah. Oh, that was fun. I barely speak my dialect at all in any places, because I don't meet friends from my hometown that often here. Then that night, I just said like two short sentences, and I found one.
Yeah, that's very interesting. And also two from 广西, 表哥 and 表… 对, 老表, 就表哥和表妹相遇。 So actually, that was very interesting. So when I saw the people were very active at that time, I said, okay, let's play a game. Since we can speak so many dialects, 就我们可以说很多的方言。 So I said, let's create a story. Everyone says one sentence in their own dialects. 就用他们的方言, 然后来说一句话。 The next one has to guess the meaning, and add one more sentence to make it a story. 那下一个人就是要猜一下, 那前面那个人说的是什么意思。 再加一句话, 然后组成一个故事。
And he also became one of our frequent visitors or friends on our chat room.
Okay. Fun fact, he is my alumni. 他是我的校友。Yeah, we graduated from the same university.
Yeah, and that night our chat room became a therapist's room.
Yeah, so we had educational one, educational night.
Yeah, we asked him a lot of questions. So I call that night as an abbreviation night. In psychology industry, there are so many abbreviations like ADHD, ASD, PDSD.
Wait, can you explain that?
All those abbreviations. That was a knowledgeable and very memorable night for me. You want me to explain all those words?
Yeah, sure.
No, I'm not going to do this, too complicated. If you are interested in all those abbreviations, please send us private message. I'm going to explain to you one by one. What about you? What's your most impressive night?
I remember during the May Day, one night at 2 a.m., it was full house. So actually the chat room has nine seats. 它有九个座位, but it was full house. 就是满员了, 对, 全满了。 The most interesting thing is that people found their 老乡 in the chat room. Like they found their friends from the same hometown, and two were from the northeast. 就是来自东北, I think it's 黑龙江 or 哈尔滨, I forgot.
哈尔滨 is 黑龙江市。 Oh, sorry. 省会。
Yeah, and okay, sorry. And then two are from 江门.
Yeah, my hometown. Yeah. Oh, that was fun. I barely speak my dialect at all in any places, because I don't meet friends from my hometown that often here. Then that night, I just said like two short sentences, and I found one.
Yeah, that's very interesting. And also two from 广西, 表哥 and 表… 对, 老表, 就表哥和表妹相遇。 So actually, that was very interesting. So when I saw the people were very active at that time, I said, okay, let's play a game. Since we can speak so many dialects, 就我们可以说很多的方言。 So I said, let's create a story. Everyone says one sentence in their own dialects. 就用他们的方言, 然后来说一句话。 The next one has to guess the meaning, and add one more sentence to make it a story. 那下一个人就是要猜一下, 那前面那个人说的是什么意思。 再加一句话, 然后组成一个故事。
I think 16 of them are our friends.
So do you still remember the first time when you being a host?
My memory about that night was quite vague. All I remember was we just talked with people, some of them we know, some of them we don't know, and then somehow we spent like 3 or 4 hours that night. We spent almost 3 hours live streaming that night. What about you?
Actually at first I was very nervous, because I don't know what would happen, and I don't know if it works, like if it's worthy doing something like that. However, I think the result is kind of okay.
Is it your first live stream? Do you watch live stream or listen to live stream before?
Yeah, actually it was my first time being a host in this live streaming, but actually I watched a lot of live streaming. The most famous one is the Li Jiaqi. So he is a very famous live streaming salesperson. So I watched a lot, and I bought a lot.
Oh really? I haven't watched any live streaming before.
Oh really?
Yeah, this is my first time to do live streaming.
Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. But you did it quite well.
Oh really?
I don't know. I just feel like I talk with friends. Yeah.
So it's actually like that, because we consider our followers as our friends. 我觉得我们的那些关注者其实就是我们的朋友。
对啊, 我之前没有怎么看过直播, 那这也是我第一次直播。 我就觉得反正就跟朋友聊天, 瞎扯。所以无所谓。
Yeah, so far we have gone for 16 live streams, and we spent nearly 55 hours on it.
Wow, that's a lot of hours. Yeah. So, 3 to 4 hours per time.
Yeah, and I remember the longest one is 5 hours.
Oh man.
I think we started from 10pm to 3am.
Oh man. What did we do?
Yeah, but we are also glad that we have nearly 300 new followers.
Oh, cool. Yeah,
就是我们现在就总共就直播了16场, 然后每一场就大概是3, 4个小时
最长是过5个小时, 那我们最终的话就是多了300多个新朋友。
Wow, 对, 所以其实还是挺不错的这个。 Cool.
Yeah, since we have been live streaming for so many times, so which chat is the most unforgettable one for you?
I remember one night, a therapist joined us.
Oh, I remember.
I think 16 of them are our friends.
So do you still remember the first time when you being a host?
My memory about that night was quite vague. All I remember was we just talked with people, some of them we know, some of them we don't know, and then somehow we spent like 3 or 4 hours that night. We spent almost 3 hours live streaming that night. What about you?
Actually at first I was very nervous, because I don't know what would happen, and I don't know if it works, like if it's worthy doing something like that. However, I think the result is kind of okay.
Is it your first live stream? Do you watch live stream or listen to live stream before?
Yeah, actually it was my first time being a host in this live streaming, but actually I watched a lot of live streaming. The most famous one is the Li Jiaqi. So he is a very famous live streaming salesperson. So I watched a lot, and I bought a lot.
Oh really? I haven't watched any live streaming before.
Oh really?
Yeah, this is my first time to do live streaming.
Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. But you did it quite well.
Oh really?
I don't know. I just feel like I talk with friends. Yeah.
So it's actually like that, because we consider our followers as our friends. 我觉得我们的那些关注者其实就是我们的朋友。
对啊, 我之前没有怎么看过直播, 那这也是我第一次直播。 我就觉得反正就跟朋友聊天, 瞎扯。所以无所谓。
Yeah, so far we have gone for 16 live streams, and we spent nearly 55 hours on it.
Wow, that's a lot of hours. Yeah. So, 3 to 4 hours per time.
Yeah, and I remember the longest one is 5 hours.
Oh man.
I think we started from 10pm to 3am.
Oh man. What did we do?
Yeah, but we are also glad that we have nearly 300 new followers.
Oh, cool. Yeah,
就是我们现在就总共就直播了16场, 然后每一场就大概是3, 4个小时
最长是过5个小时, 那我们最终的话就是多了300多个新朋友。
Wow, 对, 所以其实还是挺不错的这个。 Cool.
Yeah, since we have been live streaming for so many times, so which chat is the most unforgettable one for you?
I remember one night, a therapist joined us.
Oh, I remember.
Yeah. So how did we start it?
One night, accidentally, I found it on Red Book. I remember it was around two or three in the morning, and I just glanced on the Red Book, and I stomped into a live chat room because it was recommended on the first page, and everyone in the chat room were talking about AI. So I joined, and I found it pretty fun to do so, and then I left a message to Yao. Let's do it. It sounded so fun. Probably we can attract some attention too.
Yes. So that's how we started the live chat. Yeah. I remember the day after you told me this live stream, we talked about this carefully, and the next day, it was 10.30pm. I hesitated if it was too late to start the live streaming, but you said this moment is the best moment. Just start it. 所以说不要想太多了, 直接干, 开始干。
对,择日不如撞日。 现在就是最好的时候了。
I think you are absolutely right. Since then, our live streaming journey has kicked off.
Yeah, that's how we started.
对,就是我们就kick off开始了呀。
Yeah, we didn't plan it quite much, or...
We didn't plan it at all.
Yeah, so at first, we didn't know what we're going to do on the live stream. Yeah. It was like, let's just start it first, and then we figure out how to do it.
Yeah, exactly. We both think it's a very good opportunity, but we don't know where the direction is.
And we don't have any topics in our mind. So we said, OK, let's try it. Just, you know, go with the flow.
That's why. Do you remember the first night we talked awkwardly? We talked about Ziva's first heat for 10 minutes.
就是我的狗的第一次来潮。 就发情期嘛, 那时候, Ziva刚好。 first heat, 就发情期。
It was until 11 minutes that the first guest finally joined, and he was our friend.
Yep, awkward beginning. Yeah, so actually we promoted our chat room in our group, our common group, and invited our friends to be the audience to increase the popularity of the chat room. And luckily they were very supportive. So we got 17 new followers that night. 就是我们新增了17个关注。
And some of them are our friends.
Yeah. So how did we start it?
One night, accidentally, I found it on Red Book. I remember it was around two or three in the morning, and I just glanced on the Red Book, and I stomped into a live chat room because it was recommended on the first page, and everyone in the chat room were talking about AI. So I joined, and I found it pretty fun to do so, and then I left a message to Yao. Let's do it. It sounded so fun. Probably we can attract some attention too.
Yes. So that's how we started the live chat. Yeah. I remember the day after you told me this live stream, we talked about this carefully, and the next day, it was 10.30pm. I hesitated if it was too late to start the live streaming, but you said this moment is the best moment. Just start it. 所以说不要想太多了, 直接干, 开始干。
对,择日不如撞日。 现在就是最好的时候了。
I think you are absolutely right. Since then, our live streaming journey has kicked off.
Yeah, that's how we started.
对,就是我们就kick off开始了呀。
Yeah, we didn't plan it quite much, or...
We didn't plan it at all.
Yeah, so at first, we didn't know what we're going to do on the live stream. Yeah. It was like, let's just start it first, and then we figure out how to do it.
Yeah, exactly. We both think it's a very good opportunity, but we don't know where the direction is.
And we don't have any topics in our mind. So we said, OK, let's try it. Just, you know, go with the flow.
That's why. Do you remember the first night we talked awkwardly? We talked about Ziva's first heat for 10 minutes.
就是我的狗的第一次来潮。 就发情期嘛, 那时候, Ziva刚好。 first heat, 就发情期。
It was until 11 minutes that the first guest finally joined, and he was our friend.
Yep, awkward beginning. Yeah, so actually we promoted our chat room in our group, our common group, and invited our friends to be the audience to increase the popularity of the chat room. And luckily they were very supportive. So we got 17 new followers that night. 就是我们新增了17个关注。
And some of them are our friends.
Hi everyone! It's Gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到了! This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip!
Wing, do you use social media frequently? Not that much, actually.
Oh, really? Yeah. So, we have so many social media in China. There is one called Red Book, 小红书。 What do you think about that?
Right now, it's more or less works as a searching engine.
对的。For me, it's quite like 知乎, 知乎。But it's a little bit more user-friendly and picture-friendly.
I agree with you. Every time when I have some questions, I will immediately search in the Red Book. For me, Red Book is like a recommendation platform. 像一个种草平台一样。
It is.
既然有种草,就会有长草还有拔草。 So, do you know how to describe these three stages? Planting grass, growing grass, and pulling out grass.
Oh yeah, that's a very good metaphor. And actually, it's kind of true, because 种草 means plant a seed of interest. 长草 is growing interest, and 拔草 is losing interest.
Oh, interesting.
Yeah, so you are actually right. So actually, our podcast also have an account in the Red Book 小红书。Initially, our Red Book is just to promote our podcast. We share some notes there. For example, for our first podcast, talking about the culture shock and the three body problems, we shared three posts. One about how to order water in the restaurant abroad. Surprisingly, many people actually like and save that post. It seems that it's very practical. Oh, cool. 就是喜欢并收藏了。
Yes. And one is about speaking tips of describing a book or TV series. We listed some useful vocabulary that people can use in their speaking test. And one more is about the Band 9 IELTS speaking templates with audios. 就是我们在那里给一篇九分的口语范文, 然后我们也会朗读一遍。
对,不是AI哦,是真人. 然后非常神奇的是, 我们基本上这一篇的英文跟读的话 是最多人收藏并且点赞的。
对,我们这个的话是数据最好的, 所以我觉得非常有用。So for me back then, Red Book is more like a platform to advertise our podcast. Talking about that. So do you know that we are live streaming every week?
It's me.
Hi everyone! It's Gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到了! This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip!
Wing, do you use social media frequently? Not that much, actually.
Oh, really? Yeah. So, we have so many social media in China. There is one called Red Book, 小红书。 What do you think about that?
Right now, it's more or less works as a searching engine.
对的。For me, it's quite like 知乎, 知乎。But it's a little bit more user-friendly and picture-friendly.
I agree with you. Every time when I have some questions, I will immediately search in the Red Book. For me, Red Book is like a recommendation platform. 像一个种草平台一样。
It is.
既然有种草,就会有长草还有拔草。 So, do you know how to describe these three stages? Planting grass, growing grass, and pulling out grass.
Oh yeah, that's a very good metaphor. And actually, it's kind of true, because 种草 means plant a seed of interest. 长草 is growing interest, and 拔草 is losing interest.
Oh, interesting.
Yeah, so you are actually right. So actually, our podcast also have an account in the Red Book 小红书。Initially, our Red Book is just to promote our podcast. We share some notes there. For example, for our first podcast, talking about the culture shock and the three body problems, we shared three posts. One about how to order water in the restaurant abroad. Surprisingly, many people actually like and save that post. It seems that it's very practical. Oh, cool. 就是喜欢并收藏了。
Yes. And one is about speaking tips of describing a book or TV series. We listed some useful vocabulary that people can use in their speaking test. And one more is about the Band 9 IELTS speaking templates with audios. 就是我们在那里给一篇九分的口语范文, 然后我们也会朗读一遍。
对,不是AI哦,是真人. 然后非常神奇的是, 我们基本上这一篇的英文跟读的话 是最多人收藏并且点赞的。
对,我们这个的话是数据最好的, 所以我觉得非常有用。So for me back then, Red Book is more like a platform to advertise our podcast. Talking about that. So do you know that we are live streaming every week?
It's me.
So any other questions?
Yes, and also in IELTS Part 1, there is a question. Is social media popular in your country?
Very much. I think the most popular application is called 抖音。 Many people, especially young people, would post videos constantly on it and meet friends online through those apps.
Any other questions?
Yeah, so there is another one. Why do some people choose not to use social media?
What do you think? I just throw the question back at you.
Yes, because actually for many people, using the internet is very convenient. They may search some information on it. But it is extremely easy for them to fall prey to scammers trying to trick you out of money or even worse, your identity. 有些人的话,他们可能就是 怕会在网上被骗, 或者是怕被盗用一些 信息。And social media sites are full of trolls who only post in order to incite a reaction or haters. 就是这些网络喷子的话, 只是喷一下,就让他们自己 开心就OK了。
对的。 把他们说的话当成是不干净的 东西。就不要听就好了。