从英语尬聊到三语尬聊:《九龙城寨之围城》的热血真的很好聊?尬聊英语 Gossip English


34分钟 ·

00:00 😆 加入我们,通过八卦学英语,趣味超无穷!
00:17 🎨 探讨香港文化的融合:传统与现代艺术的碰撞
01:24 🇭🇰 首次香港之行的回忆:1997年前的香港
03:08 🍲 Wing在香港的美食冒险:九楼的隐藏餐厅和庙街的煲仔饭
04:35 🍜 出前一丁面条的魅力:为什么每次去茶餐厅都要升级面条
07:03 🏙️ 九龙城寨的神秘历史:从未见天日的高密度生活
08:35 🎬《九龙城寨:围城》被制片们强推的电影?
11:11 🎭 大咖云集,120分钟的电影打了100分钟?
12:31 🥋 电影中,老一辈与年轻一辈的武功为何大不同?
14:54 🍚 拉近两代人的距离就靠一碗叉烧饭?
16:32 🕶️ 大哥可以有很多种,有些会担心你洗头发会洗伤头?
19:16 ❣️ 脏落差的九龙城寨有人情味,那是一种什么味?
20:25 📽️ 一部电影的美术究竟可以花到多少钱?
24:00 👊 70+岁的洪金宝回归电影:戏里戏外的传承故事
27:40 🌟 你知道刘德华都64岁了吗?铁一般的事实
28:23 🔥对香港电影的期望:这部电影能否带来香港电影的重生?
29:32 📝 备考角度:如何将小红书的八卦运用到IELTS雅思等考试中
32:39 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!

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Okay, Wing, so any other questions?
Of course. In part 1 and 3, there are a few questions that we can try out. The first one is, do you think it's important to protect all the historic places or only the most significant ones? Well, in my opinion, I think it's very important to protect all historic places because you'll never know which one is significant in the future. Just kidding. I think protecting the heritage is necessary for our culture, history and education. We can get a glimpse into the past through these historic places.
So, any other questions?
Yes, one more. What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future?
What do you think?
Well, hopefully, there will be more projects like Guangzhou's Yongqingfang. More buildings are remodeled or rejuvenated to better fit in the modern lifestyle. I think that is the future for historic places or buildings, not just only for sightseeing.
Yeah, totally agree with you.
Okay. Okay, the end. So, this is the end of our podcast this time.
I hope right now, you'd better go to the cinema and watch this movie. And subscribe us in 小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客 还有QQ音乐 也可以在小红书以及微博 找到我们的同名账号 尬聊Gossip English 希望大家在周一、周三、周五、周六的时候 也可以加入到我们小红书的直播 然后我们大家一起畅聊一下 一起尬聊英语 Exactly. Okay, see you guys.
Have a nice weekend. Bye.
Wow. So actually the Hong Kong movies have planted a seed since you were young, since you were little Wing.
Yea, exactly that’s why this movie, I constantly say “I love it, I love it, I love it.”
So guys, watch it immediately. 赶紧去看!
So, we talked a lot about this movie, and anything that we can use in our speaking tests?
Of course, talking about the movie is my personal purpose but I think for a lot of audience, you want to get good scores in the exam. Actually in IELTS speaking test part 2, there is a question like this, describe an interesting historic place, you should say, what it is, where it is located, things you can see there now and explain why this place is interesting.
So Wing, can you give us an example?
Of course, I’m gonna use Kowloon Walled City.
I would like to talk about Kowloon World City, a historic place tucked away in Kowloon City, Hong Kong. (Tucker Way 隐藏) Although the original settlement no longer exists, its site has been transformed into Kowloon Walled City Park, which retains elements of its extraordinary heritage. (heritage 遗产) Originally, the World City was a densely populated and largely ungoverned area, with buildings so tightly packed that sunlight barely reached the ground. (densely 密集的) Today, the park features traditional Chinese architecture and gardens providing a glimpse into the unique past. (glimpse 窥探) What makes Kowloon Walled City particularly interesting is its distinct history as a lawless yet tight-knit community. (distinct 独特的, tight-knit 紧密关联的) The park's exhibits and preserved artifacts offer a human touch, allowing visitors to connect with the lives of the former residents. (human touch 人情味) In conclusion, Kowloon World City is fascinating because of its complex history and the transformation into a beautiful park that honors its heritage, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts. (must-visit 必须打卡的地方) Yes (enthusiast 狂热者)
And the way the movie handles this transition is so powerful, you see the older characters imparting their wisdom and the fighting style to the younger generations, showing them how to survive and thrive in the chaotic world of the Walled City. So there is one scene in the movie. Before a huge big fight against the bad guy, Mr Big 大老板,古天乐asked 信一 to show his hands. And then 古天乐grabs 信一’s hand and says “This is all yours now.”
Oh, so sweet.
“and you gonna be my boss.”
So it’s the passing down right? Passing down the power.
Yea, I like that scene a lot. In the movie, it symbolised the stepping down of the old generation.
Oh my gosh, even I haven’t watched this movie, after hearing this, I feel touched.
Yea, exactly. It’s a metaphor for the real-life passing of the pattern of the film industry. Because 古天乐is not young anymore. And 古天乐’s generations are trying so hard to help the young generation. They want the whole industry to continue forever.
就是这部电影,虽然我没有看过,但是我刚才听你说的话,就是关于传承。 在戏里面的话,它用一个非常巧妙的一个场景, 就是古天乐握住信义的手,就说,这个世界就是你的了。 我要做你条靓。 我就现在就是给你打下手了。
然后在戏外的话,其实也是相当于是一个传承, 因为像古天乐还有洪金宝,他们都已经变老了。 他们正在把这个香港电影的未来,还有把这个力量传给下一代, 像信一,还有像其他年轻的演员。
所以我觉得这一个真的是非常触动我, 尤其是我从小就是看着这种香港电影长大, 他们的文化,他们的那个内核,都是深深影响了我整一个世界观。
The other day, I was joking with some friends “Do you know 刘德华Andy Lau is already 64 years old?”
See, my friends’ reaction was like “are you sure? Are you really really sure?” and I told them 刘德华 was born in the same year as my mom was born. So I’m 100% sure how old 刘德华is. No wonder you remember the age very clearly.
对,就是刘德华都已经64了。 我真的感觉不到这个时间的流逝, 毕竟四大天王之一的张学友还在台上劈叉呢。 对,他们都其实上了年纪了。
所以对于香港的电影从事人员来说, 他们很希望将这个像火炬一样传承下去。 曾经香港电影也是有非常辉煌的时候, 然后对于我来说,这部电影就有点像 将香港电影最辉煌时候的那段时间重现出来。
I entered this film-making industry because of Hong Kong movies. Really? Yes, because I watched more than enough Hong Kong movies and Hong Kong dramas. That’s how I got hooked in this industry.
So tell me more about this movie. I wanna know more about it.
The movie does such a good job to take audience right into those moments, make you feel like you are part of the crowd. For example, people huddled around the tiny TV screen to catch the latest show.
是不是我们以前 就是大家聚在一起,一台那种老式电视机前面,然后一起去看一个节目 。
Oh, and it doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, woman or man. They just gather together to watch that little box.
Oh, interesting. So Wing, actually I haven’t watched the movies played by 洪金宝. I thought he has already retired. Why he’s in this movie?
Well, this is why this movie is so intriguing to me. It’s all about passing down heritage from one generation to the next, inside the story or outside the movie.
In the story, all the masters from the older generation either die or disappear after halfway or two thirds in the movie.
就是在电影的一半、三分之二左右的时候,基本上那些大佬们,就上一代,不是… 走了走了。 要么就是被嘎了,要么就是被绑架了。 这么惨吗? 对,
so that’s why after that, all the fights are led by the younger generations, who step up and carry on the legacy. 哦,就是新的一代他就出来了。对,基本上后面的打斗场面都是由新的一代进行的。 And outside the story, outside the movie, it’s the same idea. The older generation of filmmakers is trying to pass the torch to the younger ones. You can the transition both on and off the screen and the film industry in Hong Kong has such a rich history. In scene, this legend is paving the way for the new generation. It’s really emotional for me.
I totally agree with you. Because I read a lot of articles and some comments. Most of them said the Hong Kong movies are going downhills. But people also comment that this movie can see the sparks of the reviving of the Hong Kong movies.
If you help others, they'll help you. It's the human touch 人情味。他每个人物的这么简单的背景介绍,其实对我来说,就有点像真实以前生活在九龙城寨的人一样
Oh, that's very nice But Wing, I know there are some similar movies like this one talking about the gangsters the human touch or something like that. But I wanna know what impressed you most in this movie. What's the difference?
The visuals and sound design are amazing The set design is spot on. 就是他的影像声音设计都很厉害,而他的美术是最强的。This whole movie costs about 300 million Hong Kong dollars. Wow Yeah, and the whole set design costs one sixth of it which is 50 million.
所以整部电影的话,他就花了3亿,但是美术部分,他就占了六分之一 五千万港元。 Exactly
Oh my gosh That's impressive
因为我知道有一些电影的话,他其实大头是在那些演员部分的,但是这一个的话,他是放在他的美术部分。Exactly I bet it must be awesome.
It captures the gritty, bustling essence of the old walled city with jaw-dropping accuracy like 80 to 90% true to life. You can almost feel the cramped spaces and narrow alleys. And the whole art production team spent such a long time to collect the antique items and rebuild antique devices or machines, like the old-time fridge, old-time pots, old-time billboard. 所以他们除了还原那个街景之外,他们真的花很多心思去寻找那些古董,他们找了很多那种小物件,因为对于电影来说,你要怎么呈现一个真实的场景,怎么样观众有带入感。 其实需要很多细节的,譬如说以前老的冰箱,它的样式跟现在是不一样的。那个汽水瓶的样子也是跟现在不一样,就是像那个快乐肥宅水,那个玻璃瓶都改了很多版了。还有很多小的细节、物件,那个整个美术团队都花了很多时间去收集跟制作。
哇 They are really attention to the details. And they nailed the way people lived back then.
Picture this, street vender making fish balls right there in front of you.
Why fish balls?
Back in those days, 80% of the Hong Kong fish balls came from the Walled City. That’s why this movie used making fish balls as one of the scenes to show how people lived in there.
So why in this specific place?
Because they don’t need any permits.
Oh, no wonder.
And that makes the cost very low.
Ah, I see.
But the hygiene is another story.
Well, in this movie there are a lot of details get me hooked and make me love it so much. Before I go deep into the story. Let me ask you a question, OK?
What's the image of the big boss of the gangster?
I think usually they are cool, indifferent, bloody. Yeah that's what I think.
There is one character like that. That is 洪金宝大老板. Just like that. But it also shows different kinds of big boss 就是展示了很多不同种类的大哥
For example, 龙卷风 Cyclone 古天乐扮演的那一个. He is all about promises and friendship. In one scene, if you don't hear what he said, you probably thought he was yelling at an old man, who is washing his hair. But when you listen to what he said, he was like “阿伯你这样洗不行的 会很伤你头发的。” So he is nagging the old man for washing his hair for too long is not good for him.
He looks out for everyone in the Walled city. 他就是九龙城寨的居委会会长或者是妇联办主任,你可以一觉睡到天亮,不是因为城寨,是因为城寨的人
He can fight. He is one of the top fighters. 他可以唠叨一个老人家 但是他也是一个超能打的一个人。
That sounds cool! I think the director shaped this character very well because it seems that the character has his flesh and bone. 他有血有肉 他是非常多元的 他不是只是单一的一个性格
But in such a short, I mean short is not really short, but only in two hours, there are seven or eight characters. How can you demonstrate each character's personalities and their background and how to help audience distinguish each character? It is not easy. Two hours are actually pretty short.
Yes, I think so. Just looking at Games of Thrones, how many seasons.
Yeah, exactly How the director make that happen in this movie? For each character you can get a glimpse of their past by one or two sentences in the conversation. 就是导演就会通过对话之间的一两句话,去透露一点点他们的背景信息、他们的性格信息,就有点画龙点睛的感觉
好厉害!就是一两句话就已经可以知道这个人他过去是怎么样的、他的性格是怎么样 这个导演真厉害
For me, actually it's much like many people in the Walled City. Survival is the game. Your background doesn't matter as much It's all about the present moment.
They show off their classic moves With very stable stern stance. 就是他们三个在戏里面演的是老一辈,然后所以呢,他们所采用的对打的方式,是拳拳到肉,然后非常稳扎稳打的那个马步。 To make the generations even more different from the younger generation, their style is more modern and Hong Kong comic book style. 像香港漫画书那样子,对在新的那一代,他们的武术方式会更现代一点,所谓更现代就是用刀为主 就有道具的,有武器,有武器有道具的,然后他们呈现出来的方式,是比较漫画式的 就比较夸张一点。
So who's in the younger generation?
They are the four young lords of Kowloon Walled City.
九龙城寨四子 我以为叫四大天王呢 And they are 陈洛军 played by 林峯, 信一, Everybody knows 新的一届全民老公, 男神啊,他们有人叫他老公,好吧, played by 刘俊谦 , 十二少 Twelve master played by 胡子彤, And 四仔 AV played by 张文杰. Yeah They are the key fighters in the movie.
That sounds like a nice mix. So just now you talk about they were more like gangsters, right? They are. not like.
They are gangsters. Okay, so is it really dark and gritty?
Definitely, the cinematography captures the Claustrophobic and chaotic feel of the World City perfectly. 就是它整个色调是偏暗的,就呈现出、营造一个氛围,对,就九龙城寨永不见天日的那种感觉,对,因为九龙城寨里面,就是很难见到光这么密集。
So it's gritty but with moments of hope and resilience. It's all about survival and making it through each day. 就是粤语说的,为两餐晏仔,就是为了两顿饭
对 它整个感觉就呈现这个感觉。I can give you a very straightforward example. The connection between Cyclone 龙卷风 played by 古天乐 and 陈洛军 played by 林峯, their connection really kicks off from a very simple bowl of Char Siu Rice, 叉烧饭.
OK So why 叉烧饭?
Well most of the people couldn't afford meat at that time. And 叉烧 is such a typical thing in Hong Kong.
所以就是在那个时候 其实大家都很难吃上肉,所以古天乐请了林峯,吃了一顿叉烧饭 就奠定了他们的一个感情基础
对 有点像是那样子。 It's such a cool touch. How something as everyday as a meal can spark a powerful bond in the middle of all that chaos. It's so simple and so real, Like when we are at the bottom of the society sometimes, it's so simple a bowl of rice can deliver the affections to each other.
That's true. So except 叉烧饭 What else keeps you hooked?
So Wing, I know you are also a filmmaker. I think if you highly recommend this movie, which means it is really awesome.
I love it, I love it, I love it. I'm going to repeat it constantly.强推
So can you give me a reason why I should watch this movie?
Spoiler alert.
If you haven't seen the movie yet, stop now and come back after you watch it. I'm going to talk about a lot of this movie.
友情提示一下, 如果你还没有看这部电影的话, 然后你先在这里停一停, 看完之后再回来听我们这个播客
不行,我不能solo, 我们是dual.
OK, just kidding. OK, go ahead.
OK, so the movie is set in Kowloon's Walled City and follows a group of warriors trying to keep some semblance of order in all the chaos. It's packed with intense action scenes and really keeps you on the edge of your seat.
好吧,gangster, 好,他们就是尝试维持秩序 而且是semblance,表面的那个秩序 然后这部电影的话最重要是怎么样呢? Keeps you on the edge of your seat 它会让你紧张到最后一刻 对,就你想想 当你坐在椅子上的时候 一直很紧张很紧张 你可能会坐在椅子的边缘 就慢慢退到椅子边缘 就有点想跑出去冲出去那种感觉 就很紧张,很肉感 So keep you on the edge of your seat.
So except 信一 Who's in that cast?
A lot of famous people. A lot of big names, Like Louis Koo 古天乐 Plays the lead role. And there's also Samuel Hong 洪金宝 And Richie Yen 任贤齐. They all deliver some incredible performances.
Wow, the cast sounds amazing. So how is the movie?
It's really good. The fight scenes are so well choreographed. But it's not just about the action. Although out of 120 minutes of the movie, they fight for 100 minutes.
纯纯的打斗片。 对, 120分钟的电影打了100分钟 。好累喔。 但好精彩。
But it's not only about the action. The movie itself really dives deep into the characters' lives and their struggles in this lawless city. Each character is very distinct. 每个演员他们都非常的独特 Distinct.
Can you tell me more about that?
So they spend a lot of time in fighting To make every character distinct. Of course the movie is going to showcase that through the martial art. For example, The older generation uses more old-school styles Like hongquan 洪拳. You've got the legends like 古天乐 洪金宝 And 任贤齐.
对,就它原本里面的人口密度是非常高的, 它大概只有四个足球场这么大, 里面居住了三万三千人。
对啊,所以它为什么这么特别? 就包括它里面其实不需要任何证件啦,警察也管不着啦,等等之类,包括它的建筑物的特点, 就是不断地加建, 就无牌加建, 也不需要有地基, 就往上面狂加,加到14层。 有可能是这一栋楼的五楼是别楼的三楼之类的。
I'm trying to imagine that, but I know that it was like a mess.
Yeah, it was a mess. It was very easy to get lost in it, because the fifth floor of this building could be the third floor of the next building.
Sounds like what happened in Chongqing.
Yeah, something like that, but it's on a flat ground. Well, why I mentioned it is because of, of course, a movie named after the walled city. I know,叫《九龙城寨之围城》。 “Twilight of the Warriors: Walked in.”
Do you know why I know this name?
Because my friend posted a WeChat moment, saying that Xinyi was so handsome! 对不起,有点花痴。
Yeah, I love that movie. I love it, I love it, I love it. 重要事情要说三遍。
That's why you talked about Hong Kong today.
Yeah, exactly. It's actually been out since the May Day holiday, so right now it's been a month in the cinema, quite a long time. But I finally watched it this Wednesday.I know I'm late to the party, but yeah, I did.
I'm later. I haven't watched it yet. And I'm curious, what made you finally watch this movie after one month released?
Well, I hung out with two producers from Shanghai on Tuesday, and they were raving about this movie. They insisted I had to see it, and even mentioned the set was so incredible, Hong Kong wants to preserve it as part of their heritage. 就是我跟两个影视制片的朋友吃饭, 然后他们就一直强推这部电影, 还跟我说香港那边想把整一个布景保留下来, 因为太逼真了。
Actually 80 to 90% accurate. That means it is very, very close to the original version. Of course you have to add a little bit more about art and film ideas into the set, but I mean 80% to 90% is really, really close.
Wow, sounds like a replica.
Yeah, it's almost a replica. But of course in the movie, they use a lot of CG animation to actually make the full picture.
“系啊,我识讲㗎。” Yep.
So what Hong Kong impressed you most?
The food, for sure. Agree. When I worked in Hong Kong, I was consulting for a Hong Kong company. The people there became such close friends that they would take me to those hidden gems, like a place on the ninth floor of a remodelled building in Kwun Tong, or super local clay pot rice tucked away in a quiet alley of Temple Street. 就是我之前有在香港工作过, 当时我的客户跟我就变成很好的朋友, 所以他们会带着我到处去吃。
到处去吃。 到处去吃,不好意思。 一个广普尝试纠正另外一位广普。
对呀,他就会带我去一些像旧厂房改建的楼里面,譬如说九楼, 就是你外观你看不到它是一个餐厅来的, 就有点像粤语说私窦, 就是私房菜。
Yeah,然后他也会带我去像庙街那一边一个很隐蔽的吃煲仔饭的店, 哇。 Clay Pot Rice,煲仔饭。 哇,我好想念那个。
哇,我记得我当时在香港就最近, 我的朋友他会带我去 尖沙咀附近的一个小巷里面, 那个好像叫什么海防道之类的。 它里面的话看起来就是非常, 就像那个街市一样, 但是里面有好多小吃。 我觉得香港就很多这样子的, 不太显眼,但是又很好吃的东西。
Yeah, exactly. Besides that, I also really miss the Nissin instant noodles in tea restaurant。 出前一丁。
没错。 出前一丁, 就是出前一丁。 在香港一些茶餐厅里面, 有时候要加两元港元, 或者加三元港元。 你将原本的公仔面转成出前一丁。 然后就我每次都要转, 因为那个面的质感会比公仔面好吃。
OK, next time I'm gonna try.
Yeah, so I always pay two extra or three extra Hong Kong dollars to upgrade from公仔面 to 出前一丁。 Now that's pretty much the only instant noodles I eat.
OK, so next time I'm gonna try to see if the noodle's texture is different.
Yeah, you should try that.
It's really good. Well, so do you do a lot of sightseeing in Hong Kong?
Well, some, not too much, because usually when I go to Hong Kong, shopping is my priority. Usually I will just go to the Kowloon or 尖沙咀。
But 尖沙咀 is part of Kowloon.
Really? Yeah, Kowloon is a big district.
Sorry, I'm really bad at geography again.
Yeah, 九龙是一个很大的区域, 尖沙咀是一个小区域吧。
Anyway, so have you been to Walled City Park? 九龙城公园。
Where is it?
It's very close to Lion Mountain.
狮子山 哇,好难发这几个音。 狮子山,对。
Have you been there?
I've never been there.
Well, I haven't been there either, but it doesn't matter, because today I want to talk about the Old Walled City 九龙城寨。
Why is it so special?
It was once such a densely populated and chaotic area, 俗称三不管的一个区域, but it got demolished in 1993, I think. 就它在1993年的时候被拆除掉。
Hi, everyone. It's gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦! 我是Wing. 我是Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, when was the last time you visited Hong Kong?
The last time I went to Hong Kong, I was with you. Oh! We went to the Hong Kong Palace Museum, you remember?
Yes, that was nice.
Yeah, it was very impressive. Because I saw a lot of artworks, especially the Monet paintings. Oh, cool, Monet. Which impressed me a lot because I found it very interesting.
It was my first time to visit Hong Kong Palace Museum.
It was my first time too. Really? Yeah, it is brand new, I think.
Yes, I think it's like a melting pot of creativity where traditional Chinese art forms coexist with contemporary expressions.
一个大杂烩 我这个翻译就有点难听。对。但是就是一个中西文化交融的一个地方
So how about you? When was your first time to visit Hong Kong?
Well, actually my first trip to Hong Kong was before 1997. Wow So I was about 7 or 8 years old. Don't do the math.
I think it's wrong. The calculation is wrong. Just kidding. OK, so what happened?
I remember my mom was joking. She said this is technically your first trip abroad because back then before 1997, Hong Kong was still colonized by British government. So for me, it felt like stepping into a world I had only seen on TV because Yao and I grew up in Guangdong. We basically grew up with Hong Kong TV channels. When I was in Hong Kong, I felt like I was on TV.
Same. TVB was my childhood memory. So I think Hong Kong culture is a part of my life.
Yeah, you remember on our 小红书 live stream, some of our Malaysian friends said “识听唔识讲,我有睇TVB㗎。” I remember. Some of the Malaysian Chinese grew up with TVB as well. That's how they learned Cantonese.
Yes, I remember when I was in UK, I had a Malaysian classmate. One day when I talked with my friend in Cantonese, she joined, talking in Cantonese. I was shocked. I was like, what? You can speak Cantonese? She said, yes, of course. I watch TVB.
06:02 06:14 原来不只有云贵川的人狮 zhi 狮子这样的说不清哈哈哈😂
You put me always on the edge of the chair
What have we done?😱
Is your chair that small?