从高考尬聊到幼儿园,边“卷”边学英语?!?!尬聊英语 Gossip English


36分钟 ·

00:00 👋 开场问候,Yao和Wing再次带你用八卦学习英语!
00:19 🧐 今天是什么特别的日子?6月7日有什么重大的事件呢?
01:01 🎒 讨论高考:Wing分享她的亲身经历,竟然考了两次高考,为什么呢?
01:47 🥺 高考那几天发生了什么意外事件?Yao的经历让人感叹不已。
03:06 🎉 最后一门考试结束后,你猜他们做了什么仪式感的事?
05:51 🤐 高考压力山大,Yao有什么考前小秘密?
08:11 👨‍🏫 高考是独木桥?听听老师的独特观点。
08:34 👨‍🎓 北大师兄脑洞大开的激情演讲?
09:40 🤼 高考备考技巧大比拼?Wing vs Yao。
10:59 📝 就业后继续考试,“IELTS雅思”与“剑桥高级商务英语”带来的挑战与收获。
12:06 📓 回忆新东方的受训经历,为什么Wing最终没有成为新东方老师?
14:57 🍳 现在Wing与Yao最想学习与了解的是什么呢?
16:17 🪗 你还记得你在幼儿园学到了什么吗?
18:52 👶 幼儿园教育究竟可以多震惊?“卷”要从“鸡娃”起?
22:13 😂 海外网友的神评论,搞笑却字字珠玑?
24:25 🥘 对比幼儿园小孩的轻松做菜,Yao是烧厨房级的黑暗料理?
27:03 🫧 看到幼儿园的小孩煮饭后还会自己洗碗,国外网友坐不住了
31:15 📝 备考角度:如何将高考幼儿园的八卦运用到IELTS雅思等考试中
34:49 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


大家可以多多在 小红书微博 留言与练习例句呢!
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So I think there are two things that teachers can achieve, which are knowledge and inspiration. Of course, a teacher needs to provide the accurate knowledge to the students. But they also need to inspire the students to study not just teach them like a robot
Yeah, not only give them fish but also teach them to fish 受人以鱼不如受人以渔
Yeah, exactly
I think that is the most important thing the teacher should teach us
After that, I think they can accurately chart and care for the students' progress and help them reach their goals. That's what a teacher should do and that's also my aim.
Sounds great
So I think that's for today
And one more thing. Since today is the高考,就是现在是高考期间,所以我们在这里的话祝愿所有的高考跟中考的学子们可以金榜提名,可以考到理想的学校
OK, thank you for listening
大家可以在我们小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客 、QQ音乐上面 收听我们的同名播客以及在小红书以及微博上面给我们留言
OK, see you guys
Have a good weekend
See you
That's true
I guess parents worry about their kids to survive in the future, not only about jobs, but also how they can live independently. I think life skills are also very important which make us a well-rounded person 让我们成为一个更加全面的一个人
I see, that's true
So after all those awesome kids, can we use anything that we learn from those kids in our exams?
Of course
We have a few tips in our speaking. So the question is describe another course that you would like to take, not related to your previous study
Please say
What kind of course would it be?
What do you want to learn from it?
Why would you choose it?
Can you give us an example?
Of course, let me think. I would love to take the cooking course to learn the art of cooking from scratch (从零开始) It's not related to my previous studies but I believe it would contribute to (致力于) my holistic development (全面发展) by enhancing my creativity, patience and attention to detail (专注于细节). I want to learn how to create delicious and visually appealing dishes as well as develop self-reliance in the kitchen
self-reliance自力更生; delicious and visually appealing dishes 色香味具全的菜肴
Choosing this course would leave me in awe as I mastered the skills to create amazing meals and share joy through food
Leave me in awe 让我感到很惊叹,敬畏
Yes, that's something we can use
And we also have another question
What suggestions would you give to teachers to improve education?
That's a big question
Yeah, true
I wish they can bring more fun to the class. For example, I would like the whole process
of English learning is more fun, more interesting, more entertaining. So students can learn to speak, not just use it for exams
What about you?
Well, that's very true. That's what our podcast promotes, right?
Of course
And actually for me, different needs and learning styles vary on individual basis. I don't think each teacher has a different style of teaching, which may not work well for all students. So one cannot fit all
Probably if my mom watches this video and then my mom will say “You see see you, one day day, you are not even like the kids.”
Yeah, that is very Cantonese. Your mom said like she'd better labor rather a char siu roasted pork than you
At least she can still eat the char siu, right?
Oh no
So actually there are some interesting comments.
What are they?
So blessing bag said Just look at my little cousin and sign cause the only thing he knows
is to watch skibidi toilet
That is a real kid
That's for most of the kids
Yeah, that's how the kids should be like, right?
Yeah, I think so
That sounds like a kid
And Pink Hitman said “What is the age limit for admission?”
Maybe at least you need to be three or something. I'm not so sure
If they can accept the adults as a student, right?
But you know what, if they allow the adults to join the class, I would definitely enroll in it
Me too
I need this kind of life-saving skills
Yes, those skills are so advanced
I want to learn all those stuffs
I don't know how to make it
Once I left abroad, I wanted to make 肠粉
Yeah, and it's so so so hard
So if they open to adults, I want to join. I want to learn how to make all the food
Yeah, true
I mean if one day I lose my job, at least I can set up a store in the street and then sell the 章鱼小丸子
Yeah, exactly
You can help me mix the dough
And also someone wrote in the comments “I can't even get my kindergarten class to walk in a line” And apparently many others could relate since the comment received 48,000 likes.
就有个人评论他就说我连我那个幼儿园的班 都不可以排成一条直队,这个显然就是非常多的那个幼儿园老师赞同,因为他得到了四万八千个赞
Yeah, that's true
So what do you think about this piece of news?
It's hard to be a kid
That's true
我觉得鸡娃,就是以前我们所说的那个鸡娃,就是鸡他的学术成绩,就是上完这个课 ,然后再去上一个语文数学英语物理化学生物课,但现在鸡娃的话,不只是鸡他的那个学术表现,而且还鸡他的一个生活技能
But you know what? When I was 18, I cooked. I almost burned the kitchen
Uh oh
I remember at that time I was cooking the dishes called 糖醋排骨
Wow, that is really hard
I don't know why
That's a really difficult dish
I don't know why I was so brave at that time and then my friend taught me how to cook that dish.
He said, remember to thicken the sauce 我们所说的收汁 I did. But the sauce, it was just burned because I forgot the fire, to watch out the fire 就是我都已经忘记看火了,然后他收汁收到最后,整盘排骨全都黑了,那个锅还不能用,然后还得扔掉
And that becomes one of the jokes my mom plays on me 就是变成了我妈妈经常
Tease you
Tease me
However, actually after I studied abroad, I started to learn how to cook because I got no chance. I had to cook by myself. Else I have to eat the British food.
You know
And also it is quite expensive to eat outside
Yeah, exactly
Eating in the restaurant is quite expensive abroad usually
Yes, so when the kids gets older, they learn more and more skills that help them to be more independent
I think that's a very good part
And the older kids actually can cook an entire meal from scratch on their own
while the younger ones can knead dough and make pancakes
Wow, from scratch
大点的小孩可以从零开始做一个完整的一桌菜,然后小一点的小朋友呢,就可以自己搓那个 面团做饼
They are so much skilled at cooking than I am
Yeah, I think if we and the kids live in an isolated island, we might die in a day
The kids might survive
They can also sell the pancakes right now on the street
Yeah, they can make money
就是如果我们 跟那群小朋友一起放在 那个孤岛上面的话,然后我们可能就两天就死了
Do they know how to catch fish as well?
Well, you will never know
Wow, okay
I better start learning. Just in case, right?
So actually after cooking and eating, they voluntarily clean up and even line up to wash dishes
I don't know what to say
Don't let most of the parents know because they are going to use that against us
Although I think we should do more, but that is wow
Not as crazy as the video. like for me, that is way too much The first time when you told me the story, I thought it was like the kindergarten I filmed, all the mocking stuff, like mock cooking
Not cooking with the fire, right?
Yeah, not with the fire
我之前拍摄过一个幼儿园,那它里面其实很多是过家家类的,那种让我们学习生活技巧的东西,只是我没有想过,那个视频是真明火,在做这么多事情。So it's quite shocking to me. I think that's the reason why our overseas audience were shocked too. 就是我也明白为什么 TikTok上面的人也是 非常的震惊
Because many TikTok viewers are left in awe after witnessing some of the daily routines that Chinese kindergartens teach their young students
Left in awe 敬畏,我看到我也敬畏了
Yeah, exactly
And this is not the only one. A different TikTok account also shared a look into a Chinese kindergarten's day. So it started with a script “Do you know what Chinese kindergartens are like?” While kids in other kindergartens eat, sleep and play games. Kids in this Chinese kindergarten do laundry and cook, learning self-reliance, the video explains.
Do they get paid?
That's one of the questions that the viewer asked. And they have outdoor stoves proportionate to their heights. And they make their own meals every day
Is it safe to do so?
Well, of course they are under guidance. 他们其实是有个户外的炉子,然后是匹配他们的身高,就不是像我们成人那样子,那么高,他就是有一个小的一个炉,然后专门就是为他们量身定做
That doesn't sound safe to me
Yeah, I think so
However, this is what they learned
Okay, interesting
I think at least it sounds fun
Sort of like it's more interesting than only learning in the classroom
Just try to imagine that how old were you when you first grabbed the skill of cooking?
I'm still not good at it
I can cook for myself. I can feed myself
But I can't say I cook really well. I helped my mom since I was very little
Oh, really?
Just like she was the one who cooked and I was the one to help out like cleaning the vegetables, chopping the vegetables and stuff
But not really cooking. I don't think I can make the food delicious
What about you? Do you have any interesting stories?
Well actually, I thought when I was in the kindergarten, I only learned how to count numbers one, two, three. Of course in Cantonese, one, two, three, four. Probably at that time I was just learning, maybe, how to behave well, like eat on time, sleep on time, 就是该睡睡该吃吃。I know nothing. But you know what, right now the kids are totally different. So based on the TikTok account, it's called Scenes of Asia, it shares a look at some of the things Chinese students learn in kindergarten. And for many is shocking and inspiring.
就是那个TikTok account上面呢,他就分享了很多关于现在 中国的幼儿园的小朋友,他们在学什么东西,然后他非常让人震惊,而且非常的有启发性。
就是很小就开始, 做鸡娃
You see, this video that shows kindergarten basketball training has more than forty-seven million views. The basketball is bigger than the kids. Yeah, that's the thing, right?
And thirty-four thousand comments
就是说,就那个单一个视频,他已经有47,000,000的播放量,而且有 34,000条条评论
That's a lot
Let me show you that video.
They actually do a lot of strange things. Like climbing on the rope, like military training, like cooking street food, not just normal food. It's actually like 章鱼小丸子 The little octopus ball.
And also a lot of stitching
That's very strange
Yeah, I don't even know how to stitch. 他们还学会缝缝补补,还踩着那个缝纫机
对啊,这个有点too much, too crazy. I understand why it went viral
I don't think many kindergartens have those kind of activities and have that capacity. 就是他们没有那个活动,而且他们也没有那个容量,可以做这么多的事情
Actually, well, it's not like that crazy. But actually a few years ago, I filmed a kindergarten
for their own advertisement campaign
Really? Here? Local one?
Yeah, in 佛山
And they have very advanced skill training like mock merchandising, mock doctor, patient scenes.
是有一点,但是就 all uniforms and everything. And then they have like gardening, they can learn how to grow a plant
Oh really?
Also a lot of basketball events like that, all kinds of events
So actually that's not something new to you.

I want to know the basics of the pronunciation of English. So I can self-taught myself about the words
So you will learn the language in a systematic way
Yes correct
就是更系统的去学,更加系统 and more structural 更加有结构性的
What about you
Well you know, actually I hope I could learn more life saving skills. You know because I think the knowledge we have learnt in school can help us in our workplace, but not in our life
So you know what, surprisingly in TikTok, the overseas TikTok, a few videos has aroused
a heated discussion. It was about a Chinese kindergarten preschool education.
Ok what's interesting?
But I want to ask you first, do you still remember what you got from your preschool education?
I remember two 兴趣班 interest classes. One is drawing and one is accordion 手风琴.
Wow that's very unique
Yeah very very unique
I don't hear many kindergartens have something like that. So did you pay a lot for that kindergarten?
No that is a public school. It's a public kindergarten. It doesn't cost that much. But of course for those interest classes, my parents needed to pay extra, but not that much.
So did you learn how to cook when you were a preschool student?
No no I don't think so
So did you know how to do the crafts 手工when you were young
Yeah I learned how to do origami 折纸 纸艺.
Oh yeah me too
And did you learn how to play basketball at that time?
No I was too little. But I taught myself to tear tissue apart.
I remember that is one of the stories that my parents and my aunts talked about a lot. When I was little, I loved tearing tissue apart. They said I created a world through the tissues. Although I just tore all the tissue apart, kind of in some patterns. But I didn't remember it at all.
对他们是这样说的, 说我那时候可爱撕纸巾,就将纸巾撕碎,或者是将它叠成一个,什么样子的东西
哇你那时候好有创造力,So creative
但是我不记得 but I don’t remember at all
probably beauty is in the eyes of beholders. 情人眼里出西施,其实你只是撕那个纸,但是你的家人就觉得,哦他在创造世界
Well at that time I didn't take any IELTS exam yet, I just wanted to try. Because I thought my oral English Was good enough.
I think so. I agree
So I tried to get a job like that. But New Orientation sent me to 高考 section.
Funny 分配到高考那一组
Is it because you got a really good result from the 高考?
I don't think it's because of that because they didn't know my scores in 高考. I didn't send it to them
Maybe there is a shortage in that team
Then they gave me like exams of the last 20 years and ask me to go through all the exams.
Not the recent ones? They gave you the one 20 years ago?
Like within 20 years
Yes like 20 years of paper
Oh my gosh such a work load
Yeah so they ask me to go through it and just see if I can summarize any key points and stuff like that.
So did you manage to get the job?
I didn't go through the training. I'm like I already took twice 高考. I already took 高考 twice. Why do I need to go through it again for
20 times?
Yeah for 20 times. No no no big no to me
So why do they do so
I guess to get a better summary of the exam. So we can have some rules or patterns from the exam to help the students
That's true
就是希望找一些规律 Pattern规律去给考生们 去学习
I think that makes sense. For this kind of big corp 就是说对于这些大的集团,大的公司来说的话,是非常正常的。因为他们要培养一些同质化的老师,就是每一个老师出来都是那一套
对他们也要保证那个质量 Quality. That is the only way to keep the high quality and make sure whoever teaches you. You will get almost the same quality of education or training.
So Wing, after graduating for so many years,
Yeah what are you talking about
I mean me okay
Joking, Just a joke
I'm very curious, so in addition to our previous study, What kind of things do you want to learn?
I always want to learn the principles of anything, like I want to know what the basic logic is in that subject
Wow you are such a nerd
Yeah I am pretty nerdy
Like for example in English, when I first learn the pronunciation. I want to know all the 音标
Oh phonics
OK, Wing. Since you were young, we were young, we have taken so many exams, actually what kind of skills have you learned? The most important one. Share with us
Good sleep
I think it's really important to keep your mind sane. I don't know about you. But for me if I am lack of sleep, my brain is very muddy. 就是我大脑非常混浊。so I need good sleep
to keep my mind sane and clear.
What about you
Well I think, I've learned a lot of skills. One of them is the time management skill. Since we have so many subjects, for me at that time, I have subjects to study, so I have to allocate the time very well. How I prioritize those kind of weak subjects 就是弱科。For example like my physics, I spend
That's my major in high school
So I think at that time I spent nearly thirty percent of my time on this subject because I failed so many times. That's why I work harder.
Well it's not just for 高考 or 中考, which is long time ago for me, I'm still taking exams recently, like a few months ago I took IELTS. I think you took IELTS a few months ago.
I mean like as an adult, a grown-up, who has been working for so many years. We're still taking a lot of exams.
Yeah true
Is it fun to learn?
Well I think, learning is a combination of happiness and tiredness.
Recently I'm preparing for BEC higher test
Oh wow
How's the preparation
I should have done it earlier
Everybody said that
I should have started it earlier. But I am 临急抱佛脚 To hug Buddha's feet in an emergency. To cram at the last minute
That's me
Same here
Don't do that. All our friends, don't do that. It's a bad habit.
But next time still do it
I don't know
Yeah probably
That's funny
You know 新东方New Oriental
Of course
Yeah when I just graduated from my university, I actually applied a job.
Yeah in 新东方
Oh okay which position
I wanted to be an IELTS speaking teacher
Oh wow
But they didn't let me do so
You know, I don't think I can resit the 高考, you know.I didn't have that strong motivation. I cannot do that. I think actually you are a heroine.
Because I took twice, took 高考 twice?
Yes, because I don't think I have that strong motivation to resit 高考. I'm afraid that I might have another fever before the exams.
You should have slept more.
Yeah, supposed to be like that, right? But actually many students like me have experienced stress, anxiety and depression in the test and have buckled under the pressure. 就是我那时候的话,其实应该说很多学生跟我一样,我现在也有很多学生,他们也是面临很大的压力,
对,压力山大,就真的像一座山那样压得喘不过气 Besides, family pressure is also a huge issue with many parents expecting their children to study for hours on end
就是说家庭的压力也是很大,家长们都希望孩子们多抓紧时间复习,温习功课,好好备考 对,exactly. Many parents see the test as determining, not just which university you enter, but also which job you end up in and your future social status.
对,boarding school,对,我们全住宿的,当时我妈妈给我送饭的时候,我一边吃饭我一边流眼泪,我就感觉到我好对不起我妈妈,就是我妈妈会这么辛苦,对吧,特地从家里面,然后做好饭,然后带来学校,可是我还是学不好,所以我当时真的经历很大压力,我相信可能我们有一些听众朋友,也是有相关的经历
我记得当时我有一个老师,其实是我复读期间的一个班主任。他说高考就像一座独木桥,不是适合每个人过的。So the College Entrance Exam is a single-log bridge that is not for everyone.
I totally agree. but you know what, when I just entered my senior school, I had a senior就是我当时刚进入我的高中的时候,有一个考上了北大的一个师兄,他回来学校给我们做一番演讲,我本来以为是非常鸡昂,我看你的表情,就是觉得肯定又是什么鸡汤

But anyway, in my view, I still think Gaokao is regarded as fairest way to test all would be university students across a vast country and to ensure that all candidates are tested in the same way. 就是我觉得高考,目前来说的话还是最公平的一个方法,对于我们这么多的学生,然后来自不同的地方、不同的背景,无论是贫穷还是富有,
Oh my god, that is the soundest sleep.
Over a year, or maybe more than a year.
Yeah, exactly.
No wonder you were sick.
Yeah, after waking up, I never felt so refreshed, to be honest. 就我从来没有觉得那么精神过。
Yeah, so the next day when I felt better, I went back to school and joined the exams. You know, when the bell rang for the last exam, finally 高考 came to an end. And the whole classroom was full of cheers and screaming. I heard my classmates saying loudly, 我解放了!
Did your classmates or you tear apart the books or throw it away?
I think so. I remember a boy was tearing the book happily, you know?
Especially those books called 五年高考三年模拟, 还是三年模拟五年高考?
I forgot, whatever. But you know, I just sat on the chair, worried about my future. 因为那时候我是觉得别人都在挑灯夜战, 然后大家都在紧张复习,我回家睡了一整天。 然后我以为那一天的话, 可能会给我带来致命的打击。
But actually, we had prepared for more than a year for that one exam.
Not just one year, I think twelve years.
Right? So one day didn't mean anything actually.
But for me, you know, at that time, I didn't think so. I thought like I was left behind.就是我觉得我落后其他人二十四小时。
你太卷了。 You're too competitive.
No, I think just because I was too weak. So how about you?
I remember after the first 高考, I went to hair stylist. Oh, finally. I cut my hair.
What? You cut your hair?
Yeah, from long hair to short hair.
I don't know. Just like your classmate says 解放了. And then I just I want to be myself. Long hair doesn't represent me. So I had to have my hair cut. Then I surprised, shocked everyone, including my mom, my classmates, everybody who knew me at that time. I felt like great. shocked everybody.
That's great. Was it like a ceremony for you? 像一个仪式感那样子?
Maybe a little. Not sure. I just felt like I just want to do that. Do something for myself.
That's very nice. I think you finally you found yourself and be yourself.
Yeah, and then I took another exam.
That's really sad.
I don't know.
Hello, everyone! It's gossip English time!
This is Yao.
And I'm Wing.
Let's learn English through gossip!
Hi! Wing, do you know what date it is today?
June the seventh.
Do you know June is a life-changing month in the year?
Yeah, not just 高考 and 中考.
Oh, really?
It's the same day?
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, no, it's not the same day, but it's in the same month.
I see.
So, because of both of the most important exams for Chinese students, one is China's National College Entrance Examination, aka 高考,
aka, as known as 也叫做,
and Senior School Entrance Exam, aka 中考,
two important exams in every Chinese student's life.
So, Wing, what do you think about 高考?
I took it twice.
Wow, is it very tiring?
No, not really.
It's very challenging to get to the university I really want to. That was why I took another one. I really wanted to go to a school in Shanghai.
Wow, so you had a very strong motivation and determination.
Well, in the end, I didn't go to Shanghai anyway. I stayed in Guangzhou. It's great. My school is still really great.
I just wanted to study a little bit further away from my hometown. But in the end, Guangzhou is nice because it's Cantonese-based.
Yeah, I think so.
What about yours?
Mine? You know, 高考 is actually one of the most awful exam experiences in my life. Well, not to mention I didn't do well in the 高考. But two days before the exam, I was having a fever. Can you imagine that?
That's really bad. That sucked.
Yeah, and my teacher called my mom immediately and sent me home. I remember clearly on that day, my classmates were busy preparing for the exams. They even burned the midnight oil 就他们晚上还在开夜车,对吧? Just to get good results. I packed my stuff, feeling lost. At home, I slept for the whole day. It wasn't because I didn't want to study. It was because I had no energy.我真的是累到不行了那时候。
However, it was the soundest sleep during my whole senior year.