叹咖啡学英语,以后咖啡都可以尬聊半小时了尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎙 尬聊英语时间又到了,这次我们边喝咖啡边尬聊八卦!
00:19 ☕️ Yao的初探咖啡:不是是心动,只是心跳加速!
01:03 🎥 影视作品中,咖啡喝得有多优雅,Wing就觉得被骗得有多彻底?
02:36 🔄 究竟是什么让她们再给咖啡一次机会,然后就不小心爱上咖啡?
04:46 🇭🇰 HK的咖啡文化:“鸳鸯”是什么东东?
06:43 🌍 全球咖啡趣闻:从“爱尔兰酒咖啡”到“印尼猫屎咖啡”,从“泰国冰咖啡”到“土耳其炖咖啡”
13:40 🥤 咖啡店店咖啡,除了拿铁,还可以点澳白、卡布奇诺、冷萃、玛奇、摩卡、冰淇淋咖啡!
19:52 🥛 在意大利点拿铁,你猜会得到啥?
20:54 💰 浓缩vs美式,点美式也点出个省钱经验?
23:31 🌱 咖啡究竟长在哪?国内也有很好喝的咖啡呢!
26:20 🤖 机器人又来抢工作了,现在当上咖啡师了?
29:15 👅 Wing已经尝过机器人咖啡?听听她感受如何。
31:11 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,聊咖啡聊出新高度?
34:49 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hello, everyone! It's gossip English time!
Let's learn English through gossip!
Hi, this is Yao.
And I'm Wing.
Hey Yao, do you like coffee?
Wait, so straight?
Of course.
So what do you think? My coffee is just by my side.
Yeah, of course. Both of us love coffee.But do you remember your first time drinking coffee?
I can't really remember when was the first time I tried the coffee. But I remember I hate it.
Oh, why did you hate it?
I was wondering the coffee was so bitter. Why people like it? And the other thing is after drinking the coffee, my heart beat bump, you know? 我当时心跳加速。I thought I was going to, you know?
Yeah, so how about you?
My first time with coffee was very similar. I found it super bitter. When I was little, I grew up watching Hong Kong dramas and Hong Kong movies. So in those series, the office lady in the very beautiful office always drinking coffee. They talk about coffee all the time. So coffee for the little Wing was a sign of something very high-end, high-class, and also very elegant. So the first time I tried a coffee was in a restaurant with my dad. He got himself a cup of coffee and I took a sip. And I was like, that was bad.
Did you spill out?
Yeah, it was like, it was so bitter. And even in Guangdong, because we drink the herbal tea (凉茶) all the time, right? So we are very tolerant with bitterness. But that coffee, the first coffee I drank was so bad, like so bitter.
What was that?
I think it's Blue Mountain or something.
Yeah, I have the similar experience. Before sitting in the office, holding a cup of coffee, having a sip was your dream life, right?
That was like the image I got from all those Hong Kong series.
Yeah, now you are just sitting in the office, having the coffee.
And the coffee becomes a function to me.
I need the functionality of coffee, not really the taste.
Yeah, I know you are a coffee person. So what made you give coffee another chance after that awful experience?
能写出这评论的,绝对有全球格局 🫰
为什么成为一位coffee person啦?😄
Well, I don't exactly remember.
But I think it all started with my projects before, the final project in my university. I had to stay up late a lot. So I really needed the boost from something like coffee.
是的,我要提神,因为经常熬夜, 就是做我大学最后的毕业设计。Plus, everyone around me was always sipping on something aromatic. So I mean, I couldn't just escape it, could I?
Especially when I was working in Hong Kong, it was practically a must for me.
Yeah, I can relate, you know. I told you the first experience with coffee was not happy for me. However, when I was doing my projects or I was writing my dissertation, I really needed coffee. I can't live without coffee.
Yeah, I guess that's how we started to drink coffee. It's a need of it. It's not because it tastes good. It's just because we need it.
And I remember, you know, before when I was sick, I couldn't have any coffee. But I was craving for that kind of aroma and that taste. So you know what happened?
What happened?
Luckily, I got the decaffeinated coffee. So I didn't have any caffeine.它没有任何的咖啡因,它是去咖啡因的。So I put one coffee capsule inside the coffee machine.
Oh, I see. I know what kind of coffee machine you have.
Yeah, then I brew a cup of coffee. And I just had a sip. Ah, finally.
That's very interesting. Like from a person who find the coffee too bitter, now we are the person who really need the coffee and they actually really appreciate the aroma and the taste of coffee. That's an interesting change, don't you think so?
Yeah, I think so. And I know you know a lot about coffee.
A thing or two.
So I've been wondering, when you travel abroad, have you found out something interesting about the coffee?
Quite a lot. For example, when I worked in Hong Kong, if you don't say clearly to the restaurant, 茶餐厅, they would give you sweetened coffee, not black coffee. Sweetened coffee.
Yeah, like coffee with some sugar in it. They serve coffee like that to you. Only if you tell them I need black coffee
20:51 Got it. Latte Coffee.
【last part】
Yeah. This time I'm not going to order latte. I'm going to try something new.
Like Irish coffee.
Oh my gosh. OK. So which means the party time? Probably. All right. So follow us in 小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客还有QQ音乐 And we also share the speaking tips in 小红书 and 微博.
欢迎大家在各大平台留言 然后我们也会将每期的口语小贴士放在对应的平台里面,像小红书跟微博,欢迎大家留言,让我们知道你平时最喜欢喝哪款咖啡。
All right. See you guys. Have a nice weekend. Bye. Bye.
It says, describe a cafe that you have been to or that you like. You should say where it is, what kind of food and drinks does it serve, what do you do there, and explain why you like to go there.
So can you give us an example?
Of course. Today I'd like to discuss a unique cafe experience featuring a robot barista. (Barista 咖啡师) The robotic barista expertly handles all the steps a human barista would, (expertly 熟练的) including grinding the beans and perfectly frothing the milk could create just the right amount of foam on top of cappuccinos. (frothing 打泡) The robot made cappuccino I tried was impressive with a rich taste and smooth undertone. (rich taste 有非常丰富的口感 and smooth undertone. 底韵) The creamy light foam topped the aromatic espresso beautifully making it hard to believe it was prepared by a machine. (foam 泡) This experience highlighted how technology could enhance traditional coffee making methods signalling a significant shift in the role of baristas in the industry. (signalling 意味着 暗示着)
Hope we can use all those words in our exams so we get a higher score. Thanks to the robot.
Any other questions?
Yes, in the part 1 and 3 we have more questions. For example, how often do you drink coffee?
Usually I drink coffee five times a week. Why? Because I only drink coffee on weekdays. Oh, I see. Yeah, why? Because the coffee can boost my energy and keep me energetic.
What are the questions?
What are some of the recent trends that have come in the coffee industry?
Maybe some of you have already known right now the barista is already replaced by the robot because they can save the labor cost and also keep the coffee standardized.
Exactly. So barista can become a has-been career. Unfortunately.
OK, I think that's all for today. We've talked about a lot of coffee. And I hope you can just smell the aroma from our topic, from our conversation.
Yes. And right now I'm already exhausted. I need a cup of coffee.
是的。I'm not a fan of this. I need a regular coffee shop where I can speak to a person, not a robot.
Yeah, try to imagine that. One day when you walk into a cafe, what you can see is a robot just smile at you creepily.就是对着你很奇怪地笑,然后你完全无交流。我觉得that sounds really weird.
That's true. And the funny thing is all these negative comments are from young people, relatively young people. And one comment from a guy who is 74 years old says, if it's easy enough to use, I'll try it.
Well,那个74岁的爷爷吧, 然后他就说如果使用的非常简单的话, 然后他愿意去尝试。 I would like to say, of course, because this robot barista didn't pose a threat to him, but it threatens the living of the young people, right? 就是他对那个74岁的老爷爷, 他没有构成任何的威胁, 但是那些年轻人的话都面临失业了, 都不知道明天还能不能过下去了, 那肯定就会反对他。
That's true. I've actually tried a cappuccino make-by robot before.
Really? In this place?
In 佛山。
Really? Yes. OK, so how was it?
Surprisingly, it was pretty good. It's a cappuccino and with all the 拉花, the latte art. It's really pretty as well. You can choose what kind of pattern you want.
Oh, that's nice.
Yeah, I couldn't tell the difference between the cappuccino made by people and made by a robot. So for me, if you are an introvert person, I think that is really friendly to you.
就是如果你是i人的话, 不想跟外界有太多的接触的话, 然后这个咖啡店你可以去试一试。
所以现在房地产都不请一个咖啡师, 直接就找个robot。 对啊,就可以拉花的robot。 Oh no.
所以其实是不是意味着 咖啡师其实并没有任何的技术含量?
拉花其实是不容易的, 但是你说那个比例ratio这个 其实机器肯定是可以控制的嘛。 加多少水,放多少咖啡豆, 然后牛奶要放多少,放哪种牛奶, 这些都是可控的。所以到最后来没有这么难。
我们每一次都说那个AI啊, 或者是机器人啊, 你有没有觉得这杯咖啡少了一点味道?
But you never know, you can't tell. Like if it's just a normal day-to-day cappuccino or latte, you cannot really tell the difference. But if you want something very creative, innovative, I think we need humans to do that.
That's true.
OK, so after talking about coffee, so actually any speaking tips that we can use in our speaking test?
Yes, actually in IELTS Part 2, there is a topic about cafe.
I think so, I tried it before. It doesn't mean I get coffee beans, but I did try to grow a coffee tree.
You have a point.
For a long time, I thought coffee beans need to be grown in a very hot, hot, hot place. Sort of true, sort of true.
Because just now we mentioned a lot of African countries, right? I thought it must be grown in the tropical areas.
But actually they prefer the temperature between 15 to 24 Celsius degrees.
Oh, so actually it's not the tropical areas.
They are not good at tolerating high heat.
Yeah, that's quite interesting, isn't it? And they need rainfall, and they need high altitude.
So it's not that easy to grow good coffee beans.
No wonder it's only in Yunnan, in China.
Yeah, that's true.
So do you know why I want to talk about coffee today? Not just because I love coffee.
So why?
Because I read a piece of news, and it says New York City's first coffee shop run by a robot barista.
What? So the barista is gonna lose the job?
Probably. So the news says the neighborhood coffee guy could soon be total has-been.
Has-been. 过气了。
New York City's first coffee shop run by a robot barista is coming to Brooklyn.
Oh, that's creepy.Creepy. 就让人觉得很不安呢。
The two armed robots will have a creepy skill set that includes dancing, waving, and churning out up to 50 espresso drinks an hour when the shop opens in two weeks.
所以那个机器人咖啡师的话,他不仅有这个泡咖啡, 做咖啡的一个功能,有这个能力, 他还可以跳舞,还可以挥手,就跟人互动。
Wow, that's very productive.
Yeah. So why they launched the robot barista?
I think it's a good gimmick. 就是非常好的噱头。
Oh yeah, that's true. Just like the robot cook. 就像那个机器人厨师一样。
Yeah, exactly. Do you wanna know how people react to that? You said it's creepy, I wonder.
Yeah, I mean, I wonder if it tastes good too. So what's the comments?
Well, a guy, 27-year robot barista says, of course, it's definitely taking away jobs.
If you walk into some cafe or coffee shop, sometimes you find it's cheaper to order three shots of espresso, and then you can ask them for a cup of hot water. So you can make your own americano yourself, and it's cheaper than you order a cup of americano.
Wow! So dear audience, have you learned this trick?
If any barista listening to our podcast, probably that will never happen in their coffee shop anymore.
Yeah, gonna blacklist us. Yeah. Well, you know what? Right now in many coffee shops, they advertise different types of coffee beans, and they said this is the best one, but you know I can't really tell the difference. So do you know something about that?
Actually I can't tell either.
No, like I said, coffee for me right now is more like…
No, it's like a functionaility drink that I really need. So the taste of coffee for me is not that significant. But the caffeine in the coffee is more important to me.
I can tell.
But I know a little bit about coffee, they usually are grown in the coffee belt.
Coffee belt?
Yeah, 咖啡带,在全球有个咖啡带。Originally lies between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, 就是在北回归线跟南回归线之间的那条带。其实就算是我们的热带,是咖啡带。
So which country is in this coffee belt?
I can name a few quite famous ones, I think a lot of us have heard of them. For example, Jamaica. Jamaica, 牙买加。Yes, the famous Blue Mountain is from Jamaica.
Oh, Blue Mountain 南山咖啡, I know this.
And then there are like Brazil. 巴西 And there's Costa Rica. 哥斯达黎加 Kenya, Ethiopia, Colombia, Guatemala, Yemen.
Most of them actually are in Africa.
And mostly Africa and South America.
And we talked about all these imported coffee beans, but actually my favorite one is from Yunnan.
Oh, 云南!
Yeah, Yunnan has a very good coffee beans. And usually they have a little bit of whiskey flavor of it. Not like a strong whiskey flavor, just has the little light flavor of the best part of whiskey.
Have you ever growed coffee before?
Never, can we?
What is that?
意式冰淇淋咖啡 Yes So it's a mix of coffee and ice cream. That's why it's called affogato. Because affogato means drowned in Italian.
对 是的 差不多
Have you found it very interesting that latte is almost the base of a lot of different kinds of coffee?
Yeah, I can tell.
Right? I have a funny story about latte.
What's that?
When I travelled in Italy, I ordered a cup of latte. So I thought, you know, when I order a cup of latte here, it always means latte coffee. Right? It always means coffee.
But when I ordered in Italy, latte only means milk.
Huh? Latte means milk?
Latte itself, I think, means milk in Italian.
Okay, so?
So if I walk into a cafe in Italy and ask them for a cup of latte, they will bring me a cup of milk.
They must be surprised, like, what the heck, this person just ordered the milk.
So if I want a latte coffee, I have to order latte coffee.
Oh, you have to make it clear, latte coffee. Yeah 所以就是如果你想点一杯拿铁咖啡, 你就要说latte coffee, 不然你只是说latte的话, 他们就会只是给你一杯牛奶。
是啊,因为latte在意大利语里面 应该是叫牛奶, 如果我没记错的话。
So Wing, why you didn't mention espresso and americano?
I thought everybody know them, so I didn't mention it.
I know they are both bitter, but what's the difference?
Espresso means 浓缩咖啡, basically is a strong concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. For example, in your capsule coffee machine, that is espresso, mostly.
Oh, that's the espresso.就是浓缩咖啡的话, 它是非常强的, 咖啡因非常高, 然后它也是非常浓缩的。
它通常出来是一小杯, 不会特大杯。
我们如果是用胶囊咖啡机的话, 一般出来都是特浓咖啡。对,我就看到我的咖啡机有两个选项, 一个是小杯,一个是中杯。

So the other one is actually americano, it just means espresso with hot water.
Espresso with hot water?
Yes, that is americano.
So actually they just dilute the coffee?
Correct, 就是稀释的那个浓缩咖啡就变成美式了。
OK, maybe next time I can try more specialty coffee, not just latte.
I have a funny story about espresso and americano.
What is that?
And cold brew is coffee grounds steeped in cold water for an extended period, like 12 to 24 hours. Then smooth, mild coffee is created.
所以那cold brew就是让它慢慢滴,滴个一天的时间
I don't know if you ever ordered cold brew before.
I didn't know the difference before. So I went to a cafe and ordered cold brew. They sometimes would tell me, I'm sorry, we sold out. And for me, I thought at that time, cold brew and iced coffee pretty much the same. So I was very upset because I thought it wasn't that hard to just make cold coffee.
Yeah, just hot coffee with ice, right? Why you sold out?
Yeah, and then I learned cold brew actually takes a long time to make.
Okay, so you have to book it in advance.
Something like that.
就是你要喝cold brew的话 可能你要提前一天跟那个咖啡师说 要提前预订
So there are three more kinds of specialty coffee I would like to share with you. Okay, what are those? The first one, macchiato. Macchiato 马奇朵
Oh, I know this one! 焦糖马奇朵
对,一般是没有糖 可以有糖,但是也可以无糖
Oh, okay.
So it's an espresso with a small amount of milk, usually foamed.就是更少的奶,就跟latte这些对比就更少的奶,然后配一个特浓。So actually macchiato means marked or stained in Italian because we put a little foam on the top, it's like a mark.
Oh, I see.
Or like a stain.所以它其实马奇朵在意大利语里面 就是被标记的,有痕迹的这个意思。因为它就是在特浓咖啡上面,放一点点的那个泡沫,就感觉是有个痕迹在咖啡上面
Oh, interesting. What are the other two?
Mocha, I think you know that.

I think I ordered once, but I'm not so sure. So what's that?
The mocha is actually a latte with chocolate syrup or powder. So if you ask the barista to add a syrup for you, and that is mocha.

You know what? I remember this mocha. At first I thought it's called matcha.
Oh, yeah.
So when I ordered this mocha abroad, I thought it was a matcha. 我以为是抹茶 However, when I tried, I was like, what? It was just the coffee. And then I read the words one more time. Oh, it's called mocha.
And also one more is called affogato. I probably pronounce it wrong. So bear with me
So Wing, you know, I still find it difficult to order the coffee in the cafe.
Why is that?
Because I don't know what kinds of coffee were available in the cafe. So usually I just tell the barista, I say, I want something creamy and sweet. Then they say, oh, you can go for latte. 对,拿铁绝对没错。
When I first started to try different kind of coffee, I always found very confusing about all kinds of specialty coffee. For example, what's the difference between latte and cappuccino?
I don't know.
And then it comes flat white. Flat white? Yeah, they are all so similar with milk, foam and coffee.
Yeah, so what's the difference?
It's actually not that much difference. Just the ratio is different. For example, for latte, it's a shot of espresso with steamed milk and only a small amount of foam. 就是拿铁的话就是用特浓咖啡 加上气状的牛奶,还有一点点的泡沫。For cappuccino, it's very similar to latte, but more foam and often some chocolate powder on the top.
对,它跟拿铁的区别 就是泡多跟泡少。
那所以我点那个cappuccino 那不就很亏吗? 咖啡少一点啊! 但是如果你喜欢泡沫的话 你可以点cappuccino。如果你觉得你要物更超所值 那你可以点flat white。 Flat white, what is that? 就是澳白,澳洲白咖啡,星巴克那是叫馥芮白。 It's similar to latte but with a higher ratio of coffee to milk.
Oh, which means the caffeine is higher.
就是那个flat white,澳白比那个拿铁的咖啡因含量还更高。
对,它好像是会多一个特浓之类的。所以其实这三种的区别 就是它的牛奶泡沫跟咖啡的比例不一样。
Yeah, just very slight difference.
What else?
There is cold brew and iced coffee 冷萃跟冰咖啡。Can you guess the difference between these two?
For me, there is no difference. But I was surprised, like, the coffee can be brewed by cold water or something?
Yeah, cold brew takes a long time to brew, actually.
What's the difference between cold brew and hot brew?
Hot brew is hot, cold brew is cold.
But the difference between iced coffee and cold brew, iced coffee is you just directly dump the ice into hot coffee.
Oh, I see, I see.
Just iced coffee, literally.
Yeah, so hot coffee with ice. Correct.
Yeah. You should catch one of those cats and bring that home, so you can have 猫屎咖啡.
True, true. So just now you mentioned the Oliang. What is that?
You pronounce it better than I do.
Yeah. I don't know how to say Thai. So it's a Thai iced coffee.
What's the difference?
I would say it's Thai version of our bubble milk tea.
Yeah, the way they make it, but it's coffee, not milk tea. So the ingredients of it include roasted rice, sesame seeds, taro.
Yeah. And then the coffee is sweetened with sugar and sometimes topped with evaporated milk, making it a sweet, creamy, and complex beverage.
所以那个咖啡的话, 它还会加上糖还有那个蒸发奶, 让它整个咖啡的话非常的滑。
Have you tried it before?
Yeah. I went to Thailand this year, right? Yeah, I tried the iced tea and also the Oliang. I quite like it, actually.
Really? I don't really like sweetened coffee at all. It doesn't matter what kind of sweetened coffee.
Of course you are a black coffee person.
Yeah, that's true. I prefer black coffee.
Hey, Wing, do you know the Turkish coffee?
They serve with a very specific pot.
I don't know how to say it. Sev, Siv, something like that is Turkish. It's a Turkish coffee pot. The coffee is finely ground.
Then simmered, not boiled, in a pot with sugar and water until frothy.
If I'm not wrong, I remember the Turkish coffee is simmered on the sand. Simmered 就是慢炖。 它就是放在沙上面慢慢炖煮这个咖啡。所以它那个咖啡要磨得非常细。然后直到那个咖啡起泡了, frothy. The funny thing about Turkish coffee is the grounds left after drinking are sometimes used to tell fortune.
Wait, what? 他们用那个喝完的咖啡渣 然后用来算命。
Wow, OK.
So they make full use of the coffee. Oh, yeah. Very eco-friendly.
How many years have you been drinking coffee? Do you remember?
I think since my uni.
OK, so quite a long time.
Don't tell people how many years. Else they will know how old I am.
It's similar to me, too. I started from university, I think.
Liquor 烈酒
I think I was like 10 years old or something. I was surprised.
Have you ever tried?
When I was in UK, I did try it.
How was it?
Very creamy.
Because not just liquor in it, they also have a very thick cream on the top of the coffee. So it actually tastes very creamy, and I can sense the strong liquor from the coffee. So that is a very funny feeling from a cup of coffee that you feel. The aroma reminds you, you will get boost of your energy. But the strong taste from the liquor makes you feel it's time for party. So it's kind of very strange mix of work time and party time.
Okay. Oh, I know. This is called work-life balance.
Oh, interesting. I like how you put it.
Okay. So do you have any funny experience with coffee abroad?
Yeah. Do you know what kind of coffee is famous in Indonesia?
I don't know. Is it similar to Thailand? Thailand has their own coffee. Oliang or something like that.
Well, actually in Indonesia is famous for its 猫屎咖啡.
Kopi Luwak.
Oh, kopi.
The what?
What is kopi?
Kopi就是印度尼西亚语的咖啡。So 猫屎咖啡, its name is Kopi Luwak.
Oh, I see.
I see. And the cat is specifically 麝香猫.
It's the most expensive one, I think. Yeah. So last time when I was in Indonesia, we visited a vacant building. 就是去了一个空的房子。 空置的房子。When I entered the room, I saw poops on the floor.
OK. That's not a good sign.
Apparently it wasn't from the humans. OK. Based on the size, I think it was from the cat.
I see.
And surprisingly, I could see the coffee beans clearly in the poop. 就是我看到有一坨分泌物, 然后是那个猫的, 然后那个猫很明显 就是吃了那个咖啡豆, 然后它就排出来了嘛。Then I was thinking, Wow, so this is so-called 猫屎咖啡. It's very expensive. So I should pick it up. And I'm thinking, since I have four cats at home. Try with them.
Should I ask my cats to eat the coffee beans, and then later probably I can get some 猫屎咖啡 after that.
But you know there's not any kind of cat.
Yeah, I know.
You can try with your cats, but I don't think it tastes the same.
they will bring you coffee without any sugar.
Oh, that's interesting. Also, they have something called 鸳鸯, 鸳鸯.
Oh, 鸳鸯. Is it the coffee mixed with milk?
It's only coffee and milk. That's called the tea.
Oh, okay. So what is 鸳鸯?
It's a unique blend of coffee and Hong Kong style milk tea.
Wait, what? Coffee and milk tea?
对,就是鸳鸯,就是咖啡还有奶茶。It's really unique in Hong Kong. So it's usually mixed with sugar. It's a very energizing drink that reflects Hong Kong's east meets west cultural heritage.
Yeah, so coffee is the Western stuff, and tea is the Eastern stuff. 所以就是那个鸳鸯其实就是我们香港一个比较特色的中西结合的一个产物。
对啊,因为我在香港的时候 就对这个咖啡有个重新的认识。
对,那其实如果下次你又想喝咖啡, 又想喝奶茶的话, 就点个鸳鸯就行了。
But personally, I never learned to appreciate that taste.
I think it might be weird, right?
I don't know, like, a lot of people love it, but for me, I prefer black coffee, not even sweetened ones.
Really? Yeah. So do you like herbal tea?
That tastes different, but I don't find it really bitter, like not bitter, bitter. So I think it's acceptable for me.
Maybe you get used to it.
Yeah, probably.
Okay, so what other interesting coffee have you met?
Do you know any coffee with alcohol in it, like liquor in it?
What? Wait, wait, what? So coffee makes you energetic, and alcohol makes you sleepy. So they mix both?
Well, actually there's a lot of coffee like that.
Why? I guess there was a time in the history that they couldn't drink during the daytime, so they drop the liquor into the coffee, pretending they were drinking coffee, but actually they were drinking alcohol.
就是挂羊头卖狗肉, 因为他们白天不能喝, 所以他们就在那个咖啡杯里面, 然后放酒。
对,就混合一些咖啡一起喝, 就将我们早C晚A的文化融合在一个杯子里面。
我想到了瑞幸那个茅台咖啡, 不就是这样子吗? 对啊。So you know, actually there are quite some countries serve this kind of coffee. For example, Irish coffee.
What? Irish coffee?
Yeah, I think it's very famous. I remember when I was a kid, I read a novel online, and there's something called Irish coffee, and that was the first time I learned Irish coffee has liquor in it.