618购物节也可以承包这周的英语尬聊八卦,你准备好接招了吗尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎉  尬聊英语时间又到了,618购物节可以引发什么八卦?!?!
00:18 🛍️ 刚结束的618购物节,Wing与Yao今年的购物清单竟然只有...?
01:55 🤔 321上链接,Wing与Yao的反应大不同?理性vs冲动?
03:30 📉 连苹果在618期间提供前所未有的优惠,理性的Wing也挡不住?
05:24 🍳 蕾哈娜在上海当“山东天后”,不出专辑只做煎饼+带货?
07:58 🧹 Yao究竟冲动买了一个什么电动拖把,被妈妈嫌弃完,被Wing嫌弃?
11:14 🥛 理性消费的Wing也买过无用、被妈妈嫌弃的东西?
13:08 🇺🇸 优惠券也可以玩出各种花样?数学好就可以派上用途了!
17:42 ⚙️ 父亲节也是购物好时机,也有各种各样的疯狂优惠?
18:53 🇬🇧 Yao在黑色星期五买香水,意外示范了最佳讲价技巧?
22:43 ☔ Wing强推物品:专治梅雨季节、猫狗毛发、纸巾碎屑?
25:11 🧼 Yao强推物品:擦手、卸妆、清洁 无所不能?
26:14 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,将购物话题聊出新花样
33:16 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
好样的 哈哈哈
22:03 砍价砍不下来的时候假装走人💪
I didn't buy anything at this year's 618 shopping festival, and I still have nearly half a ton of cat litter and n bags of cat food at home.😂
Your everyday is 618, I think. Hahahah
Of course, I stopped at the perfume shop because I was crazy about perfumes.
Makes sense. You love perfumes. 你是喜欢香水的人。
Yeah, and three types of perfumes caught my attention. And I really love the scents of all of them. So it was so hard for me to make a decision. I just want to buy one.
Was it because of your budget? Yes, I didn't want to spend too much on the perfumes. But you were prepared to do crazy shopping on Black Friday. Yeah, but one perfume can last for a very long time. That's why. Well, that makes sense.
Then the salesperson saw me hesitating and then introduced me a gift box including one 100ml perfume, a body lotion and a shower gel.
Was it within your budget? Yes.
But I was still in a dilemma because I don't know which perfume I should pick since I love three. Then the salesperson came again. She said, if you buy this gift box, you can get a 50ml perfume at half price.
I was like, wow, such a big /diːl/. However, it's a bit out of my budget, and I still don't know which two I should pick. Then she noticed that, and she said again, all right, since it's a tough choice for you, if you buy the gift box, I will give you 50% off on the 50ml perfume and a 30ml perfume for free.
Yes, I was like, what? Wow, it's the best day of my life. So I paid without any hesitation.
Was it out of your budget? Yes, it was out of my budget, but I was still very happy with the deal. Cool, that's nice. Yeah, and she was so nice that she even gave me a few perfume samples. It was such cheap and cheerful.
我觉得真的是物美价廉。哇,大家学到了没?就是我妈一直跟我讲的,你买东西的时候不要表现得出来你非常想要,即便你非常根要,你要装得你不太想要,然后这样子你才可以好讲价。Yao 就是给我们展示了这样的一个例子。反面教材吗?正面教材啊。因为你一直就很犹豫要买哪款的时候,她就一直给你推送东西啊。对哦,就是我看中什么东西先矜持一点,假装在犹豫,然后让她给我好的价格。
This is very important when you need to do some bargains.
11:21 哈哈哈 电动拖把给我吧!我觉得还挺好用吧?
While imported goods can sometimes be seen as cheap and cheerful, opting for locally made products can help individuals appreciate the value of craftsmanship and turn one's nose up at excessive consumerism.
The end. That is a good ending word, consumerism.
刚才一段话里面有很多的词 我们平常可以用得到,像(cheap and cheerful, 字面上就是物美价廉的,然后通俗一点就是性价比高)。(Craftsmanship 手艺),And turn one's nose up 嗤之以鼻,就把那个鼻子仰高,你只看到他的鼻尖,那就代表他非常不屑一顾。所以,(turnone's nose up 嗤之以鼻)。And of course,consumerism, again, 就是消费主义这个词)。
OK, that's all for today. So our dear friends, feel free to share what you bought during 618 in our comments.
欢迎你们在评论区 跟我们互动一下,然后分享一下你在618买到的好物或是智商税。
but it's just joking, you know, anything that's not too serious
就是真的不是那种特别不开心,或者特别严峻的一个事情,就一些小的挫折什么,其实还蛮好玩的,一个人生的故事嘛。对,欢迎给我们种草或是拔草,然后也希望大家可以订阅一下我们的播客,我们的播客“尬聊英语 Gossip English”,在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客和QQ音乐。然后大家也可以在我们的同名小红书以及微博上面留言,我们一、三、五、六一般来说都会有直播,也欢迎大家到我们的直播间,给我们分享一下你们的一些经历,购物经历,或者其他 Gossip 经历,一起尬聊吧。
OK, that's all for today, see you guys! Have a nice weekend! Bye!
So, the first one, rationalize.第一个 Rationalize, 就为什么什么做合理解释,就是我们在冲动消费的时候,通常都会自我解释、合理化,这个就是 Rationalize。Unprecedented 前所未有的,Splurge 挥霍,这些词都是我们要警醒自己不要这么做,对,所以大家边记单词的时候边提醒一下自己,618到了,618过去了,很快双11又来了,那大家就Don't do that.
Don't do the unprecedented splurge. Don't rationalize your decision by buying crazy things.
True. Okay, so, despite the steep cost, I believe that the money spent on the LV bag was well worth it. I view it not as succumbing to consumerism, but as a conscious choice to indulge in a luxury item that brought me joy and satisfaction.
Consumerism.消費主义。This is a key word for our whole episode, I think. Yes.
So, any other questions for speaking test?
Yes. In part one, there's a common question. Do you like shopping? No, I don't.
Wow. Why?
对,就当我们回答的时候,千万不要像我这样子只答了一句 No,I don't. You have to explain why.
对,不然那个考官的话 可能就是给你一个不太及格的分数。对,而且平常我们这样也会把天给聊死。对。
So, no, I don't like shopping because I think, well, to make it more specific, I shop whenever I need anything. I just can't enjoy shopping. I only go shopping on purpose.
Oh, so you are not kidnapped by the consumerism?
Such a rational consumer. 太理性了。
Any other questions?
Yeah. In part three, do you think people should be encouraged to buy locally produced goods rather than imported ones? Why?
What do you think?
I believe that encouraging people to buy locally produced goods over imported ones can be beneficial for various reasons.
Firstly, it promotes rational spending by supporting local economies and businesses, reducing the need for extravagant imports that may incur a stupid tax due to high cost.
(Stupid tax 智商税).太喜欢这个词。
Additionally, locally produced goods often offer versatility and unique characteristics that may not be found in mass-produced items.・
(Versatility 用途广泛, Unique characteristics 特殊的性能、独特的性能)
Especially when we couldn't find any water or soap to wash our hands, we can just use it to clean our hands,face or body.所以你很喜欢湿巾,你觉得它用途非常广,很好用。对。
Plus, the wet wipes sometimes can remove the makeup, especially when I forget to bring the makeup removal oil, and then it's very useful. That's why I highly recommend this one to our audience.
So after all the shopping ideas or crazy experiences of shopping, can we apply all those into our speaking test?
Yes, of course. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, there's a question. Describe a time when you spent a lot of money on something.
You should say when and where it was, whaf it was, why you decided to spend money on it, and say if you thought this money was well spent.
Cool, can you give us an example? Alright, I'm gonna make up a story, okay? Are you sure?
This is not a real one. You have so many good stories of yourself, why don't you just use some of them? Just in case, later you will know. Okay.
I remember a time when I spent a significant amount of money on a luxury item, an LV bag.
It was during a trip to Paris, France, a few years ago. The allure of owning a designer handbag, especially one from Louis Vuitton, had always fascinated me, and I saw it as a way. to showcase my taste and style.
里面有几个很好的单词,像 Allure 吸引力,就是某件物品 对你非常吸引的时候,你可以用这个词,Allure 是一个名词来的。然后第二个单词是 Fascinating 深深吸引,然后还有第三个就是Showcase 展示,这个也是比较常用的,我们在IELTS 的写作里面也可以常常用到这个词特别是 Part 1 The Data Showcase Blah,blah. blah.blah blah.
The LV bag I purchased was a classic design that I had been eyeing for quite some time. While the price tag was certainly high, I rationalized my decision by considering it as an investment in quality, craftsmanship, and timeless elegance. It was an unprecedented splurge for me, as I typically lean towards more practical purchases. Wow, all those words we should all remember when we try to buy a lot of stuff.
Don't show how much you want the item. You have to show them it's nice that you can have it, but it's okay for you that you don't have it. In that case, you can bargain for a better deal.
Just like what Yao did.
I mean, she did it accidentally, but she did it. Yes, I was very satisfied. Cool.
Okay, so Wing, since you are so rational, I'm thinking is there anything that you highly recommend to our audience?
A dryer. A dryer.干衣机。对。
I would strongly recommend dryer to everyone who lives in Guangdong.梅雨天。对啊。
During the spring season in Guangdong, everything is wet, very wet. We used to hang our clothes at our balcony to dry up the clothes. But during those days, it's so hard to do so.
So a dryer, that's what you need. If you can use a dryer, your balcony will be freed up. Then you can do a lot of things. Maybe you can set up a little table. You know, you can sit there and just look outside. The balcony is no longer for clothes to hang up.
And also, if you have cats or dogs, a dryer is a must for you. Because the dryer will suck up all the little hairs.
If you have tissue paper in your pockets, usually it's hard to get rid of the little pieces of paper or tissue. But the dryer will suck up all those little pieces into the one specific box of the dryer. Then you can feel your life is much easier when you have a dryer.
Wow, you are rich, you just buy stuff that you don't use.
Impulsive gonsumer,冲动消费者。
So what would you recommend to your audience?
I would recommend individually wrapped wet wipes,就是那些独立包装的湿巾。
Because it's very versatile and convenient,它用途又非常广泛,然后又非常的方便。
But in UK, because I used to study in UK, the biggest sales days are Amazon Prime Day, usually in July, Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, which is December 26th, and Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, which falls on the 4th Thursday of November.
就是在英国,因为Yao 之前在英国读过书嘛,所以她知道在亚马逊呢,七月份会有一个会员日,然后在圣诞节之后的一天会有个 Boxing Day,也是一个会大减价的一个日子,还有就黑五,黑色星期五,就是在🇺🇸感恩节的后一天,就是十一月的第四个星期四。
I remember when I was in the 🇺🇸, Black Friday actually lasted about a week. It used to be just in the stores, and they still have it on Black Friday. People still wait outside the stores and try to grab stuff that they want in a cheaper price, or you can just order online, like all those big brands have their own apps. Wow, that's nice.
Yeah, and it's not that cheap. I mean, it isn't much cheaper than the normal price. And sometimes, for example, even for Father's Day, surprisingly, you can get a lot of cheap stuff.
Really? Father's Day? Yeah, for all the electric devices, like 电钻, electric drills.
I don't even know the names. All kinds of different machines, electric machines or devices that you can use to, for example, cut woods, do the painting, drill a hole, smooth some surface of wood or whatever, metal or whatever. You can get a lot of those machines in America because they are very hands-on, everything.
Wow, cool. And during Father's Day, you can get a really good deal. Remember, Father's Day in 🇺🇸, big deals.
Here, we just hire labours. Exactly. So I was a bit confused just now when you mentioned all those kinds of work. Yeah, I know.
Okay. Even though people consider me as an impulsive consumer.我是个冲动消费者,sometimes I can get some best deals.
Really? Yes. Tell me about it. Okay.
When I was in UK, I went to the mall during Black Friday sales. As I know, Black Friday always has a very good deals.
Oh, so you prepare yourself to get great shopping. 血拼!
Yeah, that was my expectation. Oh, okay.
Okay, so Wing, just now when you talk about the projector, you said before buying, you usually compare the price, right? Yes.
So what is the best deal you've ever had?
The first thing came to my mind was the time when I was in the United States. They have a lot of coupons, 优惠券, but they are very tricky. So basically for me, it's the fun to do all the maps with all the coupons. For example, if you use this coupon, you can buy five, get one for free. And this one is buy four, get one for free. Something like that.
In total, they have even more coupons. If you buy this and that on what specific day, you will get extra points to make your gasoline cheaper. Like all kinds of combinations you can come up with to save money. And I found that very fun to do the math. Really? Yeah, and I enjoyed it so much to just do the math and save money. I mean, saving money part is an extra to me, but doing the math was a lot of fun.
I bet you must have got many best deals.
就是那些美国超市应该薅到好多羊毛。对啊,因为那些超市一般都会有加油站的,他们是连在一起的。对.然后你在超市没买完东西,你可以拿积分。像美国有个很大的超市叫 Kroger,他们就是积到多少分,你加油就可以打个八折之类的,或者打个九折,我忘了那个具体数字。然后你就会很划算。而且我还会做一些我们的两辆车,我们就一起去加油。就只要找没有把那个油枪给插回去的话,我就算一次嘛。对,,而且他是没有人帮你加,他都是自己来。所以我两辆车一起去加,我就可以耗到更多的样貌。哇你好会。对啊,当时就干了很多这种事,而且都是合法合理的范国内去做这个事情。
Yes, wow, I think you are really good at maths, you know?
我从来都没有算清楚那些618 或者是双11 那些优惠活动,满300减50什么的,我都是那种说那他帮我算好多少钱,我觉得这个价格OK我能接受,我就说好那我就买了。我从来不会算说我要再买满多少钱,我又能再省多少元。
I think you are a bit old-school. Yeah, I'm old.
No, just kidding. What can I say?
Okay, so in China we have double 11 and 618, 双11和618.
So you were just like my mom, you know. And my mom tried, but later complained. "Haiyah. This electric mop took so long to clean the whole room. The traditional mop is three times much faster. It's useless." Of course.
Then the electric mop has been idling since then.
但如果是要她来干的话,她就不喜欢那些东西。你真的好懂我妈妈。我妈妈听到这一期的话,估计心里面在想说,哎呀,Wing 懂我,这个女儿真的是太败家了。
Okay. But you are so attentive, though.你是非常孝顺的。
So how about you, Wing? I know you are very rational. But did you buy anything useless before? Yeah, I do.
Oh, wow. What was it? Yogurt machine. 酸奶机. It's not a fl, it's not a machine. It's more like a yogurt pot.
酸奶的锅?类似,就是它有很多个小小的一碗碗的锅,然后你要把那个什么酵母啊,然后那个料放在里面,然后它有个类似于蒸炉 类的东西,就把那个弄成,发酵成酸奶。
So it's sort of like a machine, but also like a pot, that you have little bowls, you put all the ingredients into the bowls, and then you put the balls into the machine. Later, you will get delicious yogurt.
Sounds good. Well, it takes too much work, so I just buy it. I just buy yogurt. Yeah, why not just buy the yogurt in the market, right? Yeah, exactly.
At that time, I felt like working out a lot, eating super healthy, and I want to know all the ingredients I'm going to eat. Oh, I see.
That's why I have this little thing, because my home is not big. So when I, you know, when I have other stuff, and even though the yogurt machine is not big, I still find it occupied too
much space in my home. Sg l just gave it to my mom. And she was like, why?
She rolled her eyes and said, I can do it in an easier way. I don't need an extra stuff to just cook eggs. That's very true.
I was like, okay, whatever, you just, whatever. Yeah.
Because despite what we discussed before about the economic, China is now the world's second largest beauty market, so Rihanna hosted livestream session showcasing her brand “Fenty Beauty” products on 抖音
蕾哈娜卷都卷到来中国了。不仅卷饼,还在卷我们国内的美妆品牌。我的天哪,她就直接 在抖音上面开直播了。对,为了宣传她的品牌嘛。她做煎饼不出专辑,只来带货,而不来卖专辑。
Yes, so somebody said she makes crates but not her new album. Great.
Anyway, I know Fenty Beauty is actually a very good makeup brand. But I'm not going to buy anything.
And again,我们并不是在卖广告。对,还没有那个实力啦。希望尽快可以接到。对,蕾哈娜听到我们,那你赶紧找我们,不要只卷饼了。
Ok, anyway, I think the makeups are nice to have, but not must have. Plus, my mom will laugh at me paying stupid tax.
Talking about this, I remembered once I watched a live stream hosted by one of the top live streaming online sales. She introduced an electric mop.电动拖把
Saying that it could remove dust quickly and automatically push the head of the electric mop forward, making housework no effort.
But why? But why do you need that thing? Because I'm lazy.
But why? That doesn't make any sense to me.
Well, so that s the thing. So after hearing 3, 2,1,上链接 1 bought it within nanoseconds. 马上就买了。Great.
Okay, so when the product arrived, my mom turned her nose up.
She was like, what is this? Does it work? I said, mom, this mop is epic. You don't need to bend when you mop the floor.
But that's normal. That's why it's called a mop.
Yes, but sometimes if you use the traditional one, you have to bend, right? No.
Really? No. And you need to push. That's the thing.
But if you use this electric one, and then it would just move forward. But it doesn't know where I want to clean. So I have to direct it to the place I want it to clean. So why do I need the push from itself? Because I need to control that thing to clean the floor.
OK, basically,基本上是这样的。就是我当时买的时候,我是这么想,我只需要扶看那个柄,然后控制那个方向,我就不需要推动它。所以我觉得这样子非常的省力。
True, true. Okay, anyway, due to the sluggish consumer demand,
some brands are trying so hard to boost the sales.
由于消费需求疲软,变缓慢,有些品牌就会拼命地在推销量(sluggish 缓慢地,boost 推动)。
For example, like Apple is offering unprecedented price cuts in China as big brands and retailers launch promotions for the annual 618 shopping festival. Customers right now can get an iPhone 15 for nearly 4,600 Yuan, down 1,400 Yuan from the original price.
就如苹果它也因为 618,然后提供了前所未有的价格(unprecedented 就是前所未有)。
现在的消费者可以通过4599就买到iPhone 15,比原价低了1400。我们不是在卖广告,只是说明一个事实。We are just stating the fact.对,我们也很想接到苹果的广告,但现在还没有这个水平,没有这个能力。对,,需要大家支持一下,把我们推上去,可能我们就可以接到苹果的广告了。
So Wing, do you want to buy one? No.
Why? I don't find iPhone 15 is much better than what I have right now. So I don't feel the impulse to buy a new phone.
True, same. I think right now my iPhone 12 is still very good, still functions very well. I don't feel the need.
Mine is iPhone 11, which was produced 4 years ago. And I'm still pretty. happy with it. And it's good, it's functioning, everything is good.
And the best part of it is it doesn't have 5G. So I don't need to pay extra money for the 5G internet. And I'm okay and I'm happy with my 4G. So you are really rational.
So just now we mentioned that some brands are trying so hard to boost their sales, right?
Do you know 山东天后 appeared in Shanghai in May? She made a popular Chinese breakfast crepe.
So do you know Rihanna? Of course,蕾哈娜a.k.a.山东天后。
What did she do? Well, why she was called 山东天后? Because she has so many songs thatsound like the places in Shandong. Like We Found Love,潍坊的爱Oh, man. Where Have You Been, 威海油饼. Great. And also Princess of China, sung by Coldplay and Rihanna.
People translate it to 大明湖畔的还珠格格.Awesome.
Okay, so that's not the point. Rihanna appeared in Shanghai in May making a popular Chinese breakfast crepe.
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time.
This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through Gossip.
Wing, 618 Shopping Festival, a.k.a, also known as China's Online Mid-Year Deals event just passed. What did you buy?
I don't think they are much cheaper than what they were before the festival. So I dont really buy anything during the festival.
Oh my gosh, you are so cool. You know last year I spent 12,000 yuan on Taobao during 618.
Wow, you are rich. Oh, just for one day?
This season, I guess. I spent 4,000 yuan on two set portrait photography, one for myself and one for my mom. Okay. Also the skincare and makeup cost me over 2,000 yuan. Wow. And the rest was clothes, food and so on.
Okay, Taobao needs you.
Not just Taobao, I bought it in different platforms. Okay, anyway, I used to be the victim of consumerism.
Buying a lot of things that I don't need like lipsticks, bags and stuff like that. But this year, I'm wise. I bought nothing.
Like me.
Yes. Because I realized the economy is going downwards. Therefore, I have to be more frugal and rational.
How about you? Will you buy anything that you don't need?
I'm not a really good consumer for a lot of brands or shops because I would do a lot of comparison before I buy anything. For example, I got a projector a while ago, years ago. I would check the pros and cons of different brands and whether it's suitable for my living room and how much it costs and what is the best deal for me. And I would do a lot of comparison like that. I'm not really a person who just go and buy stuff because I watch her live streaming or something. So I'm not a good consumer.
Yean, seems that you won't be triggered by the “321上链接”,right?
No, no. If people say something like that, I'm like, No, I don't trust you.