00:00 🎙 尬聊英语又来了,不出国门也会有文化冲击!
00:29 🛁 澡堂究竟有多神奇,让Yao跟Wing都闻风丧胆?
03:42 👰 南北婚礼仪式原来大不同,你又知多少?
06:00 🍧 南北饮食差异:豆花甜咸之争,你更爱哪个?
07:40 🔥 Yao竟然对榴莲一见钟情,还吃到舌头起倒刺?
09:05 🤬 曾几何时,Wing是谈榴莲色变的,求童年心理阴影面积
14:38 🥰 黑转粉只需爸妈的(还不带Wing)的一趟新马泰之行?!?!
18:57 ❤️ 真的,全家都爱榴莲,就连狗狗小Ziva也不例外?
19:59 🌏 Wing爱榴莲爱到在马来西亚来了一场寻找顶级榴莲的冒险经历?
22:52 💸 你猜历史上最贵的榴莲价值多少?又是哪个品种?
26:06 🙀 榴莲一定都带刺的吗?没有刺的榴莲是有问题吗?
27:08 🍽️ 打开格局:榴莲的N种吃法,让性价比达到最高!
30:22 🇺🇸 国外榴莲还有“恶作剧”功能?还有榴莲味薯片?
33:13 🏝️ 榴莲究竟长在哪?听说国内也要开种榴莲,便宜榴莲指日可待?
34:43 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,尬聊新食物的第一次?
40:14 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
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And I was told that was the third group to have that banquet on the same day. The third group in the morning? Yes. Oh, wow. The first group started at eight or something. So they had a very, very early ceremony dinner thing in Changchun. Because they say the early banquet means the happiness of the marriage. Oh, no wonder. If you have banquet at night, that means it's your second marriage. Huh? Yes.
That's very interesting. Yeah, so that's quite a culture shock for me. Yeah. The whole trip in Changchun, it just keeps shocking me all the time.
I bet so. Because I think many people, especially for the people in the north or in the south, when they travel in the opposite parts of the country, usually they experience a culture shock. And also for me, 南方小土豆, when I travel to the north, I also experience culture shocks. I remember when I was in the north, I saw the tofu brains. 豆花,豆花。I was very happy. Like, wow, that's cool. I saw some Cantonese food here. Then I ordered the 豆腐花. The owner asked me, do you want to add some chili there? I was like, what? Chili? Seriously? 辣椒吗? 对,辣椒。 At that time, I just realized, wow. So in the north, people eat the tofu brains, the salty one. 就是他们吃咸的豆腐花。 But in the south, especially in Guangdong, we always have the sweet tofu brains. 就甜的豆腐花。 We may add some crystal sugar, 就是那些白砂糖。 Or some red beans there. 红豆 Yeah, usually we have something like that. Or some honey. Yes. 蜜糖 Yeah, so there's a very interesting domestic culture shock.
Yeah, that's for sure. That sounds very interesting. I remember that too. When I was little, traveling to Shanghai, the tofu brains 豆花 came with soy sauce.
就是酱油。 混在那个豆花里面。 Wait, seriously? 对啊,在上海的时候,他们吃咸的嘛。 天啊。 我就很不适应。 因为我很喜欢吃豆花。 那当然,广东吃豆花都是甜的。 放什么红糖啊,砂糖啊之类的。 还有放姜糖。 对,对,对。 对吧? 对,反正就是甜的。 对,反正就是甜的。 现在给我弄一个咸的。 好有趣。
So besides tofu brains, do you have any shocking food? Like, let me think about it. What about durian? Have you ever got shocked by durian?
Durian 榴莲 对 Actually, I don't remember.