最有味道的英语尬聊:榴莲凭一己之力让我们聊一集尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎙 尬聊英语又来了,不出国门也会有文化冲击!
00:29 🛁 澡堂究竟有多神奇,让Yao跟Wing都闻风丧胆?
03:42 👰 南北婚礼仪式原来大不同,你又知多少?
06:00 🍧 南北饮食差异:豆花甜咸之争,你更爱哪个?
07:40 🔥 Yao竟然对榴莲一见钟情,还吃到舌头起倒刺?
09:05 🤬 曾几何时,Wing是谈榴莲色变的,求童年心理阴影面积
14:38 🥰 黑转粉只需爸妈的(还不带Wing)的一趟新马泰之行?!?!
18:57 ❤️ 真的,全家都爱榴莲,就连狗狗小Ziva也不例外?
19:59 🌏 Wing爱榴莲爱到在马来西亚来了一场寻找顶级榴莲的冒险经历?
22:52 💸 你猜历史上最贵的榴莲价值多少?又是哪个品种?
26:06 🙀 榴莲一定都带刺的吗?没有刺的榴莲是有问题吗?
27:08 🍽️ 打开格局:榴莲的N种吃法,让性价比达到最高!
30:22 🇺🇸 国外榴莲还有“恶作剧”功能?还有榴莲味薯片?
33:13 🏝️ 榴莲究竟长在哪?听说国内也要开种榴莲,便宜榴莲指日可待?
34:43 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,尬聊新食物的第一次?
40:14 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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And I was told that was the third group to have that banquet on the same day. The third group in the morning? Yes. Oh, wow. The first group started at eight or something. So they had a very, very early ceremony dinner thing in Changchun. Because they say the early banquet means the happiness of the marriage. Oh, no wonder. If you have banquet at night, that means it's your second marriage. Huh? Yes.
That's very interesting. Yeah, so that's quite a culture shock for me. Yeah. The whole trip in Changchun, it just keeps shocking me all the time.
I bet so. Because I think many people, especially for the people in the north or in the south, when they travel in the opposite parts of the country, usually they experience a culture shock. And also for me, 南方小土豆, when I travel to the north, I also experience culture shocks. I remember when I was in the north, I saw the tofu brains. 豆花,豆花。I was very happy. Like, wow, that's cool. I saw some Cantonese food here. Then I ordered the 豆腐花. The owner asked me, do you want to add some chili there? I was like, what? Chili? Seriously? 辣椒吗? 对,辣椒。 At that time, I just realized, wow. So in the north, people eat the tofu brains, the salty one. 就是他们吃咸的豆腐花。 But in the south, especially in Guangdong, we always have the sweet tofu brains. 就甜的豆腐花。 We may add some crystal sugar, 就是那些白砂糖。 Or some red beans there. 红豆 Yeah, usually we have something like that. Or some honey. Yes. 蜜糖 Yeah, so there's a very interesting domestic culture shock.
Yeah, that's for sure. That sounds very interesting. I remember that too. When I was little, traveling to Shanghai, the tofu brains 豆花 came with soy sauce.
就是酱油。 混在那个豆花里面。 Wait, seriously? 对啊,在上海的时候,他们吃咸的嘛。 天啊。 我就很不适应。 因为我很喜欢吃豆花。 那当然,广东吃豆花都是甜的。 放什么红糖啊,砂糖啊之类的。 还有放姜糖。 对,对,对。 对吧? 对,反正就是甜的。 对,反正就是甜的。 现在给我弄一个咸的。 好有趣。
So besides tofu brains, do you have any shocking food? Like, let me think about it. What about durian? Have you ever got shocked by durian?
Durian 榴莲 对 Actually, I don't remember.
Yeah, I know in Australia, people eat the kangaroo, right?
I tried it. Wait, right? Seriously? Yeah.
Okay, but I think kangaroos are somehow like our friends. I think it's unlike other animals. I think they are very strong and cute. That's why I don't think I would give it a try.
If you can see a kangaroo just at your backyard, you wouldn't say so. You will see kangaroos really often in Australia. So for them, it's too many. Ah, I see. It's one way to deal with too many kangaroos. Ah, because they want to control the population of the kangaroos. That's why kangaroos become one of the diets. I see, I see.
So, any other questions? Yeah, the last one would be describe a popular food in your country. Why do people like this food?
Well, I would like to say one of the popular foods in my country is 臭豆腐. Oh no. The smelly tofu. Why I say that? Because every time when you go to a tourist attraction, you will find 臭豆腐there.
I hate that smell.
But, people like me like that smell a lot. And I love it. Because the 臭豆腐, even though it's smelly, however, the skin is very crispy. The skin is very crispy. And the tofu inside is silky. 非常地滑. That's why it's very good. And the sauce they make is unique. It's mixed with chilli and other types of spices. That's why it tastes so good.
I still haven't tried it yet. Not even once. Okay, so maybe I should, like your dad, force you to try it once. And then maybe you'll fall in love the second time. You'd better make the reward really high. Okay, for sure.
Okay, so that's all for today. Thank you for listening. And please subscribe us in 小宇宙,喜马拉雅,苹果博客和QQ音乐.对,我们的同名博客不仅在各大平台有,也可以在小红书以及微博上面找到我们。欢迎大家多给我们留言互动,也说说你对榴莲的看法。对,还有臭豆腐,还有其他食物,还有那些你听过的很奇怪的食物也可以。好,谢谢大家。Okay, have a nice weekend. Have a nice weekend. Bye.
西北的豆腐花甚至是酸辣的 加醋和辣椒
One day after my dad received a promotion, he decided to celebrate by buying a durian, which cost almost 400 yuan, and none of us know how to open it. My dad, with determination, finally got to the golden custard-like pulp.
(Determination 决心, Custard like pulp 奶冻般的果肉)
The smell hit us first, followed by the taste. Our faces twisted. Simultaneously, we spat it out. (Simultaneously 同时的)
The rich, creamy texture and complex flavor were too much for our unprepared palates. (Palates 味觉)

Years later, my parents traveled to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. They returned with a newfound love for durian. Their enthusiasm was contagious. (Contagious 有传染性的)
Reluctantly, I took a small bite. The first piece was still off-putting. (Off-putting 令人不快的) But not as bad as I remembered. With some hesitation, I took a second bite. This time, the taste was more neutral and the smell less overwhelming. (With some hesitation 带着犹豫)
By the third piece, I began to appreciate the creamy texture and complex flavor. That night marked a turning point. (A turning point 转折点)
So, any other questions? Yes, there are some questions in part one about food. So the question one is, what kind of new food would you like to try? Why?
Well, I can't think of anything. You know, as a Cantonese, I eat everything. So how about you?
Well, I saw durian has some red pulp. 就是红肉的榴莲. And I really, really want to try it. And I found I couldn't eat it here. The only place to try them out will be in Malaysia, I think. So I have to travel there to just try the red pulp durian. So that is a new thing I want to try. Because I'm a big fan of durian, I want to try every single kind of them.
Yeah, I want to try it too. You can make a trip to do so. Yes, can't wait.
So other questions, like what are some kinds of food you never eat? Why?
Well, that's a very tricky question. As I mentioned, as a Cantonese, basically I eat everything. However, something that I would never try is the kangaroo meat. 袋鼠.
Because actually, also based on the scientific research, the smell from durian mainly caused by two things. One is sulphur, which the rotten cabbage, onions or eggs share the same smell.
I see, I see. The second one is some chemicals smell like fruity.
Fruity,就闻起来有点果香? 对,就是当这两种结合起来, 那就是榴莲的那个味道。
Wow, that's a very interesting fact. Recently I heard Hainan is trying to grow durian.
Yeah, this is a tropical fruit, and I think Hainan has the conditions to grow the durians, right? Yeah, durian originates from Malaysia, but it also grows in areas like Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, and India. And soon enough there will be in Hainan as well.
I can't wait for the Hainan durian, because I think if the durian is not imported, probably the price will drop, right? Yeah. So it could be more affordable. Yeah, for sure. I can't wait for that too. The whole time we talk about it, make my mouth watering. Let's go buy some durians. Yeah, but we still have some little things left. Oh, I know.
So, any speaking tips for today? Yes, as a matter of fact, yes. In IELTS part 2 speaking test, there is a topic about something similar, like describe a time when you experienced a new food for the first time. You should say what the food was, where and when you tried it, how it tasted, and explain whether or not you would try again. Well, Wing, I think you would give us a very good example, because you just mentioned your experience. Yeah, and we shall use some of the words we just learned.
So here is the example. I still vividly remember the first time I encountered durian. (encounter, 偶遇, 遇到)
That was the famously smelly fruit.
But you know what? When I was in Southeast Asia, actually they taught me something. Like what? After eating the durians, in the Cantonese saying, we say durians have a lot of heat. 就是吃完榴莲之后特别上火, right? And the Southeast Asians, after eating the durian, they will use the shell, 用那个榴莲壳, and pour some water inside, and add a bit of salt, and make it into salt water. 就是他们会做成那个盐水, and drink it all. 所以就是吃完榴莲之后再喝那个盐水, 就可以降降火。 Does it taste good? Actually just salt water. Come on, what were you thinking? Okay, so no durian flavor in the water. No, no, no. I guess just the habit.
就是可能他们在东南亚里面, 他们没有上火这个概念。 但是他们就会知道这样子的话, 可以让他们身体没有那么不舒服吧,可能。 Okay. 对,所以这是一个小tips.
Yeah. You're talking about your experience in Southeast Asia, right? I remember when I was in the US, the only place I could see durian was in Asian market. 亚超,对的。I wanted to take those durians so much, but my friends couldn't bear with it at all. They told me a story, the first time they came back to US, they would buy a durian, and bring it to their friends' houses as a prank. What? Just prank them with the smell.
就是他们买了一个榴莲, 然后去带给他们的朋友, 就只是恶作剧吗? 对,就是带去不同的家里, 就把那个味道散播出去。
Oh my gosh. I just rolled my eyes. 我就翻了个白眼。
Because they cannot bear with the taste or the smell. I see. So do you want to change them like what your dad did to you? I don't know. I'm not their parents. And I need a very life-changing trip to do so, like my parents did. Exactly. So the funny thing is, not long ago, my friend texted me, one day he walked in a supermarket in the US, normal supermarket, not an Asian market, he smelled some durian thing in the supermarket. So the durians are sold there? No. So what is it? It was a new flavor of potato chips. Huh? But it's not durian flavor, it's something like spicy onion mango flavor. Wow.
所以他是看到一个薯条。 薯片。 薯片。 你看,英式的就是薯条。 美式的就是薯片。 那我稍微补充一下, 在英国里面的话, chips 就是薯条, 然后 crips 是薯片。 在美式英语里面, chips 就是薯片, fries 是薯条。 OK, so 那个薯片是洋葱和芒果的结合。 类似。
Why it smells like durian?
So it is claimed that the oldest durian tree ever reported is 300 years old and from Thailand. 300年的树龄,然后也是来自泰国。
I guess probably that very expensive durian is from that tree. Yeah, I guess so. It's my lucky guess.
And talking about the thorny shape, do you know durians can be thornless? 榴莲没有刺? 对。Wait, 榴莲没有刺? 对。I never see something like that. I've never. But I found durian can be thornless and they are completely natural.
就是它不是人为去做, 而是天然就会出现无刺这个情况
So is it edible? Yes.
它这种没有刺的,它也是可以吃的,是吗? 是的,也是可以吃的
Okay, so what's the difference between their taste? I don't know. I have never tried it. I want to try. But I just found durian doesn't have to be thorny. I bet it must be very rare.
Durian is thornless, probably because they are cousins of okra and cocoa.
That's shocking. 好震惊哦。They don't look like each other at all.
Yeah. Do you know durian is edible not only their pulp, but also the whole thing? I know. Really? Tell me about it. How did you know that? Because after eating the durian, usually my family will cut the flesh and the seeds.
But do you know, we shouldn't drink alcohol right after eating durians? Is it because durians also have the alcohol? No, not because of that. Some scientists found that some enzyme responsible for alcohol metabolism in our body is impeded when a person eats durians.
Make you even feel more drunk. I see, I see. So remember, after eating the durian, don't drink any alcohol. Yeah.
I tried them too, but the quality is not even comparable to the ones I had before. Oh no. I have no words. I am so jealous right now.
Yet, do you know what kind of, what type of durian is the most expensive in history? Wait, not the 猫山王? No. Which one? It's called Kan Yao Durian.干尧榴莲 Is it a place name? I think it's a place in Thailand.
Oh. So how much is it? Guess 1,000 yuan each? No, more than that. Way more than that. Okay, let me guess. 10,000 yuan each? More than that. One last guess. You have three chances already. Wait. Okay, let me add one more zero. 100,000 yuan each.10万一个。Times almost four. What? 40万块钱一个榴莲。Yes, 最贵的榴莲。The most expensive durian ever sold in the history was 47,990 U.S. dollars.
那所以四十万人民币 一个榴莲的话 我吃完之后 我可以成精吗?
That is my first reaction when I read that news. That's so crazy.
It's in Cantonese. Yeah, exactly, right?
吃了会飞,这个榴莲 就是贫穷限制了我的想象吗? 绝对是。
It was a rare type that was auctioned at the King of Durian Festival in Thailand.
是在泰国的榴莲之王节 拍卖会上的一颗榴莲 Oh, wow 拍卖的,难怪。
That fruit was hand-picked by the farmers just a day before the sale, and it was selected for the auction because of its shape, maturity, and size.
所以这颗榴莲的话 就是在拍卖前一天 由那个农民亲手采摘的 而且的话 它之所以那么贵的话 是因为它那个形状啊 成熟度还有大小 都是因素之一。
But I still can't understand, like, why durians are so expensive.
Yeah, you know how they decide whether it's a good durian or more expensive or cheaper durian? Is it based on the spikes?
根据那个刺来看的吗? 不是。
So how? It depends on the tree. Yeah, the durian tree. Do you know durian is on the tree? I know because I saw it. Oh, okay. No wonder. I remember the first time I saw durian on the tree. I was shocked. My first reaction was, what if it fell down? What happens if anyone, you know, under the tree? Yeah, right? Accidents may happen. Yeah.
So for durian, the older the tree, the more expensive the fruit. That makes sense. It's more fertilized.
它可能有更多的肥料,可能很肥沃呢。 对啊,就是树龄越大,果实就会越贵的。
No, durian is something that you either love it or hate it. There's no between. Yes, so either a lover or a hater. Exactly. So literally, seeing my dog's reaction definitely make the durian thing truly become a family affair. And I love it so, so, so much that it's almost like addiction to me.
I even spent a whole day to find good durian in Malaysia. Oh, so have you found one? As a matter of fact, I found a very small open stall made of bamboo scaffolding with a piece of tarp for a roof. And that was for Musang King, 猫山王. Oh, so you went to the market. It was not a market. It's in the middle of nowhere. I can see the durian trees around the area. My friend in Malaysia, a local, took me there. Oh, so it was the durian site.
That sounds kind of primitive. Yeah, it was a hidden gem. Hidden gem,我们之前提过这个词,宝藏,对,宝藏。
Offering cheap yet incredibly good durian. My friend and I were in heaven. Wow, in heaven. We spent the entire day there, eating durian until it became our dinner. Wow, so how much have you had at that time? I don't remember. Two for each of us. Seriously, two? It was a blast and unforgettable experience that even deepened my love for this unique fruit. I also want to have this blast.
Oh, I'm so jealous. It's so good. It was so, so, so good. Yeah, I never had a similar experience like that. I'm sorry for the listeners who don't like durian. I think that is a disaster for you, but a blast for me. Yeah, also a blast for me too. Do you know how much I paid for that tasteful, grateful, wonderful, amazing, fantastic experience? Well, actually, I bet it's not so cheap, but based on the location you mentioned, let me see, I think like 200 or 300 each? About 100 RMB per one. What? 100 RMB for that high quality durian? Yes. Oh my gosh. Yeah, nothing can compare to that. I know 猫山王is sold as a frozen one in some markets here.
Yeah, so reluctantly, I took a small bite. The first piece was still off-putting.
就是还是让你觉得很不愉快 off-putting。Yeah 就是off-putting 就可以想着 put off 就因为它令人非常不愉快,所以你要把它推得远远的,所以就off-putting, off-putting.
But not as bad as I remembered. With some hesitation, I took a second bite. This time, the taste was more neutral, and the smell less overwhelming.
Oh, it seems that you actually get used to it, right? Yeah, and by the third piece, something remarkable happened. I began to appreciate the creamy texture and complex flavor. Wow, such a big change. Yeah, I know. I was surprised too. And I started to like it a lot, just overnight.
That's interesting. Yeah, so that night marked a turning point for me. A turning point.
A turning point 就已经是一个转折点了,对,就是黑转粉。好的,黑转粉。
The during, once a symbol of aversion, became a surprising delight to me.
Wow 它一开始是让你非常的厌恶 Right Aversion,然后现在变成了一个 delight,变成一个让你非常开心的东西,对。
From a hater to a lover.
That's true. That's so true.
So this whole package is the first experience for me of durian. The first, I hate it, and then I fell in love with it. I don't know anyone like you, just fall in love with 榴莲 at the first sight. I really don't know anyone like you.
Maybe I hate it first, but I was too young, you know. The first memory of the durian was when I was five. That's why I didn't remember before five, have I ever tried any durian before.
Yeah, I think it probably makes sense because I witnessed something similar to my dog. I thought dogs would hate the smell of durian. Yeah. But my dog loved durian. Serious? Ziva loves the durian. Yeah, she loves it so much. As soon as she catches a whiff of durian, she gets excited. Starts licking her mouth and sits up straight, eagerly waiting for a bite. Wow, that's very cool. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen, like how she sit up waiting for durian.
So I'm curious, do all the dogs love durian? I doubt it. So dogs are like humans, right? Not everybody really into durians.
Yeah. That stinky 400 yuan felt like it had just vanished into the thin air. 就是那四百块钱就打水漂了。We couldn't believe we had spent so much on something so unappetizing.
我能想象,unappetizing, 非常反胃的, 令人反胃,倒胃口的。 对。
OK, so my auntie actually had a similar experience. She used to hate the durian so much. However, as time passed, she fell in love. So how about you? Did you change your attitude towards the durian? Yes, actually I did. Now I love it. You know why? Why? You know what happened to me? I'm curious. One trip changed everything, and that trip wasn't even mine. Years later, my parents went on a trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
新马泰。 对,那时候应该叫新马泰。 不知道现在还有没有。 现在其实应该也是有一条龙新马泰, 不过就是大家可能就不会像之前那么赶, 然后就说一周去了三个国家。对。 So my parents went on that trip. Little did they know that journey would be life-changing, literally life-changing for me. Wow. For you? For me. Your parents changed you? Yeah. So on their first night back, they came home beaming with excitement and holding a durian. So the first try was very bad, however they still want to give it a second try. Well, I think they fell in love with durian on their trip. Yeah, that makes sense. Then they came back. I was staying with my uncle at that time, so they picked me up and came home with a durian. Their enthusiasm was contagious, but I was still the odd one out, holding on to my distaste for durian. My dad, determined to change my mind, tried everything, for example, offering rewards, using persuasive words with a little bit threatening, and employing every technique he could think of to get me to give another chance of durian, because he loved it so much then.
Your dad is a bit... Which word to describe this?
Why he loves it, and he has to force you to love it too, and use all the tactics. Using all the tactics
Okay, so I bet you tried at that time, right?
Wow, splurge. 挥霍 Of course, he bought a durian for the celebration. It cost almost 400 yuan. That was a small fortune at that time.
Wow, 400 yuan 20 years ago? I'm not that old, but about that time. Wow, that's a lot.
Yeah, we were a big group. Not just my family, but also my extended family. So 10 of us, including 3 kids. So all of us eager to try this mysterious and expensive and exotic fruit. As you may tell, the anticipation was palpable as we gathered around the table. None of us know how to open the durian. Unlike today, when we buy a durian, the sellers will expertly open and pack the fruit for us. But back at that time, probably even the sellers didn't know how to do it. So we got the whole durian and we try to figure out how to open it. And my dad, with a knife, 菜刀, actually, in hand and with his determination, he began the battle with this thorny beast. It felt like an eternity, but finally, we made it to the golden custard-like pulp.
Okay. 所以你爸爸就是用一把菜刀,然后把它劈开。对,他那时候劈还没有像现在那么有经验,就会在尾巴一敲, 然后它裂开一条缝,你把它掰开。现在就很熟了,也见过别人开,自己也知道怎么开。但是想当年就根本无从入手,你就想着在哪里,在旁边就直接把它砍开什么样,就不会想在尾巴一敲, 然后可能摔两下, 它就会慢慢有一条缝裂出来, 你就掰开它。 哇,那所以吃个榴莲的话, 又贵,然后又费了很大劲。 对啊。
So with this rewarding experience, do you like it? That's a good question. After all this excitement, all of us took a piece and praised ourselves. The smell hit us first, an overwhelming wave of pungency that filled the room.
Wait, pungency? 你觉得很刺鼻? 对,可以想象一下。 不过估计你挺难想象, 因为你是对它一见钟情。 一见钟情,对。
Anyway, then came the taste. As we each took a bite, our faces twisted in unison. The rich, creamy texture and complex flavor were too much for our unprepared palates.
Palates, 就是味觉。 所以其实那时候你开了之后, 然后大家都很震惊,对吧? 对啊。 所以我就问你一下, 那你们有没有吐? 有的,我们真的是吐了。 就是当时一开, 我们想着说这么贵, 这么难得, 终于可以试了, 大家都很兴奋去试吃。 结果吃一小口, 哇,整个人都不好了。 先是那个味道, 捏着鼻子先吃了一口, 就说先吃了再说, 毕竟这么贵,对吧? 对。 还是不行。 就是五个字来总结, 花钱买罪受。 差不多是这个意思。
OK. So we spat it out almost simultaneously, the room echoing with laughter and groans of disgust. I can imagine that.
I can't think of the first time I tried it. According to my mom, I tried the durian when I was five. Did you like it? She said I love it so much. Really? Yeah, you know what happened?
You fell in love with durian at the first sight? Yes. 一见钟情。
Seriously? Seriously? Yes. And you know what? She said she kept the durian in the fridge because she couldn't finish it all. However, I think at night or in the morning, I secretly stole the durian in the fridge and finished it all. Then she said when she was home and she saw me, she was shocked because at that time, my tongue was exactly like a snake's tongue. 有倒刺,还是倒勾。What? Have you ever experienced something like that? No. Because my mom said at that time, I had so much heat inside my body. 她说我特别特别的上火。She was shocked and actually it scared her. Then she had to take me to the doctor. I see. Wow. Yeah, so that was a very unforgettable experience for me with the durian. Interesting.

Yeah, how about you?
Well, I used to hate it like you. When the first time I tried it, I actually really hated it. Yeah, I still vividly remember the first time I encountered durian. At that time, it was famously smelly. 就是非常恶名灼照的臭。 Yeah, that was the first impression on many other people. Yeah, I was just a little kid and durian was one of the early exotic fruits imported to China. It was so expensive that barely anyone could afford it. As I walked by the store with my parents, I couldn't help but wonder what that thorny, stinky thing was. So that was my first impression of durian. It has a really weird shape. Yeah, it looked weird and smelled weird. Everything about this “fruit” is weird. Yeah, but why was it so expensive, right? Yeah, exactly. And why on earth there was such a thing? One day, things got changed because my dad just got a promotion or maybe it was a bonus or something. I don't quite remember. So that was a cause for celebration. To mark this occasion, my dad decided to splurge on something special for our family.
I remember there were like three big bathtubs that a lot of people can just walk in and bathe in it. And then there was a part that is called rubbing session. 搓澡. Yes. It was so, so, so strange. Why? I didn't look right directly into what was going on there. But I had a peek. One lady was lying on something like a bed. Another lady using something, I don't know what that is, like rubbing on the skin.
搓澡巾 Like the rubbing towel or something.
Yeah. I don't know if it's a towel or something. I cannot tell. So yeah, it was very shocking for me. I ended up running away. Like, no, no, no. It's too much for me. And they call it 南方小土豆. We're so conservative and so self-conscious.
Yeah, I feel you, you know. So do you have any other experiences like the domestic culture shock?
I went to that bathhouse because I joined my friend's wedding in Changchun. The bathhouse was part of domestic culture shock on that trip. My first culture shock was the wedding ceremony. Like in southern China, especially in Guangdong, we spend a whole day for the ceremony.I think from like six in the morning until nine at night. Yeah, basically a whole day, 24 hours. But in Changchun, the whole ceremony was completely around three in the afternoon. Wow, that's very efficient. Yeah, exactly. Very efficient.
You know, in Guangdong culture, we have a saying, 五时恭候,六时入席,七时未得食。
Usually, the whole crew, including grooms and brides and bridesmaids, groomsmen, everyone is prepared to welcome you at five o'clock. And everyone can join to take a seat around six. But usually, even at seven o'clock, you wouldn't get any food. The real dinner time probably starts at eight.

Yeah, basically before eight, probably you will watch the videos of the wedding thousands of times. Yeah, but in Changchun, it's so quick. Like in the morning, we did all the ceremony. And then around, I guess, 12 o'clock, that was the proper dinner, the banquet time. Ah, that's very nice.
Hello everyone, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦。 I'm Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, we've talked about culture shocks before. Have you ever experienced culture shock without going abroad?
You mean the culture shock in China? Yeah. Let me see. Oh, I remember a long, long time ago when I went to Hebei. At that time, people asked me, do you want to try the public bath? The bathhouse, 澡堂. I was like, what was it? I had no clue at that time. And then they told me, well, the public bathhouse means you went there to take a bath, take off all your clothes, and just be naked, just like others. I was like, what? It was so embarrassing, you know. So I said, no, no, no, no. I don't want to try. But actually, this freaks me out. I was totally shocked. So have you ever tried something like that before?
So you have never been into the bathhouse? Never. You haven't been inside? No. But I did. How was it? Shocked is not enough to describe my feelings at that time. I didn't really take the bath in there. But my friend invited me inside and just asked me, you know, just look around and then you can make your decision whether you want to take a bath here or not. So I walked in it. No worry. There are men's side and ladies' side. So I walked into the ladies' side. The first person I encountered was a completely naked 阿姨.
Yeah. I was embarrassed. I moved my eye contact right away to try not to look at others. I was curious. So I tried to control myself not to stare at people. But then my friend told me, you know, we are all women. We are all equal. We are all the same. Why are you afraid? Don't be afraid. Everybody is the same. And then they started to take off their clothes and get ready for the bathtub. I didn't. By the way, I didn't. I still kind of like, I want to observe for a little bit longer. So they did their routine and walked with me to the bathtub. And that was open, open area. I mean like indoor, but it's open.