旅游尬聊英语特辑 之 国内外景点大PK尬聊英语 Gossip English

旅游尬聊英语特辑 之 国内外景点大PK

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00:00 🎙️ 尬聊英语时间又到了,八卦一下暑假旅游可以去哪?!?!
00:18 ☀️ 热播连续剧《我的阿勒泰》引发的旅游打卡新热点?
01:47 🇨🇭 Yao那美不胜收的瑞士之行,现在国内也有平替了?
02:39 🏔️ 少女峰的梦幻美景:蓝天、白云、绿山、小房子,如梦如痴?
05:38 🥃 让Wing流连忘返的是这个地方的地牢、鬼故事、酒与让众人唾弃的口音?
07:41 🌾 是哪个地方让Yao一年去两次都还嫌不够?
10:37 ⛰️Yao在旅行中的化险为夷:山体滑坡、悬崖、陌生人搭讪?
12:20 🌊 Wing的海底惊险经历:黑水潜水之差点嗝屁篇?
15:23 🎉 独自旅游vs组队旅游,你会选哪个?Wing与Yao会选哪个?
17:43 🗺️ 下一个旅游目的地会是哪里?南半球还是北半球?
18:36 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,将旅游话题聊通透?
22:28 🥁 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
So any other questions? Another question is, what problems can people have on holiday in a foreign country?
Safety. That's very true. Language. What else? Navigation, I think. So for me, while on holiday in a foreign country, people may encounter many, many challenges, such as language barriers, cultural differences, unfamiliar customs, and navigate difficulties. (encounter 遇到)
What about you? I think except what you have said just now, communication is also one of the problems, and sometimes we may come across the culture shock as we talked about in the first episode. Additionally, dealing with currency exchange, transportation hiccups, and unexpected emergencies can add stress. (Hiccup 小问题也是打嗝的意思)
Overcoming these obstacles require adaptability, patience, and resourcefulness to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience. (resourcefulness 足智多谋的)
Okay, so that's all for today. Thanks for listening. 欢迎大家在小宇宙,苹果播客,喜马拉雅,QQ音乐等订阅我们的同名播客。然后我们也会将我们的Speaking Tips放在我们同名小红书和微博“尬聊英语Gossip English”。 欢迎大家留言跟我们互动以及参加我们小红书上的直播。OK, see you guys! Have a nice weekend! Bye!
In part two, a question is like, describe a place to visit that you believe everyone should see. You should say where the place is located, what you did there, what the highlight of your trip was, and explain why you would recommend this place to others.
Can you give us an example? Of course. Is it about Switzerland? Why are you so clever? Because you talk about it so much. Yes.
One place I highly recommend visiting is Switzerland for its stunning landscapes and warm-hearted people. (Stunning 极迷人的, landscape 风景 and warm-hearted 非常热情的). I explored the Swiss Alps and cities like Zurich and Geneva, where the highlight was the breathtaking scenery. (Breathtaking, 美得惊人的, 就是把你的呼吸都带走, 就breathtaking, 所以就很漂亮, 非常生动的一个形容.)
The tranquillity and beauty of the Swiss countryside left me in awe. (Tranquility, 宁静, in awe, 敬畏的). The Swiss hospitality added a heartwarming touch to my trip.(Hospitality,热情好客,heart-warming 暖人心扉的,就跟刚才说的warm-hearted是刚好两个相似的词,但是呢,warm-hearted就是形容人的,heart-warming就是形容物的.)
Switzerland offers a perfect blend of nature and culture, making it a must-visit destination for all. (Must-visit destination 就必打卡的点)
Yes. So is there any more questions for test? Okay. In part one, the question is, why do you think people go on holiday? Well, people go on holiday to relax, of course, to see more new places, to eat more food, and immerse in different cultures so they can break away from routine. (Immerse in 沉浸)
What do you think about it? I think going on a holiday offers a chance to rejuvenate, learn, and create lasting memories. (Rejuvenate 是恢复活力 and lasting 永久的).
By taking a break from daily life, individuals can unwind, broaden their horizons through travel experiences, and gain insight into diverse cultures. (diverse 多样的)
And Thailand's vibrant culture and diverse cuisine made our trip unforgettable.
我也记得,泰国那边的文化是很活泼、很活跃的。 到处都有跟你说Sawatdee ka. Yeah. 然后他们还有出了名的泰式菜。对。(cuisine就是菜式, Vibrant 活泼的, diverse 多样的)。
From savoring street food to dancing the night away at the concert, every moment was filled with laughter and joy. It was a journey of friendship, adventure and unforgettable experiences that brought us closer together. That's why we have a group name “没有遗憾咔”. That's very cute. Yes. Traveling with friends truly adds a special touch to exploring new places and creating lasting memories. That's true. If you can find the right people, the fun will be doubled or tripled or something like that. Yes. Not trouble. Maybe trouble, but hopefully not. Yes. So that's why it makes the journey more rewarding and memorable than traveling alone. Cool. That's good for you. I'm jealous. Next time, let's go together. Deal.
Talking about this, so where's your next destination? I don't know yet. I really want to go for a diving trip. I haven't dived for so long because of the pandemic. So probably Philippines for diving. I'm not sure.
What about you? Well, for me, I think New Zealand because I want to see its breathtaking landscapes. And I know it's also famous for the adventure sports. Of course, the Maori culture. The famous Maori dance. Yes. So do you have a plan to New Zealand too? I don't know. My mom has been there. She speaks highly of it. And I have friends in New Zealand as well. I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet. Is it an invitation? Of course. Let's plan it together. If you're interested, I bet it must be fun. I agree.
So after so many interesting places and traveling, is there any speaking tips for our speaking test? Of course. So many questions.
It's so dangerous in the water at night that you cannot tell which is up and which is down. So that is very dangerous. If you think you are going up, but actually you're going deep, you are probably get lost in the water forever. So at that time, I did feel disoriented at one moment. I didn't see the light somehow. I didn't know why. Luckily, my friend caught me in the middle. He grabbed my vest and hand gesture to me that which way is really up and showed me where the lights was.
Oh my gosh. Damn, that sounds so scary.
Because the underwater world is so, so, so different in the night time compared to the daytime. Oh, I see. Just like the boss of the hotel told you, you should come back in October because it is completely different. I wanted to explore more underwater. So black water was my next step at that time. So I did it. That sounds attractive, but I won't give it a try.
Since traveling is filled with surprise, happiness and dangers, do you prefer to travel alone or with friends?
It depends. Actually, travel solo has its own fun, but of course, it's quite dangerous sometimes. True. Traveling with friends or family, generally speaking, is safer. But that means probably there will be some arguments between the group because people would have different ideas, different opinions. That is normal.
That's absolutely true, you know. But personally speaking, I prefer traveling with friends. Taking my Thailand trip for example, we have a group called “没有遗憾咔”. I travelled to Thailand with my friends, exploring and sharing delicious food together. We enjoyed the Thai night scenery on a cruise and went to a Coldplay concert to dance and have fun. Really? You see Coldplay in the flesh? Yes. Awesome. I went to the concert. Wow, nice. Yes.
Nice. But in Longji, we faced a dangerous situation. Why? What happened? We were enjoying the stunning views on the mountainside as the day turned into night, but we didn't aware of that. We walked down the mountain path, but visibility was almost zero, even with our flashlights.
就那个时候,真的验证了一句话叫做伸手不见五指。我经历过那个情况,我知道有多黑。 真的是很黑,黑到你不敢走路。对,我真的好害怕那时候。
I tried to navigate the path back to the hotel, but I got lost. Of course. We usually relied on our eyes so much. When we cannot see anything, it's so easy to get lost. I experienced something like that, but not in the mountain. I was in the water. Oh no. What was next to me was the landslide-prone mountainside.
Thank God, I'm still talking to you now. Yes, I was freaking out. Thankfully, a passing driver came to us, offering us a ride down to the mountain safely. That's good. It was very risky, and you got some luck in the end. Yes, and I asked the driver how much I should pay you, and the driver said, Ah, it's okay. Just a lift, you know. That's cool. You met a nice person, a nice driver. Yeah, that's why I have a very good impression on Longji. Cool.
So, Wing, have you ever experienced something dangerous during your trip? As I mentioned just now, I experienced the pitch black in the water, not in the mountain. It was on my diving trip. There is something called black water dive, which is you throw a string of lights into the water at night, so everything around you in the sea or above the sea is very quiet and chill. You will be taken on a little boat, and then the dive master would throw a string of light bulbs into the water, so you can follow the string, follow the lights, dive into water. Then you wouldn't lose your direction or be disorientated.
就是我其中有一次也是很危险的,就是 有一种潜水叫做黑水潜水,就是你会坐着小船去到海中央,在夜晚的时候,你的教练会扔一条捆绑着电灯泡,或者是电筒,我忘了,的线进去海里,然后你顺着那个线去潜水。然后,就因为要透过那个线,以及那个光,让你不要迷失方向。
I know a lot of people may hate that, but I really like that accent.就苏格兰的那个口音。You mean me? I hate it, because I couldn't understand it at all. Yeah, you told me that, but I love that accent. Maybe it's because of the culture, because of the vibe of that place. So I really like that accent. Yes.
What about you? Is there any places that is worth visiting twice in your view? Yes, actually, except Switzerland. I've been to the Rice Terrace in Longji, Guangzhou twice last year.
就是我去年的话, 我去了两趟那个龙脊梯田。 你一年去两趟也比较厉害了。
Yes. I love it so much. A few years ago, when I traveled to Bali, Indonesia, I was amazed by the Rice Terrace. But after visiting the one in Longji, Bali's one means nothing to me.
就是印度尼西亚的巴厘岛,它也有梯田嘛。我第一次看梯田的时候,就是在印度尼西亚的时候。但是我看完龙脊之后,我就觉得,啊,巴厘岛就这样子吗? Sorry. 不是在一个等级上面的。 对。
Last July, I went to Longji, the Rise Terrace was bright green, layers by layers, just like the matcha crepe you see in the bakery shop.
七月份去龙脊的时候,梯田就是很绿,一片一片的,就有点像抹茶千层。我肚子都饿了。Yes. And I sat in the hotel room, looking at this masterpiece, and taking a moment to pause and to breathe.
And then the hotel owner told me that in October, the Rice Terrace would turn into a golden wonderland.
As a Cantonese, I barely could witness the transformation of seasons. So I decided to go back.
When I went back, the golden light bathed everything in a soft, radiant glow. Walking through Longji in October was like being wrapped in a blanket of tranquillity. I sincerely appreciated the wonders that lied in front of me.
所以你十月份就真的回去了。对啊,回去了。然后你看到全都是金茫茫的一片。对啊,好美哦。那就跟你七月份去的绿油油就很不一样咯。是。那感觉是很棒。对,但是这两次回去的话,我都有同样的感受。我就感觉到它那一个宁静 (Tranquillity 宁静)。
So I think if you feel stressed, if you want to find somewhere to rest or relax, the Rice Terrace in Longji is a must visit.
That was very gorgeous.
Yes. When I finally got to Jungfrau, it was like stepping into a winter wonderland, even though it was summer back then.
虽然我是夏天去的,但是我到达少女峰的时候,不知道为什么山上就有那个积雪,所以就看到像冬天的一个景象一样。冬季仙境。对。Winter wonderland.
Everywhere I looked, it was just pure white beauty. The air was thin up there, but man, the sights were worth it! I stood there, taking it all in, feeling so small, but so connected to this incredible place.
And Wing, usually I like to tick off various tourist attractions, and don't like to explore the destination twice.
But how about you? It really depends. If I really really like a place, I probably would go back. But for some others that I don't have strong connection to, I probably only would go there once.
Same, same here. So is there any place that is worth visiting twice in your view?
Oh, actually many many places. The top of my list is Scotland. Scotland 苏格兰 I really like the dungeon culture of Scotland, especially in the old town. You can see all those old castles, there are so many haunting stories.
其实苏格兰那里,他们有很多的地牢,这个算是他们的一种文化。然后因为在地牢里面嘛,所以特别特别多鬼故事。我就很喜欢那边这种mysterious history。
And also, Scotland is famous for its scotch. 苏格兰 威士忌 Yes. Especially the single malt,就是他们的单麦。One of my favorite whiskey is from Scotland. Ah, no wonder.
So I really want to go back. I've actually been there twice. Really? Yeah.
I've been to Scotland once, and I really loved that place. I was amazed by its protection of the cultural heritage.
So if next time you want to go back to Scotland, just text me. Sure thing. And also, I really like the accent of Scotland.
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到了。I'm Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Wing, have you ever watched China's new hit TV show “To The Wonder” 《我的阿勒泰》? No, I haven't. What is it about? Okay, 阿勒泰 actually is in Xinjiang, 就是新疆的阿勒泰。But this show has made 阿勒泰 a new-trended tourism destination among young people.
它变成了现在年轻人都想打卡的一个旅游胜地。跟之前神仙姐姐拍的那个电视剧一样。就大家都想去云南打卡。 对对对。
So why people were attracted by this 阿勒泰? Because they were attracted by the breathtaking views, and the simple and heartwarming lives of the local residents.
就是被那边美得惊人的景色, 以及非常淳朴又暖人心扉的生活状态给打动、给吸引。 Yes. So have you ever been to the place like this?
Yeah, I think so. The first place comes to my mind is Tibet. Tibet 西藏? Yes. I've never seen such blue sky. I remember we were on a road that I couldn't see any houses or buildings around. All I could see was mountains and grass and a lot of yaks. 有好多牦牛。 对的。 What about you? I've never been to Xinjiang or Tibet before, but I traveled to Switzerland twice, which is known for its stunning landscapes, picturesque villages and rich cultural heritage.
其实我没有去过新疆或是西藏, 但是我去过瑞士两次, 因为它那里的风景非常的迷人。 然后你进去那个村庄那里的话, 就好像你在一幅画一样。 而且那里有非常丰富的一个文化遗产。
Nice. And I strongly recommend Interlaken. 中文名叫因特拉肯.
Okay. Do you know China also has a replica Interlaken in Shenzhen?
世界之窗吗?它好像不是世界之窗, 它是一个主题公园, 但是它是复制那个瑞士的因特拉肯。好吧。也挺漂亮的。就是如果不能去瑞士就去深圳吧。平替。平替,对。
And visiting Interlaken is like stepping into a postcard perfect Swiss paradise.
And Jungfrau, the top of the Europe, is located in Interlaken. Jungfrau(更正读音). Oh, okay. Jungfrau. Yeah, that is German. Jungfrau.
Fun fact,瑞士的话它讲三种语言。它没有自己当地的语言,所以它会讲法语、德语,还有意大利语。
Oh, okay. Interesting. And I hop up on the super cool cogwheel train, headed for Jungfrau.
We went through tunnels, and suddenly, boom! We were surrounded by these massive mountains. I feel like I was in a dream, just soaking in the epic views.
00:03 wow,沙发🛋