00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,准备好迎接你的美食之旅了吗?!
00:18 🍴 为什么吃在广东,因为广东只有两样东西不吃?
02:31 🐓 究竟是什么食物让国人欲罢不能,却让老外闻之色变?
05:13 👨🍳 粤菜的13种烹饪方法,你能道出多少种?
09:24 🍲 猜猜哪道粤菜可以红遍大江南北,几乎无人不知?
12:39 🦪 Yao与Wing做菜的必杀武器究竟是什么?
13:52 🌿 粤菜做法这么多,那常常用的香料有哪些?
15:03 🐔 你知道一名广东人对鸡的最高评价是什么?
15:51 🐷 “甜酸味”闻名中外,但其实“甜酸味”不仅仅只是甜与酸?
17:13 🍢 粤式街头小吃,最让你爱不释手的是哪一款?
22:51 🍮 街边小吃不仅有历史有故事,还有各种寓意与祝福?
25:36 🐮 牛杂精华在哪里?Wing与Yao说到“流口水”!
26:30 🎖️ 全店只卖两样东西,没空调没服务,也不妨碍拿米其林?
28:04 🧇 外脆内软的鸡蛋仔,究竟有怎样的起源故事?
30:43 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,发挥吃货的最大优势?
38:16 💬 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!
小红书同名直播时间:每周三、五、日 22:00,不定期也在周一 22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂!
Hey guys, it's gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到了! This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Recently, many people travel to Guangdong or Hong Kong. There is a famous saying in China that Guangdong's capital, Guangzhou, is “the city of gastronomy”美食之都. So the most frequently asked question is, what kind of food do you recommend? So Wing, I know you were born and raised here. In terms of favorite Cantonese food, do you have anything in your mind?
Many things. For example, dim sum is the very classic Cantonese food. Even the word dim sum is from Cantonese 点心.
Yes. So yeah, I think dim sum is my favorite food. And of course, dim sum has so many different kinds, like egg tart 蛋挞(粤语), 我们用三语来做这个播客. What about you? What's your favorite Cantonese food?
There are so many, but I'll let you know later, ok? Ok.
So when we live streamed in Redbook 小红书, most of the people think highly of Cantonese food. When we say, oh, we are in Guangdong and we were born here, they always say like, oh, I love Cantonese food. When I travel to Guangzhou, I always feel full, I always eat. So do you know why?
Well, I think we have very fresh ingredients and we have so many options to choose. So I think anyone, whoever comes here can always find something that they like because we have so many options.
Exactly. Because the ingredients range from sky to ground. 我们有一句话叫什么? 只要天上飞,还在地上走, 都可以成为广东人餐桌上面的食物,对不对?
对,就是天上飞的除了飞机不吃, 地上四只脚的除了桌子不吃,其他都吃。
对。 Yeah, that's why the Cantonese ingredients is very famous for its freshness. For example, the fresh fish and shellfish, beef, chicken, pork, tropical fruits, and a wide array of fresh vegetables are really common ingredients here.
And chicken feet. I think most Chinese would eat chicken feet, 鸡爪,鸡脚, but Canton is one of the biggest ports in the world, not just in China, in the world, consume the most of the chicken feet. I even heard a lot of chicken feet imported from outside China because only people from here would eat chicken feet.