作为一名吃货,我们必须把粤菜英语尬聊好尬聊英语 Gossip English


39分钟 ·

00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,准备好迎接你的美食之旅了吗?!
00:18 🍴 为什么吃在广东,因为广东只有两样东西不吃?
02:31 🐓 究竟是什么食物让国人欲罢不能,却让老外闻之色变?
05:13 👨‍🍳 粤菜的13种烹饪方法,你能道出多少种?
09:24 🍲 猜猜哪道粤菜可以红遍大江南北,几乎无人不知?
12:39 🦪 Yao与Wing做菜的必杀武器究竟是什么?
13:52 🌿 粤菜做法这么多,那常常用的香料有哪些?
15:03 🐔 你知道一名广东人对鸡的最高评价是什么?
15:51 🐷 “甜酸味”闻名中外,但其实“甜酸味”不仅仅只是甜与酸?
17:13 🍢 粤式街头小吃,最让你爱不释手的是哪一款?
22:51 🍮 街边小吃不仅有历史有故事,还有各种寓意与祝福?
25:36 🐮 牛杂精华在哪里?Wing与Yao说到“流口水”!
26:30 🎖️ 全店只卖两样东西,没空调没服务,也不妨碍拿米其林?
28:04 🧇 外脆内软的鸡蛋仔,究竟有怎样的起源故事?
30:43 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,发挥吃货的最大优势?
38:16 💬 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


大家可以多多在 小红书微博 留言与练习例句呢!
小红书同名直播时间:每周三、五、日 22:00,不定期也在周一 22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂!

展开Show Notes
Hey guys, it's gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到了! This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Recently, many people travel to Guangdong or Hong Kong. There is a famous saying in China that Guangdong's capital, Guangzhou, is “the city of gastronomy”美食之都. So the most frequently asked question is, what kind of food do you recommend? So Wing, I know you were born and raised here. In terms of favorite Cantonese food, do you have anything in your mind?
Many things. For example, dim sum is the very classic Cantonese food. Even the word dim sum is from Cantonese 点心.
Yes. So yeah, I think dim sum is my favorite food. And of course, dim sum has so many different kinds, like egg tart 蛋挞(粤语), 我们用三语来做这个播客. What about you? What's your favorite Cantonese food?
There are so many, but I'll let you know later, ok? Ok.
So when we live streamed in Redbook 小红书, most of the people think highly of Cantonese food. When we say, oh, we are in Guangdong and we were born here, they always say like, oh, I love Cantonese food. When I travel to Guangzhou, I always feel full, I always eat. So do you know why?
Well, I think we have very fresh ingredients and we have so many options to choose. So I think anyone, whoever comes here can always find something that they like because we have so many options.
Exactly. Because the ingredients range from sky to ground. 我们有一句话叫什么? 只要天上飞,还在地上走, 都可以成为广东人餐桌上面的食物,对不对?
对,就是天上飞的除了飞机不吃, 地上四只脚的除了桌子不吃,其他都吃。
对。 Yeah, that's why the Cantonese ingredients is very famous for its freshness. For example, the fresh fish and shellfish, beef, chicken, pork, tropical fruits, and a wide array of fresh vegetables are really common ingredients here.
And chicken feet. I think most Chinese would eat chicken feet, 鸡爪,鸡脚, but Canton is one of the biggest ports in the world, not just in China, in the world, consume the most of the chicken feet. I even heard a lot of chicken feet imported from outside China because only people from here would eat chicken feet.
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i didn't understand why the grown-ups eat 白切鸡without any sause i thought it was too mild and boring. now i totally get that, it's the best way to enjoy the original chicken taste. 🥺
I like how you catagorize it as "grown-ups" thing. Haha. It's true.
我暗暗期待会提到广东煲仔饭claypot rice🫣
32:59 凤爪 排骨 猪肚 牛肉丸 牛百叶 牛肚 牛筋 腐皮卷 牛仔骨 虾饺 干蒸烧卖 带子饺 牛肉干蒸 叉烧包 奶黄包 流沙包 莲蓉包 马拉糕 千层糕 糯米鸡 牛肉肠 鲜虾肠 叉烧肠粉 鱼片粥 滑鸡粥 及第粥 皮蛋瘦肉粥 煎饺 咸水饺 芋角 煎马蹄糕 煎芋丝糕 炸春卷 炸云吞 煎年糕 煎萝卜糕 咸煎饼 牛脷酥 干炒牛河 蒸陈村粉 豉油王炒面 星洲炒米 生炒牛肉饭 糯米糍 老婆饼 豆腐花 蛋挞 椰挞 椰丝球 水晶饼 甜薄鐣 绿豆糖水 红豆糖水 炖蛋 虾菇咸水角 银芽鸡丝春卷 凉瓜汤丸 蜜汁叉烧包 时菜生肉包 香滑麻容包 水果甜肠粉 鱼滑酿尖椒 潮州蒸粉果 客家糯米糍 蛋黄莲容包 空心大煎堆 菊花鲮鱼球 罗汉斋肠粉 蜜汁叉烧粉 鲜菇牛肉肠 沙湾姜撞奶 顺德双皮奶红豆奶冻糕 水果忌廉挞 松化鸡蛋散 蚝汁叉烧酥 岭南鸡蛋挞 叉烧焗餐包 姜汁奶蛋挞 腊味萝卜糕 五香芋头糕 椰汁红豆糕 泮塘马蹄糕 鸿运年年糕 姜汁绿茶糕 香麻芋丝糕 香草绿豆糕 上汤灼猪红 安虾煎肠粉 特色粟米饼 酥皮焗水牛奶 豉油皇珍珠肠 浓酱蒸凤爪 面豉蒸排骨 浓汤小笼包 果仁马拉糕 面酱猪大肠 海苔鲜竹卷 蛋皇奶皇包 水晶香茜饺 蜂花蜜糖盏 上海白菜饺 榄仁千层糕 家乡蒸粉卷 香草绿豆饼 顺德淋糖糕 腐皮罗汉卷 鲜虾水晶包 瑶柱萝酥 飘香榴莲酥 冬菇肉片肠 绿茶蛋糕仔 金沙水晶果 香芒冻布甸 银丝肉松包 鲜奶焗泡芙 雪山焗餐包 酥皮菠萝包 柴鱼花生粥 菜心咸鸡粥 双飞鱼片粥 咸骨菜干粥京都锅贴饺 泰式煎鱼饼 蚝皇大肠面 肇庆果蒸粽 紫苏南海生肠 蚝皇银芽炒面 特点鲍鱼糯米鸡 黑椒牛仔骨 百味金钱肚 凤爪排骨饭 浓味牛坑腩 萝卜炆钱肚 芥辣鲜虾果 特色酿炸面 金丝芋虾卷 沙律明虾饺 酸甜炸云吞 瑶柱银杏粥 皮蛋瘦肉粥 状元及弟粥 荔湾艇仔粥 蟹子云吞面 上汤牛腩面 生炒糯米饭
哇 对非粤语地区的听众来说 真的听得有点云里雾里的 不过听起来真的好好吃哈哈哈
Mads爱吃冰激凌:特别喜欢你们的播客 声音也好听 加油加油嘿嘿嘿!
16:01 下次朋友来广州先让他们听完这期播客😋
16:03 这不就是咕咾肉吗哈哈 当然是粤菜
Yeah, I can't agree more. Okay, that's all for today. Thanks for listening.
欢迎大家给我们留言互动给我们说一下你最喜欢的菜是什么或者你来广东最欣赏最喜欢的是哪道菜。欢迎到我们的小红书跟微博上面留言互动,当然也可以在我们的小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果博客 以及QQ音乐进行留言互动。Okay guys, have a nice weekend. Bye.
Yeah, I totally agree with you. Every dish has a meaning behind it. And it also reminds me of a very interesting thing. Do you still remember there's a saying called “No chicken can walk out of Guangdong alive”?没有一只鸡可以活着走出广东,因为在广东的那个宴席,或者是广东的那个聚餐里面的话,我们有一句话叫做,无鸡不成宴(粤语),无鸡不成宴(普通话),我们必须有一只鸡才行。When we have the family gathering, we always have chicken as one of the dishes because there is a saying “No banquet is complete without chicken”.
Yeah, other than those, in Cantonese language, food always works as a swearing word somehow Like I mentioned before 卤水,卤味,叉烧, etc. They are all words for us to swear. I don't know why. But it's just how it is.
Yeah, I think the Cantonese cuisine is associated with the Cantonese culture, right?
Yeah, exactly.
And there's one more question. How has globalization influenced the food choices and eating habits in your country?
Okay What do you think?
I think thanks to globalization, right now we have more options than before. Like when I was still young, I remember every festival we would go to the traditional Cantonese restaurants. However, right now we will choose other kinds of cuisines during some important festivals, like Spanish cuisines, French cuisines, or whatever. So somehow I think globalization does have an effect on our eating habits. How about you?
Yeah, I totally agree. Globalization means more options for us. It brings a variety of dishes, food, and cuisines even ingredients and seasonings to our world. And now we can even have more fusion dishes. Some of my favorite restaurants, they actually are Cantonese and Western fusion dishes. So I think globalization will definitely be beneficial for our palates.
So do we have more questions related to this topic?
Yes Another question is “What are the types of food That people eat in your country?”
Well, the first two cuisines that comes to my mind are, of course, Cantonese cuisine and Sichuan cuisine. What about you?
Actually in China we have eight cuisines 八大菜系. Besides Sichuan cuisine And Cantonese cuisine 川菜跟粤菜, there are six more cuisines in China Hunan cuisine 湘菜, Fujian cuisine 闽南菜, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Anhui cuisine and Shandong cuisine.
Wow That's a lot. Well if during our exam, we don't remember that many types of food. I think we can answer the question with a little bit more details. So for example, the first two things come to my mind is Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine. Because I like the spicy from the Sichuan cuisine and I like the freshness of Cantonese cuisine. Something like that. Any other questions?
Yes How important is food in your culture? Are there any specific customs or traditions related to food?
Of course In Cantonese cuisine, we mentioned a little bit before, everything has a meaning. We have so many meanings in our dishes. For example 砵仔糕, because 糕 means go, Like go up, upward. So it means we are perceived to upper status or something like that. And we have other cuisines like 鱼 in spring festival. Because 年年有鱼 means every year is going to be a rich year where we're so rich that we have so much left over. So meaning in Cantonese culture food always has meanings and the meanings always wish us good luck and good fortune. What do you think about that?
So, after so many palatable dishes, do you have any tips for our speaking test?
Yes, of course. In IELTS part 2, there's a question. Describe a traditional dish from your country that you personally enjoy eating. You should say the name of the dish, what ingredients are used to make it, why you enjoy it and explain what significance this dish has in your country's culinary culture.
Do you have any examples?
Sure, I'm gonna talk about one of my favorite dishes Sweet and sour pork. A delectable Chinese dish is a true icon in the realm of ancient cuisine (delectable 美味的 And another word icon,就是象征,标志)
This exquisite dish Embodies the essence of contrasting flavors ,blending succulent pieces of pork with a vibrant sweet and tangy sauce. (exquisite 精致的,就是我们想形容精致的菜肴的时候,可以用这个词。精致的菜肴 exquisite dish, essence 就是核心、内核、本质)
And succulent, oh, that is such a good word for us to describe dishes. Succulent就是很多汁的意思,这个对于我们想形容菜肴的时候,是一个很好的词.
The combination of crispy pork, bell peppers, pineapple and a flavorful sauce creates a symphony of flavors that tantalizes the taste buds. (Symphony 交响乐,就这一整一个词组 A symphony of flavors 就让我想起了中华小当家,懂我的都懂,不懂我就算了,然后 tantalize 就是引诱, tantalizes the taste buds 就挑逗着我们的味蕾)
Personally, I find myself craving for this dish due to its perfect balance of sweet and sour notes, making each bite a delightful experience. (crave for 就是渴望,就让我们非常馋)
In Chinese culinary culture, sweet and sour pork holds a significant place as a benchmark for authentic flavors and cooking techniques. (benchmark 标竿, authentic very 地道的,正宗的,cooking techniques 烹饪技巧)
Its popularity transcends borders showcasing the rich heritage And culinary expertise Of Chinese cuisine to the world. (transcend borders 超越国际,transcend 这个词很好用,就在我们考试的时候呢,其实可以多用这个词,譬如说音乐超越国界,那我们就可以说 Music transcends borders. 这个在我们最近这么热火朝天的《歌手》节目当中,其实那个节目就体现了 transcends the borders. Oh yeah That's very true.)
They make most use of all the ingredients. Just what we have mentioned at the beginning 除了天上的飞机,还有地上的桌子不吃,什么其他的食材都可以变成美味的食物。
Wow, that's really cool. Yeah. Just thinking of so many delectable treats is making me hungry already.
Me too. My mouth is watering right now.
So, dear audience, when you come to Guangdong or Hong Kong, don't miss out on trying the iconic Cantonese food Or street food. Each dish embodies the essence of Cantonese cuisine and is sure to leave you craving for more.
It's so damn true. Even as a Cantonese, I always crave for more.
Same here. So Wing, let's try to explore more together.
For sure.
And I hope you guys can enjoy the Cantonese food and bon appétit.
Yeah. If you don't want to eat the organs, you can try the radish. Right now they sell the radish separately as well. You don't have to buy the beef offal. Yeah, What else? Oh, we haven't mentioned 肠粉(粤语) yet.
Yeah, that's a very typical thing in Cantonese cuisine.
I remember there's a famous 肠粉店 In Guangzhou, right? Which got the Michelin gourmet?
Yes, Michelin Bib Gourmet.
Oh, nice. Have you ever tried that one?
Yeah, I stumbled upon this restaurant. I didn't really plan to go to Michelin restaurant but I was around the area. And I really wanted 肠粉 suddenly. So I searched and I found that restaurant. It was so so local. It reminded me of my childhood. It was not fancy at all and the only thing you can order in that restaurant are two things 肠粉(粤语) and 艇仔粥(粤语)。艇仔粥还有肠粉(普通话)。你在那个店里面只能点这两样东西,没有其他东西给你点,而且那些服务员都是阿婆阿叔,然后他们那个服务态度,基本上说你快点点,不点也没关系的那种态度,但是呢他们非常非常实惠喔,就是很便宜,就对比其他肠粉店来说,他们那个就真的是性价比非常高,就是用广东话来说,就是大份夹抵食(粤语)。
Yeah, the price is really reasonable and the taste is very nice. That's why I think even though it's just a street food, it can get the Michelin recognition.
Yeah, for sure.
And I also miss mentioning one more street food, which is the egg waffle 鸡蛋仔(粤语) 鸡蛋仔(普通话).
Ah, do you like it?
I love it so much because first, the shape is very distinct. And also outside is crispy. 很脆 But inside is very soft. 里面就很软 就我们所说的什么 外脆内软。
Yes, it sounds very delicious.
And I also want to share a little background story with our audience. Because back then in 1950s, the Hong Kong street vendors, they didn't want to waste the eggs because they couldn't finish it. That's why they thought of a way to use up all the eggs. That's how the 鸡蛋仔 came from. So they mixed the leftover eggs with flour, milk and sugar.
Cool, I know a lot of street food or dishes actually came from the reason people didn't want to waste food. They just want to make full use of everything from whatever they can get. So they came up with so many different ways to cook.
Yeah, of course I'm going to introduce a few traditional ones, very classic street food to our audience. One is called Sticky Rice Pudding 砵仔糕.
Yeah, I like that too.
Why is it called 砵仔糕? Because 砵仔 means bowl. 就是我们一个小碗,小砵仔
砵仔(粤语) It's very small, like much much smaller than our normal bowl.
Yeah, and then actually the 糕 is made by the steamed rice cupcake, also known as steamed rice bean pudding. And it's very chewy. So 糕 in Cantonese 就是跟我们的那个步步高升,是有同样的那个发音的。
And also I have another favorite street food that I always have after school, which is beef offal 牛杂.
That is not cheap for a student.
Yes, that's why I save up the money for that.
I see.
And actually 牛杂 The beef offal is mixed with tripe, intestine, pancreas or lung.
就是牛肚,牛肠,牛板叶以及牛肺。But the best part of offal is the white radish, not the beef itself, but the radish. That is my favorite part. 就是白萝卜。
I totally agree with you. I love that so much. I have to order it every time. Because the white radish soaks up the broth nicely. Yum! And also when you have the beef offal, usually they will offer you three sauces on the side like hoisin sauce 海鲜酱, chili sauce 辣椒酱,有时候还会有蒜蓉辣椒酱.
Garlic chili sauce.
I know some people probably not a fan of the organs. However, I strongly recommend you try this street food. You will love it.
So that means I'm a chef now. I've already made one.
I have to say you are a chef. However, you are not a pro chef. Still a long way to go. Me too. Okay So besides the traditional Cantonese food, there are some hidden gems, Traditional Cantonese street food. Oh, 我们有很多那种街边摊。
嗱喳面(杂碎面),在周星驰的电影里面最出名就是那个嗱喳面(粤语)and 濑尿牛肉丸(粤语)。
I still remember that one. They replace ping pong with 濑尿牛肉丸(粤语)
濑尿牛肉丸(普通话)Yeah, exactly. At least in 周星驰 Stephen Chow's movie “食神”, that is a story in it at least.
And Cantonese street food actually is renowned for its exquisite flavors and diverse variety, from mouth-watering dim sum to savory rice noodles. There's something for every palate. So Wing, which one do you like most Among all the street food?
My favorite one is 碗仔翅(粤语)碗仔翅(普通话). 就不是真的鱼翅的那个汤。 而且最喜欢吃的这个碗仔翅, 一定一定就是在香港的7-11买的那一种。
为什么? Why?
I don't know. Like 7-11 in Hong Kong has so many little food that I really like. It's so strange. When people ask me What do you want to eat the most in Hong Kong, I would say, okay I really want to go to 7-11 for their noodles and only for their noodles. The second one would be 碗仔翅. And I don't know why it's so strange. Very specific. It has to be 7-11. I don't understand myself either.
You are really down to earth. So Wing, can you actually introduce The 碗仔翅 to our audience?
Well, it's not real shark fin. It's actually edible mushrooms, kelps, seaweeds, bean sprouts bamboo shoots and beaten eggs.就是碗仔翅它其实并不是真的鱼翅,而是用了一些像蘑菇、海带、豆芽、竹笋还有打散的鸡蛋混在一起的一个汤,然后它会做成有些透明的有点像鱼翅。
So what else?
Well, we talked about it in 《九龙城寨》” The Kowloon Walled City” before. That's 鱼蛋, the fish ball. So for sure, that is another very famous street food. What about you? Do you have any favourite street food?