尬聊英语终于尬聊「英语」了,从口音、发音到绕口令!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,八卦一下英语的口音与发音?!?!
00:19 🗺️ 在小红书直播间中竟可实现不同时区的跨文化交流?
01:16 💬 美式英语与英式英语大打架,到底谁更胜一筹?
07:08 🗣️ 伯明翰这么简单的一个词,怎么也造成大冲突?
08:37 🌏 全球英语口音超过160种,你叫学英语的我们怎么办?
09:39 👑 6个连续剧的口音,你能猜对多少个?
14:50 🇮🇳 究竟哪个英语口音让Yao和Wing都很头痕?
19:26 🇦🇺 Yao在备考雅思时,究竟是哪个口音让她最抓狂?
21:26 📖 究竟如何选择自己英语口语?听听Yao跟Wing怎么说
23:28 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮 你知道英语口音与英语发音有什么不同吗?
26:12 👅 母语是普通话与粤语会对英语学习有何影响?
31:26 🌀 绕口令是最好的发音练习?Yao和Wing的舌头都打结了?
36:18 😋 长短音 /I:/ 与 /i/ 有什么技巧学好?你只需要好好微笑?
38:36 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,将语言话题聊出花?
44:27 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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小红书同名直播时间:每周三、五、日 22:00,不定期也在周一 22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂!

展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又又又又又到啦! This is Wing. This is Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, we've been doing our Redbook live chatroom for such a long time. Anything that impressed you the most?
Well, for me, I think the most amazing thing is that many people who come from different backgrounds, different places, join our chatroom. Some people live in China. some people live abroad. Some people used to live abroad, but come back to China. And that's why in our chatroom, we're not just talking about gossips. Actually, we're exchanging the culture too.
That's why I think that's fascinating.
Yeah, definitely. Especially the time when American English clashed with British English. That was fun.
Yeah, of course I know. Because we have some friends who come to our chatroom every night, Some of them live in America before, and some live in UK before. And sometimes they have some misunderstandings, right?
Yeah, that was really fun. Just like the time that we talked about potato chips, do you remember? In our Durban episode.
Yeah, exactly. I remember when you said chips, right? Yeah. Then I misunderstood it as 薯条. 然后你那时候就纠正我说 不,是薯片!
Yeah. In American English, potato chips means 薯片. But in British English, that is crisps, right?
Yeah. 就是像薯条, 在英式英语就是chips.
In American English, that is French fries.
那像薯片 in British English is crisps.
In American English, that is potato chips.
Yeah, so sometimes there are some misunderstandings in our chatroom. This is just one of the examples, so can you think of another one?
Yeah, I think the one that created misunderstanding in our chatroom was biscuit.
Oh, 曲奇, right?
In American English, biscuits are more like scones, and we eat it with gravy. It's rather savoury taste than sweet taste.
Wait, seriously? So you mean it's savoury, it's not sweet at all?
No, I remember when I was in the States, I ate the breakfast biscuits with gravy. 就是跟那个咸的汤汁是一起吃的。然后那个biscuits就有点像司康饼, 就是像我们肉夹馍没有肉的那种。
本期绕口令Tongue Twisters集合:
(1) The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
(2) A loyal royal owl will never howl.
(3) I see a city filled with busy bees and breezy trees.
个人经验来说,是有个过程的。我是学着用别的方式表达同样的意思,先强制自己用英语表达。与此同时,通过大量阅读、大量听力来增加词汇量。希望我这点经验对你有帮助 😊😊
09:28 但是查了一下词典,你们所说的“铝”的两个读音,拼写也是不一样的。一个是aluminum,一个是aluminium,多了一个i。这里各个单词的英美音标都是一样的。
是的呢 😂😂 发音不一样,拼写也有所不同,但看看元素表里的金属,很多其实都是-ium结尾,所以美式的Aluminum挺另类的🤣
Let’s learn English through gossip. 😎
Maybe you will get a better job in another country. And sometimes it can also connect different cultures. How about you?
Learning more than one language can enrich my understanding of culture. For example, if I can speak English, I can talk to local people when I'm traveling so that helps me to understand the local life, you know, to understand the local culture. Language works as a bridge for me to talk to more people and immerse in the culture better.
Yeah, I totally agree with you.
And one last question. Why is language an important aspect of culture?
What do you think?
Well, language is the essence of culture. That's how people preserve stories, traditions, and values. It also shapes our worldview and social interactions, passing down heritage through generations and keeping cultural richness alive. So I think it's really important for us to maintain our culture.
Yeah, I think so. Language learning is a lifelong journey. It's difficult but rewarding.
So let's learn English through gossips.
Yeah, that's all for today. Thank you for listening. 那欢迎大家在我们全平台的播客”尬聊英语Gossip English”留言,那我们的播客是在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客还有QQ音乐,对,也可以到我们小红书,以及微博下面留言互动,包括加入到我们小红书的直播间,跟我们一起尬聊英语。当然关于这一期,如果大家有什么关于发音的疑问,以及有什么有趣的故事,都可以跟我们分享一下。对的,当你觉得身边没有一个语言环境的时候,赶紧加入我们的chatroom聊天室,你在那里的话可以发现,真的是多姿多彩,是的,而且好多八卦。对,好了,最重要的是一键三连,分享我们的播客,还有点赞、收藏,谢谢大家。Have a nice weekend. Bye. Bye.
Like us, like our podcasts And practicing tongue twisters. (Podcast播客,多听我们播客啊,And tongue twister绕口令) I also engaged with native speakers through language exchange programs and online communities. In terms of fluency, I'm quite proficient in English.(Proficient熟练的,其实在那个CEFR,我们所说的那个英语等级里面的话,我们总共是有六个等级,那像A1叫Beginner初学的,A2Elementary基础的,B1 Intermediate中级的,B2 Upper Intermediate中高级的,C1 Advanced高级的,然后最后一个的话是Proficient就是精通)
I can comfortably chat with various topics, understand complex texts and write effectively. My pronunciation leans more towards an American accent although my vocabulary is a mix of both American and British English. (American accent美式口音,British English英式口音) English is incredibly useful to me now. Professionally it opens up many opportunities and allows me to work in international settings.(international settings国际环境) Personally, it enriches my life by giving me access to a vast array of cultural resources, like literature films and news.(a vast array of 大量的,各式各样的)This really broadens my perspective and keeps me culturally engaged.(perspective 视觉,视野;So broaden one's perspective就是开阔某个人的视野)Overall, learning English has greatly enhanced my personal and professional life. Providing me with invaluable skills and opportunities.(Invaluable它不是表示没有价值啊,它恰恰相反是表示无价的,非常宝贵的,invaluable)
So, any other questions?
Yes, in part 1, there are a few questions. Why do people want to learn a foreign language?
Well, I think people learn foreign languages for career advantages or sometimes making travel more immersive and convenient, and keeping their brains sharp. It's also a rewarding experience that opens doors to new friendships and cultures.
Yeah, it's true.
Another questions?
Yes. Why do people learn more than one language?
Well, I think learning multiple languages boosts job prospects.
Yeah, so remember when you pronounce the长元音/i:/ just like cheese, like smiling. So cheese, that is长元音/i:/. And for the短元音/i/, We don't smile at all. We just don't stretch that much.就是我们对短元音来说,我们就不要咧开嘴笑了,就没什么好笑的,笑就放在长元音里面笑就好,Cheese,然后长元音笑,然后短元音我们就不用笑,因为那么短,根本就不用拉开嘴巴,所以就记住这个区别。We can give some examples like sheep and ship.
Sheep ship.
就绵羊跟船,然后还有一个是leap and lip
Leap lip
Okay. So tongue twister time.
Okay, this one I'm kinda confident. I can nail it, I know.
Okay. I see a city filled with busy bees and breezy trees.
I see a city filled with busy bees and breezy trees.
Yeah, good job, you nailed it.
So out of 10, what's my score?
好的呢。So I don't think we can cover all 44 English phonemes today. If you are interested in any specific pronunciation. Let us know. We can go through them in the further episodes.其实我们推出这一期播客的话,是因为我们有收到一些听众朋友的一些反馈,他们就问我们怎么去学习这个音标,怎么去学习这个英语的发音,所以我们就是收集了一些建议之后呢,我们就找出了几个比较有代表性的一个发音,但是我们没有办法覆盖所有的英语的元素,如果你还想知道哪一些发音,怎么样发准音,还有你对哪些发音比较感兴趣的话,也欢迎你们给我们留言,那我们可以在新的节目当中,然后再继续讨论。
So Wing, just now we talked about the accents, pronunciation and stuff like that. So anything that we can use in our speaking test.
Yes, of course. Besides the pronunciation itself, of course, good pronunciation will get you score higher. We also have a topic about that which is describe a second language that you have learned. You should say what language it is, how you learned it, how fluent you are in this language and explain how this language is useful to you now.
So can you give us an example?
Of course. The second language I've learned is English. Growing up in a non-English speaking country, I started learning it at school. And through private tutoring, I decided to focus on mastering the accent. Paying close attention to the rhythm, intonation and stress patterns (rhythm节奏,intonation语调,stress pattern重音模式). To do this, I immersed myself in English media, watching films and TV shows, listening to podcasts.
就是Your tongue tip doesn't touch the ridge above your teeth. It's a little bit further back, like a ball.
对呀,其实这个音要发好,还是有点难的,因为在我们,不管是普通话还是粤语里面,都没有这个音的,对,所以我现在又有一个绕口令。Tongue twister for this one.
Let's try.
Yeah, give it a try.
OK. A loyal royal owl will never howl.
A loyal royal owl will never howl.
The last one, howl. Because it's so easy to just pronounce howl Like H-O-W without the L But actually it's H-O-W-L, Howl. Something like that. We need a lot of practice. I'm still struggling with it a little bit. How about one more about vowels 元音?
Which one?
Oh, actually that one I find it very difficult to distinguish at the beginning. Because when I learned the phonics, 当我开始学音标的时候,my teacher always said, Oh, one is longer, one is shorter, Right?
It's not that true.
Yes, exactly. Because I found it very difficult to distinguish it when I prepared for the IELTS listening test. I was like, what? Wait, but they are not Like one is longer, one is shorter. Wing, can you give us an example?
So one example is “hit” and “heat”. I hope you can hear the difference if I pronounce it correctly.
Yeah, you pronounce it correctly. Yeah, you nail it. And I want to share my personal learning experience with you guys. When I started to prepare for that. When I started to try to find the difference. Actually, we say the long vowel 长元音 Is /i:/ Like you're smiling, right? But when you say the short vowel sound 短元音/i/. It's like that. So one is hit, one is heat. I hope that helps.
There's a trick to remember how to pronounce it. Remember when we take pictures, we usually would say in Chinese 茄子 Right? And in English would be cheese.
But when I teach my students, I will instruct them like this. You have to put your tongue between the top teeth and the bottom teeth.就把你的舌头放在上下牙齿之间,然后再喷气,就是这样子.How about you? How did you learn this word?
Yeah, I had to force myself to pronounce this word correctly. And of course, at first I said it very slow. Slowing it down is a good way to practice. So when you can say a word correctly slowly, after a while, you can say it faster. But first, say it slowly. So when I pronounce the TH sound, I make sure I pronounce it correctly first. Make sure I say thank you instead of trying to say fast. Because if you don't say it correctly, speaking fast wouldn't make your English sound better, actually.
Yeah, true.
So I've actually found a very interesting tongue twister, 绕口令,for the TH. Do you want to challenge it?
Oh my gosh.等一下我舌头打结了。Yeah, sure, why not?
So, here we go. “The thirty three thieves thought that they threw the throne throughout Thursday.” I'm sorry. I can't stop laughing.
Okay, I'm gonna give it a try. The thirty three... (laughter) Okay, I'm gonna try it slowly, right? As what you have said just now. Slowly. The thirty three thieves thought that they threw the throne throughout Thursday.
There you go.
Okay. 不能只是我们两个痛苦,我们等一下把它放在那个评论区,你们也试试。
The thirty three thieves thought that they threw the throne throughout Thursday.
Cool. Well done.
So, except the TH sound, what other sounds do you think is really hard to pronounce?
Personally, I have struggled for a long time to pronounce the L sound at the end of the word. It's very easy for us to pronounce the word like “love, like” when the L at the beginning of the words. And that is called light L. So, it's very easy to pronounce for all of us. But when the L at the end, which is called dark L, it's hard for me to say correctly. So, for example, B-A-L-L, ball. It's very easy for us to pronounce it like ball.
That's true.
那这样子的话其实那个what,那个t就跟后面连在一起,what are you doing,对吧?所以他们两个发音是不一样。那还有刚才你再提到一个,你知道那个rabbit,那个r音的话我们其实广东人基本上不怎么发得准,所以有时候我们就会用那个w,那个wabbit,对不对?就you are wight.
So yeah, it's pretty hard. So pronunciation is about whether you can pronounce the words correctly, but accents act a little bit flavor into it. So for me, I always joke about that. If we have enough Chinese people speak Chinese accent, I mean like pronounce words in the same way for a long time, and we can communicate with each other with that pronunciation, then it will become an accent. It's called Chinglish. So Chinglish becomes an accent, not a bad word. It won't mean the wrong pronunciation.
Yeah, exactly. I think pronunciation is really important. We really have to learn how to pronounce every word correctly. However, accent is not the most important thing. Actually, we can learn from Singaporeans or Indians. Nobody dare to say that their English is not good, right? They only say, okay, they have some accents. But it doesn't really matter because people can still communicate well with them. So I think we should be more confident, actually.
Yeah, and I remember in <Big Bang Theory>, there's an argument between Sheldon and Raj. Raj is the Indian guy. (soundbite) So that's funny, fun fact about Indian culture, I guess. English could be their first language in some areas.
Oh, yeah, that's very true.
So you have been teaching so many students. Have you found any, you know, we mentioned a little bit about that, but have you found any specific words or sound that is very hard for Chinese students to pronounce?
Of course, the most difficult one, I think, is the TH sound, right?
Very typical.
Yeah, I noticed that actually some students pronounce it either like T sound or F sound. In Guangdong or Hong Kong area, some people couldn't pronounce this word, thank you. So they will say fank you. And in other areas, people will say sank you. Yeah.
There you go. In British English, there's tomato(英式发音). In American English, it's tomato(美式发音). So both of them are correct, just different accents. And to think a little bit further, I think accent is the unique way a group of people speak. It's more about the rhythm, intonation, and stress patterns.就是关于口音的话,其实更多是像节奏啊,语调,重音等等的不一样。
Yeah, actually, two weeks ago, I just had a speaking class with my student. I actually showed him a video talking about the rhythm of speaking English. So in Chinese, we use the same pace to say every word, like 我家有一只兔子。那每一个音的话,它的发音的那个节奏都是一样的,就是da da da da da da,对吧?But in English, actually is, there is a rabbit in my house. And sometimes we'll use the connected speech, like there is. We're not going to say there is a rabbit in my house. So this is a very typical Chinese speaking way.就是我们如果用我们中文,就是每一个字,它们的那个节奏都一样的话,那就是变成了 there is a rabbit in my house. But for the native speaker, they won't speak like this. They will say there is a... 那个is跟a,它们又连在一起,there is a...然后rabbit in my house. Yeah, so I think that's the thing. And talking about that, like the accent, why people have different accents, it depends on their mother tongues.他们会受他们的母语那个会受影响的。
对,其实因为英语都是我们第二种语言嘛,那我们肯定会受到我们的母语的影响。举个简单一点的例子,就是讲普通话跟讲粤语,在学英语当中其实是有优劣势的。譬如说,粤语其实没有r这个音,就是像我们要过好每一个好日子,就好日子,就是有个卷舌音r在里面。粤语里面是没有这个卷舌音的。如果是母语是普通话的朋友们,同学们,那就比较容易发r这个音,相对来说。但同时呢,像粤语里面,其实我们很多尾音就会吃掉。譬如说,我的日子会越来越好 (粤语)。就是我们的日子会越来越好。那个这个越字在粤语里面的越,其实它是有个t在结尾,只是我们不发音,就有点吃掉那个t的感觉。所以在我们学英语的过程当中,对于讲粤语的人来说,其实发尾音不带元音的这种发音,就是like it, speak, about,就我们很自然就可以发到这个尾音。但是可能在普通话里面呢,其实是不带这种尾音的,通常都是很实打实的一个发音,就很容易变成about, speak.那所以在我们学不同语言的时候,特别是在学第二种语言的时候,我们可以关注一下,我们原本母语是怎么样,我们就刻意改掉一些习惯就好了。哦。挺好玩的学语言。
Yeah, you are absolutely right. Actually, my students have the speaking problem, like what you have said. I always said, don't swallow the ending sound.就好像说他们说I like rabbit,那个t上他们就把它给去掉了。我一直跟他们讲说I like rabbit,不要吃掉那个t。那还有刚才你说的那个,可能是普通话为母语的,朋友的话他们有时候就会习惯性把每一个尾音都发出来,就是what are you doing?
18:16 谢尔顿嘛hhhh
So I asked her what was the difference between these two accents. And you know what she told me? Can you guess?
I don't know. Is it like the British accent is more noble? Since there are many TV series, like 《唐顿庄园》, <Downton Abbey>, right? Yeah, something like that, more noble. 可能更加高贵一点吧,就是很多那种宫廷剧嘛,英国宫廷剧。And then the American accent is more down-to-earth.更加接地气。
Very similar. She said, British accent sounds more crowned.
While the American accent sounds more vibrant.
Yeah, I think so. Just like what I said just now. Obviously, you chose the American accent, right?
Yeah. Looking back, it feels a bit stereotypical. 有点太刻板印象了,对那个解释。But it did help me focus my attention to one thing, like one accent, one specific way to pronounce words.
Yeah, I mean, right now, actually for many Chinese students, we mixed with different accents. Sometimes it will confuse us. In the end, we master none of them. And we created our own style, like Chinglish.
Yeah, that's what I want to talk about. Have you thought about the difference between accent and pronunciation?
Well, I think actually, these two are two things. Sometimes people can pronounce the word correctly. However, they have their own accents, just like the Singlish, Singapore English.
But pronunciation is another thing. Some people couldn't master the pronunciation because they don't know how to pronounce it correctly. So I think these are two things. So how about you?
Well, take the Birmingham for an example. Our friend in chat room tried to correct our pronunciation, whose English is more American accent. But actually, I think it's both sides are sort of right at the same time. That is exactly the difference between accent and pronunciation. I recently found a better explanation about that. The pronunciation is about saying words correctly, just like what you said. But there is a standard way to say, for example, tomato(美式发音).
11:04 差点没反应过来🤦‍♂️
wa’er? Hahah
That's why when people started to talk about the listening test, and we have to distinguish these two accents, and then we made a joke. In Australian accent, when they say good day, they will say, good day, good day, mate. (模仿澳洲口音)
It sounds so interesting.
Yeah, and sometimes the A sound, they will be I. So if people are not very clear about the accents, probably they will be like, how come the Australians are cursing me, like “good die”.
“Good die”. Oh, man.
And the most interesting thing is that in our chatting room, we have different accents.
People used to live in Australia or live in America, UK, Southeast Asia, and something like that. Oh, Wing, actually you didn't mention the Southeast Asian accent.
Yeah, no.
I have to say that. I remember once Wing complained about my accent because I used to live in Southeast Asia for a while, and that's why my accent sometimes would mix with that kind of accent. They like to say, ya. Like, have you had your lunch ya? And sometimes they don't, when they say three, they won't say three, they will say three, three (模仿东南亚口音).
Yeah, and also, instead of saying yes, they say can. Like I ask, do you want this? They will answer, can, can. I was like, what? But this kind of interaction are actually pretty fun, like make the conversation more diverse.
Yeah, probably there are four words in your mind,九唔搭八(粤语).就是前言不搭后语。
对啊。And also, Yao, have you ever thought about which English accents that you want to master?
Well, actually, I want to master the British accent. However, when I was in the uni, my teacher said, oh, actually, I think you are more inclined to the American accent. But now I think my accent is mixed with the British, Southeast Asian, Chinese. Yeah, many things. How about you?
Well, back in my middle school, I was introduced to British and American accents. And one of my teacher actually asked me which accents do you want to learn. Because I didn't know much about the accents.
So they keep shaking head. It's not just left and right. It's actually your head is making like an A shape.
对,他在讲话的时候,头就一直这样摇。然后呢,你以为,就是因为在我们的文化里面,摇头是代表否定的嘛。哦,对,就点头是代表肯定的嘛。所以我们一般在对话当中,哦,我听懂了,我就点头,我一直点头,我听懂了,听懂了。但是在他们来说,摇头其实就是positive meaning. So their head shaking is positive.所以在全程对话当中,大家就说,我听懂了,我听懂了,但是头一直在摇。我懂了,我懂了。I got it. I got it. But their head is shaking. So it's pretty confusing. But other than that, I mean, it became a fun story between us.
I know. Sometimes just the body language, right? Body language actually means something, but sometimes also can create some misunderstandings.
Yeah. Yeah. Every culture has its own body language.
Like the Italians. Very typical gesture.
Very handsy. Very, very handy.
Yeah. Based on the gesture, you can tell which country he or she comes from.
Yeah, that's true.
All right. So this is about the accents, not the body language. So what's next?
(Soundbite 5)
Okay. So what's that?
Well, I don’t know. It actually sounds a bit like the African American English.
It's American Southern accent.
Does it remind you of one of our friend in our live chat room?
Yeah. Oh, I know. I know who you're talking about. Kind of. Kind of.
He used to live in the southern part of the States. So he has very strong Southern accent.
So what's the characteristic of this accent?
I think it's the tone of how they say it, like “the wrong side of bed”. That's the normal way we say it, right? And in that example, he says (soundbite 5). So that's the difference. It's kind of strange. So last one. One more, and then we are done. I mean, I just prepared six. That's a lot.
(Soundbite 6)
Yeah, so what's that?
I think this one is kind of obvious. It's Australian accent, right?
Yeah. Yes.
I remember when I first prepared for the IELTS test, and you know, in IELTS, they have different accents, like British accent, Australian accent.
So the next one, I think this one is easier.
(Soundbite 4)
I love that show.
That's very obvious, right? Yeah.
So what accent is it?
American accent and Indian accent.
Of course. That is from <Big Bang Theory>, one of my favorite shows.
I think the American accent is kind of obvious because they pronounce the R sound very hard, like hard.
Yeah, we work hard.
We work hard. I know. And about the Indian accent, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to my Indian friends. When I studied, and I don't know why. I just had a really close relationship with my Indian friends, not just one, a few. And sometimes when we did group work together, we usually had a discussion, right? When they started to talk, I always said, could you please slow down? I couldn't understand you. Actually, they are very nice. They didn't feel offended. They actually slowed down their pace and helped me understand that. I remember once when I was with my friend, we were talking about a scholarship or something. Then I asked him, “did you get any scholarship?” He said, no, self-funded (imitating Indian accent). I was like, what? Can you repeat it one more time? Then he said, self-funded (imitating Indian accent).
What? What are you?
Then I said, okay, I'm so sorry. I couldn't understand you at all. So could you please type it down? Then he typed. Actually, it was self-funded.
Okay. Oh, man. Oh, man.
So I love hanging out with my Indian friends, but sometimes I prefer to text them so that I don't have any misunderstandings between us. How about you?
I worked with Indians as well. I mean, for the work itself, it was great cooperation. Well, I used to work in an IT company and their programming and communication was fine when it was between emails. So when it became face-to-face talk, it took me quite some time to get used to the accent so I can understand what they were talking about. But I also got very distracted by their head-shaking habits when they're speaking.
I cannot tell what kind of accent it is, but I think I heard something similar in <Games of Thrones>.
Oh, sort of. It's very typical accent that the T sound will be eaten. So it is British accent, you know, like what you said before, water(t不发音)。
Yeah. So they swallow the T sound, right? Like, haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Hater(t不发音) gonna hate, hate, hate, hate.
Interesting. So, yes, that accent is called Estuary English. It's also a kind of British accent. 现代海湾英音。就是很经典的,很多笑话英式英语发音的时候,其实都是这种, 就把那个T那个音给吃掉了。
对啊,其实还挺明显的。然后就是我们现在看的很多英剧的话,其实它都是带有这样子的口音。Yeah. And then what's next?
(Soundbite 3)
What's that accent?
Wing, you sure this is English?
It is English.
I thought it was Spanish, you know?
No, it is English.
It is English. It's my favorite accent.
Okay, I know which accent then. I hate it.
苏格兰的口音, Scottish accent.
Yeah, I know.
But the spelling, there's no R in it.
Yeah, I have to share a story with you guys. When I was in UK, I traveled to Scotland with my friend, and then we joined a tour. The driver was very enthusiastic and passionate. He drove and also introduced the history of Scotland, you know, the Edinburgh, the Highland, the Glasgow, or something like that. But the whole trip, I was absent-minded. I always asked my friend, what is he talking about? So, is he talking in English? I couldn't understand that at all. So sorry.
For me, when I was in Scotland, and with that accent, and with some Scotch, it's just such a beautiful match. And also the culture, I mentioned it before, witch and dungeon, it has to be that kind of accent to rise up the highlights of the culture. I love that accent.
I mean, all I remember is the architecture. I remember that it was very nice. When you were in Scotland, it seems that you were in the Harry Potter scene or something like that. However, when people started to talk, and I was like, no, no, no way. I'm sorry.