本届巴黎奥运会有多松弛,就有多聊不完的英语尬聊话题!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,趁巴黎奥运会热点也到了!
00:17 🇫🇷 法国的象征非得都是巴黎埃菲尔铁塔吗?
04:23 🎥 Wing在时尚片拍摄中听到的八卦究竟是什么?
07:44 🏅 情商高或低,是如何形容巴黎奥运会开幕式的?
11:40 🌏 小黄人要在全球人民眼皮底下偷掉蒙娜丽莎?
13:31 🎭 Lady Gaga与LV都学尬聊英语来蹭巴黎奥运会热点了?
16:18 ⛳️ 法国怎么了?怎么连奥运旗都挂反了?Yao与Wing脑洞大开
18:35 🕺🏻 地板舞要在奥运首次亮相,但是Yao担心选手发际线?
21:29 🎖️ 回想过去,Yao与Wing都发现过去的“坏小孩”都上国际舞台了
26:05 🚣 今年的皮划艇多了越野赛?一眨眼就会错过夺冠瞬间。
28:21 🏊 本届花式游泳有所不同,究竟什么不一样了?
29:05 🥎 细数2028洛杉矶奥运会会有什么新的运动项目
33:03 🎾 Yao是怎样与网球结缘的,然后就一发不可收拾?
36:28 😋 偷偷告诉你,Yao是怎么心情愉悦地减脂增肌的?
39:01 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,深谈运动话题?
45:28 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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Hey guys, it's gossip English time.尬聊英语又来了。This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Wing, have you ever been to France before?
Yes, I have.
Where have you been?
I've only been to Paris. And I think there's a little town around Paris. But I don't remember the name. French is not my thing. So I don't remember the French names.
Okay. And what do you think is the best symbol of France?
I think the first thing for most of the people would be Eiffel Tower. But for me, it's Musée d'Orsay.就是对我来说其实就是那个奥赛美术馆。我觉得那个才是法国的象征。但是我知道对很多人来说是埃菲尔铁塔啦。I think I'm a little bit different here.
Of course, because I remember there's a lyric in the movie of Stephen Chow.周星驰的电影,巴黎铁塔反转再反转(粤语) I don't even know why. Like Eiffel Tower is the symbol of romance. Do you agree?
I think generally speaking, France is the symbol of romance.
Oh yeah, that's true. But do you agree?
I don't know. Like a lot of people around me, a lot of my friends are such a big fan of France. But for me, I don't understand it. I don't understand the beauty of French. I mean, it is a language. It is an interesting language. But I don't see why people connect romance to French.
For me, Germany is more romantic to me. I know it's weird. Yeah. Maybe next time we can talk about German too.
I'm still working on my German. I'm still learning the language.
But I'm kind of curious just now why you mentioned Musée d'Orsay.
Well, Musée d'Orsay is a gallery with a lot of good painting exhibitions. Because I'm a big fan of Impressionism.就是我是印象派的忠实粉丝。And on the fifth floor of Musée d'Orsay, the whole floor is only about Impressionism.
Oh, cool.
So for me, that is such a big blast to just be there, enjoy all the paintings. And especially, I saw so many paintings from Degas, my favorite Impressionism painter. So when I was there, it's just like... It's just like a dream for me. Walking into my dream, my dream came true.
哇 宝藏博主 以后有物料听啦
20:20 19:25 很喜欢《舞出我人生》,还是因为英语课做分享去看的,男女主都好好看舞蹈片段也很美💕视听盛宴和心灵的洗礼😄
出了5部电影呢 哈哈哈
41:38 每次听到呢part都觉得你哋好patient啊,真系人美心善又训得早嘅小姐姐。关键系10pm训系点做到噶哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
And then because he's so satisfied with his design at that time, and he decided to give up New York Fashion Week because he thinks it's too low.
So he goes to Paris Fashion Week. It's harder to get in.
So did he manage to get in?
Oh, cool.
Yeah. So how about the price? Is it very expensive? I mean, for his clothes?
Of course. I don't know much about fashion before. And I learned there are runway designs and there are designs for commercials. So there are two product lines.
Wow, that's interesting.
Yeah. When I watched some video clips of Fashion Week, I was always curious how can people wear those clothes on the street? That doesn't make any sense to me. And then I learned, well, actually that's only for fashion. It's more like conceptual design.
And then they have products for daily life.
Yeah. I think it's a place for imagination, you know.
Yeah, that's true.
So anything else that stood out for you besides the fashion?
Yeah. I've been to France twice. The first time I went to Paris and the second time I went to Nice and Marseille.尼斯还有马赛。
Okay, anyway. So what impressed me most is the chill and relaxed atmosphere. When I was there in summer, people were just chilling on the beach, sunbathing, and enjoying the slow pace of life. Actually, it felt like time slowed down there. That's why I really love staying there.
Wow. 哇,就是很好的一个松弛感,在尼斯和马赛,大家都会在沙滩上晒太阳,然后那个松弛感很有感染力,我在想,那个松弛感直接感染到奥运开幕式了。
Yeah, you're right.
Right. 就是情商高,就是说松弛感。情商低的就是说什么,比较简陋。对。
Yeah, so actually, did you watch the Olympic opening ceremony?
I didn't. It was too late for me. I've been working too hard, so I couldn't stay up that late. But I watched some clips of that.
Okay. Yeah, me too. I missed it because I went to bed very early that night.
2024 奥林匹克运动会·尬聊英语分会✨
Off the court, he is known for his charitable work, which adds to his admirable persona. Overall, Federer embodies the qualities of a true champion.
Cool. So, any other questions?
Yes, the other question is, do you want to take part in the Olympic Games?
Well, if the sports I'm working on right now can be part of Olympic Games, that would be super cool. Can you imagine scuba diving(水肺潜水) becomes an Olympic sport? That means Olympics are not only about indoor events, and outdoor events are also underwater events. So that would be super cool.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too. So, Wing, you should train more, okay? Maybe one day I can see you in the Olympic Games.
According to the data we just mentioned, I think I started to require scuba diving(水肺潜水) become an Olympic sport. The four generations after me, they are probably able to get into Olympics. So I need to work on that.
Okay. You should advocate this event more, okay? Maybe after one century, who knows, right? It's going to be in the Games.
Yeah, who knows.
Okay, so that's all for today. Thanks for listening. 欢迎大家在我们四大平台进行收听,包括有小宇宙,喜马拉雅,苹果播客以及QQ音乐,然后也欢迎大家在小红书,还有微博上面,跟我们一起互动留言,最后不要忘记一键三连,转发分享,就是分享我们的播客,然后还有收藏和点赞。欢迎大家给我们分享,关于你对本届奥运会以及一些运动的一些看法,也欢迎到我们各大平台下面进行留言。对,然后最后的话,就预祝我们的奥运会圆满成功,然后希望运动健儿们,他们也能取得他们理想的成绩,是的。Have a nice weekend. See you guys. Bye.
The four-hour show featured avant-garde performances, including a mesmerizing act by Lady Gaga, who made her debut at the Olympics by singing a French song.( avant-garde,前卫的,就是刚才我们也提到,avant-garde是一个法语词过来英语使用的,英语里面很多关于时尚的词,都是由法语那边演变过来的,也包括这一个词,avant-garde前卫的,debut,我们今天用了非常多次的一个词,就是代表首次亮相的,也是一个法语过来的词,所以它的t是不发音的,就debut,然后,Mesmerizing,这是一个很好的一个词,用来形容任何事情非常让人着迷,就可以用Mesmerizing,这是一个高分词,可以多用)
The entire event was a blend of tradition and modernity, creating a chill and relaxed vibe that was unique to Paris. (chill松弛的,也可以是一个名词,松弛,就是我们现在常说的要有松弛感,那我们就说,Oh,she's very chill.她就很松弛,就这也是我们用来形容本届奥运会一个非常有情商的一个词,对的)
Watching this event was incredibly enjoyable because it was not just a celebration of sports, but also a showcase of culture and history. The visual and auditory stimuli released endorphins, making me feel engaged. (Endorphins 内啡肽,这在我们讨论或者在说运动的时候,可以经常用到的一个词,因为它是一个让我们心情愉悦的一种激素)
The laser light show at the Eiffel Tower was the climax, leaving everyone in awe. Overall, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will cherish forever. (这是一个非常难忘的一个经历,Once-in-a-lifetime这是一个形容词,但是是由四个词组成的一个形容词,它是用连字符hyphen串起来的四个词,Once-in-a-lifetime,然后组起来就变成是一个形容词,一生难忘的)
Any other questions?
Yeah, and in part one, there is a question. Who is your favorite sportsman?
Who is your favorite sportsman? I guess it's about tennis.
Yeah, of course. My favorite sportsman is Roger Federer. His physical prowess on the tennis court is unparalleled, and he plays with a grace that makes watching him a thrilling experience.
就刚才我们提到的两个词用上了, Physical prowess 身体机能,Thrilling 激动人心的.
Federer's ability to remain calm under pressure and his sportsmanship have always impressed me His matches are often intense and fast-paced keeping fans on the edge of their seats. (Intense 紧张的, Fast-paced 快节奏的,就这也是我们刚才提到的词,这里也用上了,还有一个就是 Keep somebody on the edge of their seats,就是很紧张的感觉,因为很紧张的时候,是坐不住的嘛,所以就 keeping somebody on the edge of their seats)
So I think tennis is like a free zone for me to release my stress. Plus usually I burned at least 600 calories while practicing at least. So my body fat drops from 25% to 22% during four month practicing.
Wow, that's a lot.
Yeah so if you want to lose weight, I highly recommend you playing tennis or any kinds of sports.
Okay, let's get it moved and stay fit. And have fun.
So, after all the sports and Olympics we've been talking about, any speaking tips that we can use from all those topics?
Yes, of course. In IELTS Speaking? Part 2, there is a question. Describe a sporting event you attended. You should say what the event was, where you watched it, who watched this event with you, and explain why you enjoyed watching this event.
Can you give us an example?
Sure. One of the most memorable sporting events I attended was the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics. I watched it live on television from the comfort of my living room, accompanied by my family. The event was a spectacular display of physical prowess and artistic expression. (Physical prowess身体机能,就是我们在说运动的时候,这个词可以常用; and then artistic expression就是艺术的表达)
The athletes parading down the Seine River was both thrilling and unprecedented, setting a new standard for opening ceremonies. (Thrilling就激动人心的,thrill 原本是一个动词,就是很激动的意思,所以thrilling就是激动人心;然后还有一个是unprecedented,也就是前无古人的,就非常具有历史意义性的)
What made the experience even more special was the intense and fast-paced atmosphere. (Intense紧张的, fast-paced快节奏的,fast-paced就是两个词, Pace是节奏、步伐,fast-paced就是快节奏的,那如果你想说慢节奏, 你又可以换成 Slow-paced)
But after learning for a few months, I'm still struggling to serve well. 我现在还不太会开球,你敢信吗?
Yeah, so imagine this. The pros, the professions, trained their whole lives and still double fault in matches.就在网球里面,它发球的话,有两次机会。但是有一些专业人士的话,他们两次都可能都发不好,有可能发出界或者发不到正确区域当中。So they trained their whole lives hitting hundreds of thousands of serves and some still only make 60% of first serves in a match. So serving well requires a great deal of practice, coordination, and timing. It really requires a player to be able to generate a lot of power and spin on the wall, as well as have precise control over where the ball is placed in the court.
Then I have a question. Why the tennis players always scream in the competition?
Always scream?
Yes, like they scream so, so loud. Why?
I think they scream because they are tired.
Oh, really? Do you scream when you play, when you serve the ball?
No, I'm very quiet. But sometimes I really want to scream, like, “啊,怎么要跑这么远,好累啊。”
You need Ziva, my dog, to pick up the balls for you.
Yeah, last time I already sent you the invitation, right? Next time when I practice tennis, I really want Ziva to help me catch the ball, to pick the ball.
Interesting. So it's her practice, it's her sport, it's not your sport. Yeah, we play together.
I think that's fun.
That's her workout.
So I think playing the tennis really releases the feel-good hormones known as the endorphins, which can improve our mental health, reduce stress, and lower our risk of conditions like depression.
Okay, so, especially recently, I've been working at least 8 hours a day, non-stop.
No matter where you are, no matter what your religion, race and gender is. We are all here to celebrate it. And it's also a showcase of loyalty, learning and physical prowess. Plus, it dominates conversation and media during the games. Now, when you talk to your friends, probably the heat is about the Olympics.
Of course. It's once in four years, of course. So that's going to be the cover stories for all the medias.
Just like us. If you need to 尬聊, then go for sports.
就是如果你不知道怎么尬聊,你最近就可以将这个奥运去聊一聊,总会引发一些话题 不管怎么样。对。
Ok, so speaking of sports, Wing, I know you're a sportsperson. So What's your favorite sport?
I have a lot of favourite sports such as scuba diving(水肺潜水), basketball, calisthenics(徒手健身), hip-pop dancing. That’s my recent hobby. I love sports because sweating makes me feel good. What about you? I know you're a tennis person.
Yeah. So recently I've fallen in love with tennis. I got introduced to tennis in March this year. My friend sent me an invitation saying that the class for the beginners is really cheap. So that's my motivation.
Is it cheap now?
No, of course not.
So before it was a group of 12 people. Right now I hired a private tutor, right? So it's not cheap anymore. But why I love tennis is that it's an individual sport. I got a lot of action unlike other team sports like football or basketball. And the feeling of hitting the ball with the right amount of spin and force is really satisfying. Especially the sound of a clean shot is amazing. I think if you play badminton, probably you know what I'm talking about.
You know, basketball has that sound too. Really. If you throw the ball into the basket, there's a very satisfying sound as well for me. And especially after you fight against the other team so hard, so that sound is such a symbol of team spirit.
Okay, so nice shot. 就是如果你那个篮球,不会碰到那个篮框是吧。
So, Wing, do you know there are a few new games coming up in the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles?
Oh, really? I don't know. What are they?
I'm not so sure if you heard the name before. Flat football(腰旗橄榄球) and squash(壁球). So, flat football(腰旗橄榄球) 就是叫腰旗橄榄球。然后squash(壁球) 就是壁球。
So they will be in the 2028 Olympics?
Yes, they will debut there. And also lacrosse(棍网球), criket(曲棍球), baseball(棒球) and softball(垒球) will return. Especially lacrosse(棍网球) and criket(曲棍球) haven't been in the Olympics for over a century.
Wow, that's cool. Although I'm not very familiar with those sports, but any new sports entering Olympics is a good thing, I think. Making it even more diverse. 所以就是除了腰旗橄榄球还有壁球,首次亮相在2028年的洛杉矶奥运会之外, 还有长曲棍球、板球、棒球和垒球也将回归。 就是特别是长曲棍球以及板球,都一个多世纪没有出现在奥运会上了。然后在2028年会做一个大回归。
I think the British will be very excited because I remember when I was in UK, people were very crazy about the criket(曲棍球).就他们英国人好像对那个板球好像挺热爱的。
还有那个baseball(棒球). For Americans, that's a big de.al.
So that's a great thing for them, I think.
Yeah, I think so.
I feel like those six sports we just mentioned, flat football(腰旗橄榄球), squash(壁球), lacrosse(棍网球), criket(曲棍球), baseball(棒球) and softball(垒球) are not that familiar to us. Probably it's time for us to learn more about it so we can talk about it later preparing for 2028.
I know how to play squash(壁球). Do you want to try with me?
Sure. I know nothing about it. I just know TVB shows that sometimes, but I never play it. I would like to try.
Cool. Next time, let's try.
OK, so do you know why people actually are so fascinated by the Olympics or sports?
Is it because it's something that is so equal to everybody? I mean, it doesn't matter what class you are in. You are competing against each other equally and fairly. It only depends on your body, your strength and your muscles. Is it why?
Yeah, exactly. As we know, the Olympics actually bring people together to celebrate the athletic achievements.
So, by the way, do you know kayak cross(极限皮艇) is also making its debut?
Oh, cool! I mean, what is kayak cross(极限皮艇)? I know kayak(皮划艇), I know cross, but I don't know what is kayak cross(极限皮艇).
Kayak cross(极限皮艇) 叫皮划艇越野。然后它也会在这次的巴黎奥运会上面首次亮相。
Why is it so special? Olympics always has canoeing(独木舟) competition. Kayak(皮划艇) is part of canoeing(独木舟) competition, I think.
Yeah. So usually they have two traditional forms of competition, sprint and slalom. 传统上面的话有两种形式, 一个叫冲刺,还有一个叫回旋赛。Unlike them, in kayak cross(极限皮艇), athletes race head-to-head over wide water and navigate through obstacles.
所以之前那些传统的比赛都是一个人干完就完事了。然后这一个新的 kayak cross(极限皮艇) 也叫皮划艇越野。它其实是一个有对手的一个比赛, 你要赢过对手。
对。 So a traditional slalom event can take more than one hour, meaning it can be pretty boring for spectators. But a kayak cross(极限皮艇) race can take 45 seconds, is the head-to-head element that gets people on the edge of their seats.
就是传统的比赛可能会持续一个小时,就是那个持续赛。其实对于观众来说是挺无聊的。但是这一个 kayak cross(极限皮艇), 就皮划艇越野, 它只需要45秒,换句话来说,你一不留神就错过了, 所以就更吸引观众去观看。
对,你那45秒都不能眨眼, 不然会错过它的比赛。
对,我都感觉到它的热血沸腾了。如果是45秒里面还要相互竞争的话, 应该是很精彩的。
Yes. So the feedback is instant. First cross the line. You can see people have a terrible start, but go from 4th to 1st in an instant. Or 1st to 4th. Who knows, right? So it's really intense and fast-paced.
Yeah, that's so true. Talking about the debut, do you know there's another sport called artistic swimming(花样游泳)?
是的。Something new about this sport. That is the first time ever in Olympics, there's a male version of artistic swimming(花样游泳). 花式游泳在这一届的奥运会加入了男子赛 就是以往都是只有女子赛。
So talking about gender equality.
I think that's very nice.
Yeah. I searched for the pictures of male version of artistic swimming(花样游泳). That's really interesting. You should check it out.
Yeah, I think so. I think now the competitions are more and more diverse. 就是越来越多元。就男子不仅有阳刚之气,然后也有阴柔的一面。所以我觉得这也挺好的,对吧?多样性、多元化。
对啊,是的。I agree.
So, we better invest right now. Probably we can compete later then.
So, how about you? So, what's gonna be your investment then?
Scuba diving(水肺潜水), I think. I don't see the competing part out of scuba diving(水肺潜水), but that's definitely an extreme sport.
Ah, okay. That's actually very interesting. I think probably some of the extreme sports somehow will become one of the Olympic games. Like what you said, scuba diving(水肺潜水), and later maybe like skydiving(跳伞) or whatever.
Yeah, who knows. Yeah, now it's sport climbing(运动攀岩), skateboarding(滑板), surfing(冲浪), even breaking(霹雳舞), all become Olympic sports. So, who knows in the future, everything is possible.
Yeah. Talking about the water sports, just now you mentioned that surfing(冲浪) also become one of the games, right? Actually, surfers first advocated for the sport to be added to the Olympics in the 1920s.
But they got their due a century later when the sport was added to the Tokyo lineup.
It's better later than never.
Yeah, true.就是冲浪运动员的话,他其实在20世纪20年代,就100年前,其实他已经倡导将这项运动加入奥运会了,但是一个世纪之后,然后这项运动才在东京奥运会上面得到他的地位,然后现在他终于登上了舞台。
Yeah, that's true. I think surfing(冲浪) actually brings a lot of excitement. I mean, compared to other sports like diving(跳水), right? Because there is a lot of risks and uncertainties in this sport. It depends on the waves, the speed, the power, the flow, or whatever.
Yeah, now I can see the trend of Olympics is getting younger and also not limited inside the stadiums. There are more and more outdoor sports. That means the Olympics are even getting more open to all kinds of sports.
I think that's a very good trend because nowadays kids are more like the couch potato, just sit on the sofa, play with their phones and whatever, right? If they can be motivated to do more outdoor activities, I think that's a very good trend.
Yeah, that's true.
But after that movie, I learned actually girls can be b-girls too. So that is pretty cool.
No wonder. I remember that movie is very inspiring. Now I know why you are very interested in breaking(霹雳舞).
Not just b-boys, but also there are b-girls to battle in this Olympics. So it would be fun.
Yes. Definitely gonna watch it. And do you know that skateboarding(滑板) returns after an electric debut in Tokyo 2020?
Yeah, I know. That was big news.
Yeah, exactly. So this time, 22 men and 22 women skateboarders will compete in park and street disciplines judged on difficulty, speed, and range of moves.
Wow, that's awesome. So the street culture or the street sports now really become part of Olympics.
Well, that means the street cultures became international Olympic sports. And I remember when I was a kid, if anyone who did breaking(霹雳舞) dance or skateboarding(滑板), those kids were usually considered as the bad kids, unbehaved kids. But now, who knows decades later, they actually could compete in Olympics.
Yes, that's very true. You remind me of the 电竞.
Yeah, 电竞, e-sports, electronic sports, now has become another full-time job. You know, when we were kids, if you play computer games, you usually got yelled at, screamed at because that's “bad kids”. 就是不务正业,就是小时候如果打游戏的话,都会被家长、学校给教育教育,就觉得你这个孩子有问题。But now, e-sports can be a profession. You can make money out of it. It's really, really hard, really tough job.
Yeah, I totally agree. And they are well-paid. That's the thing.
是的。Just like the lame saying always say, “the only unchanged thing is change.”
Well said.
Right? So, everything is changing, sports are evolving, and a lot of new sports are becoming popular. Who knows in our future, like in one or two decades, what sports will become Olympic sports.
Yeah, that's true. So, of course, at night, the landmark Eiffel Tower has turned into a 1,083-foot-high laser beam lighting up the Paris sky. It was breathtaking.
Wow, this must be really spectacular.
Yeah, so Wing, last time we talked about the Olympic Games and then you said you were looking forward to the breaking(霹雳舞), right?
Yes, because breaking(霹雳舞)(霹雳舞) is the debutting in this Olympics. So I'm really looking forward to it.
是的。For me, street culture right now get into international historical stage. It's very fascinating.
And especially for breaking(霹雳舞). Breaking(霹雳舞) is such a hard sport. I would call it extreme sport. It's easy for people to break bones or get hurt. So I think it's totally legit to get into Olympic Games.
Yeah, I totally agree. Last time I mentioned, I watched..um..《这就是街舞》 for a couple of times. And I was amazed. 就是有时候他们好像还会用那个头来顶地,然后那个头转地什么的,对吧。
Power moves.
Oh, power moves. Okay. 然后就说哇,天啊,他们头发不会掉光吗?
Well, it is a problem for them. Some of them, it has problem. That's why a lot of them wear the hat. That might help. And in some performance, they will wear helmets to make sure they are safe. It's really hard to just use their own head. Sometimes it's not safe. It requires a lot of practices and skills to just do it with bare head. Not just bare hand, bare head.
True. So Wing, have you ever learned breaking(霹雳舞) before?
When I was young, I really wanted to. Especially after I watched the movie <Step Up> (《舞出我人生》) I think. I don't know if that is correct Chinese name, but the English name is called <Step Up>. In one movie, there are five of them. In one of them, the main character is a girl. And that girl is a b-girl.
Oh, cool.
Yeah. So before the movie, I thought it was only male sports because all the power moves and all the crazy muscle positions.
They said Lady Gaga's mom is a mix of Italian and French.
Oh, I see. Interesting. 所以Lady Gaga的表演是一首法语歌,叫《我的羽毛装》。法语我就不重复,因为我也发不出来,所以感觉应该是挺燃的一场表演吧,虽然我也没看。
但最搞笑的是,其实Lady Gaga的表演是录播的,她现场的话就只有几个人在那里舞动那个羽毛而已。
对,Lady Gaga的出场费也不便宜。
Of course.
And also the footbridge transformed into a fashion runway. Just now you mentioned the runway, right? Sponsored by LV. It's a tribute to Paris as a fashion capital. There were neon pink shirts, high fashion gowns, and avant-garde outfits. Someone even commented, Models showed off clothes no one, aside from Gaga, will ever wear again.
And do you know there was an awkward moment in the ceremony?
Oh, tell me about it. I’m all about it.
The Olympic flags were raised upside down. Can you believe that?
Oh, that’s really. They are really chill. 真的那个松弛感都体现出来了。
对。People joked, “Those who stayed awake during the Opening Ceremonies were treated to the Olympic flag being flown upside down”
Are they drunk?
Oh, well, who knows, right? Chill, chill.
Chill, you know, wine, and all kind of those things. Probably the one who put the flag on is drunk. I'm just joking.
But something is very interesting, because they held the ceremony in the morning, right? Not at night.
They hang over.
Okay, that makes sense.
So what happened then? They take it down and then put it back on. How did it end?
I think at that moment, they pretended nothing happened.
Wow, super chill.
Because it's live streaming, you can do nothing.
Well, now we all remember this Olympic opening ceremony. It's one way to impress everyone. You know,黑红也是红。
The 2024 Summer Games kicked off with a four-hour show along the Seine River, celebrating France's history and also showcasing their own culture. They featured historical figures like Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette. Sorry, French pronunciation again. And also some iconic art like the Mona Lisa and famous landmarks like Notre Dame and the Louvre. By the way, Wing, do you know Mona Lisa actually this time has the interaction with the Minions?
我不知道。How does it work?
So this time in the opening ceremony, they designed a plot. The Minions stole Mona Lisa.
So it's a big Olympics heist.
Yeah, that's very innovative, I guess. Besides the art, there was a fashion runway above the Seine.
当然还有展示到,巴黎圣母院以及卢浮宫这样的著名地标,甚至还有一个时尚秀,在塞纳河上。I heard the runway is sponsored by Louis Vuitton. Is it why there's a runway on the same river?
I guess so. I think that's a very good ad, right?
Yeah, this is such a great promotion. You cannot get another bigger promotion of a brand anywhere else. It's such a historical place to show your brand.
Exactly. That's a unique experience.
So the most touching part is that they show the women power in the ceremony too. Oh, really? They set up 10 female figures who were very famous in the France history. And I think they paid tribute to the women who contributed to France before. Yeah, so I think that's very touching. No countries have ever done that before.
That sounds amazing. Talking about women power, I heard Lady Gaga performed as well.
That's true.
She's such an iconic figure in women power.
Yeah, I was very surprised when she performed a French song <Mon Truc en Plume>, which means my thing with feathers. And it was quite the spectacle. At first, I couldn't believe that they actually convinced Lady Gaga to sing in French. However, later I looked for some news.
But when I woke up, my WeChat moments were flooded with posts about the ceremony, and most of my friends described it with one word, chill.松弛感。How about you?
Oh, I... Actually, in a lot of WeChat groups, people mentioned about it. Like, well, your friends are so polite and so nice, and my friends are more like straightforward. They described it as... 哇,好简陋哦.
They don't charge any admission for the opening ceremony. So, I mean, they need to save some money. Because it's for free for everyone, right?
Yeah. So, you know, hosting an Olympic actually cost a lot.
It is a costly event. It really depends on how people run it. If just see as an event, just a ceremony, you couldn't make any money out of it. But if you see that event as an opportunity to bring up the, for example, the tourism or service industry, like restaurants, etc., then it probably might help the economics in the long run. So that's why a lot of countries want to host Olympics, I think.
Before, yes. Right now, no.
Oh, really? But I'm very curious, like how your friends actually roast this opening ceremony. They said it's very 简陋.
Oh, really? Just like that? Yeah. But for me, my friends said this ceremony is very chill. As we mentioned in our previous episode, Dragon Boat Festival, right? The athletes sailed down France's famous river Seine in a parade, waving at fans excitedly, just like the parade in Disneyland.
And it's for free.
So actually, it is the first time in history that the Summer Games Opening Ceremony wasn't held in a stadium. So that's why the spectators can watch the parade along the river.
So what else happened during the ceremony? Anything interesting, other than the river part?
Well, actually, I think this opening ceremony is an unprecedented opening ceremony.