AEE: How to Talk with Someone About Their New Baby

AEE: How to Talk with Someone About Their New Baby

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1. a bundle of joy

2. newest/latest edition to the family

3. a newborn (0 to 2 months old)
an infant (0 to 1 year old)

4. sleep through the night

5. witching hour
1. a bundle of joy (classic, old term,a little animated)
2. newest addition
Ex: How’s the newest addition to your family?(the person was born)
3.“a new born”and”an infant”(sometimes be used interchangeably)
a new born( a baby form birth to about two months)
an infant(from time they were born until reach to one year old)
4. sleeping through the night
Ex:My baby started sleeping through the night at about six months old.
5. witching hour()
6. fussy
Role play:
A:Have you met Pepper’s the newest additon?
B:Oh,no, not yet.I haven’t spoken to Pepper for more than two minutes. I’m sure she’s exhausted with a new born at home.
A: She will probably be exhausted and listen to the baby’s sleeping through the night.
B: Yeah. I’m sure that’s also tough, because the witching hour.
A:Yes, but I have seen the pictures. What a bundle of joy.(a little bit cheesy)
B: Oh, I know, completely adorable.
1. a bondle of joy ,classic old term
animated 活生生的 活泼的 愉快的
where's your bondle of joy coming?
how's your bondle of joy ?
2. newest addition 新添加的东西
how's your newest addiction to your family ( the person who was born)
3. new born ( younger than infant ) under 2months , infant under 1year .
4. sleeping through the night ( maybe 6hours)
are you getting any sleep ?
are you sleeping at all ?
my baby started sleeping throught the night at about six hours all .
5. witching hour -- 午夜时间 /巫师之时:午夜之后的一个小时,人们认为在这个时间里巫师和其他超自然存在会活跃起来,并且与厄运有关。
oh it's the witching hour , she is so fussy .
fussy adj. 爱挑剔的,难取悦的;过分装饰的,过于繁琐的;紧张不安的;<美>婴儿爱哭的

have you met Michael's newest addition ?
oh not yet i haven't spoke to Michael, i am sure she is exausted with the new born at home.
yep she would probably being exausted at least until the baby sleep through the night .
yap i am sure it's also tough because the witching hour .
but i have seen pictures , what a bondle of joy .
oh i know, completely adorable .
AEE: How to Talk with Someone About Their New Baby