迄今最八卦的一期,英语尬(bào)聊(liào)爱情观!尬聊英语 Gossip English


41分钟 ·

00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,终于轮到八卦爱情故事了!
00:18 🐾 七夕之夜,Wing与Yao是怎么过的?
01:10 🌹 为什么《玫瑰的故事》让Yao感触如此深?
03:51 🤔 Wing说套路太深,究竟只是剧的套路还是爱情的套路?
05:41 💥 Wing与Yao爱情讨论大PK 之 高富帅的吸引力
07:38 😯 为什么女性会慕强?生物性都出来了?!?!
09:31 💥 Wing与Yao爱情讨论大PK 之 有能力有担当的控制暖男
11:28 🙀 你知道Wing的朋友有时会如何昵称她吗?
14:12 💥 Wing与Yao爱情讨论大PK 之 病危的艺术灵魂伴侣
16:23 ❤️ Yao深有感触:爱上了一个病危的人,究竟该追爱还是该放手
17:53 💥 Wing与Yao爱情讨论大PK 之 年轻帅气小奶狗
20:34 💘 丈夫四选一,Yao究竟会选哪一位?
21:33 😱 线上约会成为平民版的非诚勿扰,Wing的朋友都经历过什么
25:24 💸 网上遇到帅气多金的人,Yao与Wing的第一反应是什么?
28:14 🎞️ 最让人牙痒痒的爱情诈骗犯,他的结局竟然如此匪夷所思
35:02 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中尬聊“关系”话题?
40:01 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到了。 This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Wing, Qixi Festival, Chinese Valentine's Day is around the corner, how will you spend the day?
Work, work more.
Really? That's really boring.
Same here.
That makes two of us.
I thought you were going to have a date with Ziva.
Well, she's with me all the time. By the way, Ziva is my dog, she's with me all the time, so we don't need to celebrate on that day.
Oh yeah, that's true.
What about you? With your four cats?
Oh yes, I have four cats, I'm going to spend the day with them. But besides that, probably I will buy myself flowers, paint my nails cherry red matching the roses.
Well, that's actually the lyrics of “flowers” by Miley Cyrus.
Oh, I see. I see.
Yeah. Okay, so maybe on that day, I will rewatch a TV drama called “The Tale of the Rose”《玫瑰的故事》. Have you ever watched it?
No, I haven't. I heard a lot about it. Everybody talks about it recently, but I haven't watched it yet. Is it good?
Yeah, you should watch it. I mean, that TV show is different from others, I guess. It talks about the love story of 黄亦玫, but also the growth of her too.
So that's 神仙姐姐刘亦菲,对吧? 对。
Alright, in that case, let me give you some background. Okay. 黄亦玫, 就是神仙姐姐啦, the protagonist, was born in a scholarly family. Both her parents are professors at Tsinghua University. She grew up surrounded by care and love. After graduating from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, she became known for her generous and free-spirited personality. During her student days, she was never short of admirers.
对,就是白富美。Yeah, so there are four key male characters in her life. The first one, there's a 庄国栋. He's handsome, tall, scholarly, and has impeccable taste. He studied in France before, excelled academically, and landed a high-level job in a prestigious company.
好听 爱听 😃
11:25 俱乐部的IT小伙伴泪洒现场
我也是做过IT,我是伤1000,自损800😂 也是sorry
He would make right decisions. So for me, that would be the dream type with all his background.
So you mean you prefer a mature man?
Well, like with his background, definitely. Like all his prestigious background, he needs to have some bad experience in his life first.
I see.
Then he would be the perfect type.
Yeah. But on the contrary, actually for me, if I were 20, I would be attracted by this kind of man.
If you go for marriage, it's hard to get him marry you. If you only go for love and good time, yes, definitely.
So you mean he won't settle down with me?
No. It's hard. Even if he's going to settle down with you, he wouldn't be a good husband for you.
So later we can talk about what's the features of a good husband. So that makes sense. Actually, I think many characters in the TV series or movies are similar to 庄国栋. Or even in real life, we can also see someone like 庄国栋, right?
Of course. It's normal. We are all animals. Obviously, we want the male character in our life is the strongest male in the society or in the group. That's normal because we are all animals.
Yeah, true.
那来插一个题外话,你觉得为什么女性会慕强?Why they admire the people who are more powerful, stronger than them?
During women's pregnancy, there are one year they couldn't do anything except for being pregnant and having the baby. So they need someone in their life to take care of them and bring food and money into the family. So if you can get a very strong man, that means your life can have guaranteed, especially during that one year. So I think I said it before, we are all. So I think I said it before, we are all animals. That means in our blood or in our subconsciousness, we want someone who is strong enough to provide bread and butter to us, at least during that year.
What do you think?
I think so. I think for me, if I admire someone who has more power over me, I think because I want to learn more from them.
请问有完整的逐字稿吗 想打印出来可以重复看和和学习
不好意思呢,逐字稿都直接在评论了~ 可以直接看呢 😄
It sounds like he is very typical male figure in the past, like who thinks wife is his property or something. So he wants to control his wife, make sure that is his own property. He doesn't really see 黄亦玫 as a human being. He sees as a property. Am I correct?
Yeah, that makes sense.
I mean, I haven't watched the show yet, so I don't know the real stories between them. I'm just based on what you said is my guess.
But if you don't know he's a control freak, is he your dream type?
Yeah, he's pretty good. He knows what he's doing. He takes care of everybody. He sounds like a good person to me.
So he's a husband material, right?
Yeah, sounds about right.
Now I know why 黄亦玫 married him.
Have they ever lived together before they get married?
So he hides this side of him very well.
But after I read the book about a serial killer called BTK, who can hide his freaking crazy serial killer side away from his family for more than two or three decades. I think everything is possible.
That's scary.
Yes. Well, it is. But I don't think 方协文 is that crazy. He's just a control freak. But it's bad enough, I think.
That's true. And I think besides his personality, I think he's actually a good husband material. I think if the girls meet this type of man, probably they will choose to settle down with them.就是可能会被陷进去了。
Well, yeah, I think maybe at age of 20 I prefer 庄国栋 right? Who knows when I turn to 30 or 40, I like 方协文 because I want somebody who will love me more and also take good care of me. Yeah. I mean, people's attitude towards love, a relationship or marriage will change.
Yeah, for sure. So there were two more options. Who are they?
The next one is 傅家明, an artist with a deep understanding of art, who is also a soulmate of 黄亦玫. Sadly, he's terminally ill and doesn't have long to live.
So what do you think?
I mean, they have something that I really admire. They have something that I appreciate. And I want to be that kind of person. That's why.
Yeah, that's why I always think I'm 18, you know, not the real age.
I wouldn't say 18, because in a lot of countries, 21 years old is the legal age to drink. So I always say I'm 21 forever.
Okay, you win this time. Yeah, so I think there's some romance deep in my heart, I guess. Okay, so 庄国栋 passed, right? Yeah. So he's not the husband material. Okay, so next one.
Who's the next one?
The next one is 方协文, who has a master's degree in computer science from Fudan University back in 2000s. He's a great cook and takes good care of 黄亦玫.
After a few years of working, he got fired because of some issues, but started his own business, which has been doing well. However, he's a control freak.
对,就是他那个被解雇的原因,其实他是自动辞职的,因为他要保他的手下,因为他手下犯了一些错误,然后被人陷,不知道是不是被人陷害了,反正就是他自动离职了,就承担那个责任。但是,他就走上了创业道路,而且是在2000年左右,所以的话,当时那个IT行业正在兴起,他就抓住那个风口。So what do you think about him?
Anyway, so what do you think about him?
Well, everything is so perfect until you say he's a control freak. That is definitely a big, big no to me. Because the controlling thing can only go worse.
But there's one thing. He didn't show this side before marriage. I mean, after marriage, he exposed. 他就暴露了他其实是一个控制狂。I think before marriage, he was afraid that he might lose 黄亦玫. That's why he tried to hide his deep secret.
Despite his commitment to his career, there's never a shortage of women around him.
Usually the protagonist, like these two people, the female and the male, they wouldn't wind up being together because there's no dramatic plots between them. So I can tell they're not going to be together if that is a TV drama. So they're definitely going to break up.
There's no contrast.
Yeah, exactly.
So if they match, probably they will just go up, up, up, up. There's no ups and downs. They're happy ever forever.王子跟公主从此幸福地在一起,这样子就没有冲突性,就不符合连续剧四十多集的一个套路。
That makes sense. But there's something, he prioritizes career over 黄亦玫.
Of course.
So what do you think?
That is pretty normal, especially there's never a shortage of women around him. He wouldn't pay too much attention to any specific woman. I think it kind of makes sense to me.
对啊,林子可大了 何必为了一棵树放弃整个森林。Although I don't know the plots between them, but I mean, according to the character you just described, I think they are puppy love.
Yes, puppy love, first love. First love, puppy love between 黄亦玫 and 庄国栋. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't seem practical and real to me if he just pay all his attention to one girl. 没有经历过你哪知道她的好。If he doesn't experience any bad women in his life, he wouldn't know how good 黄亦玫 is to him.
Oh my gosh. Wing, you should be the scriptwriter, you know? Because you forecasted the twist already. 你不去当编剧可惜了。
Filmmaker, right?
So I have a question. Is 庄国栋 your dream type?
If he's like 40 years old, yes. If he's 20 years old, no.
Wait, why?
Because if he's 40 years old, especially he got one marriage before, then he's definitely a dream type for me. Because he has enough experience about marriage and love. And also he knows what to choose and how to choose.
Ok,好,That's all for today. Thank you for listening.那欢迎大家来订阅我们的几大平台,小宇宙,喜马拉雅,苹果播客,还有QQ音乐,来收听我们的播客,当然也欢迎大家在我们小红书以及微博,下面给我们进行留言互动,特别是关于七夕爱情这一个话题,你有什么想聊想说的,都跟我们交流一下,我们最喜欢听八卦了,对,你可以说一下,你的恋爱故事,甜甜的恋爱故事让我们嗑一下,也可以分享一下你在dating当中遇过的奇葩事情,让我们乐一下,都可以。是的。哦,对,还有记得一键三连哦,分享我们的播客,点赞还有收藏,大家七夕节快乐,祝有情人终成眷属,也祝单身狗们早脱离单身行列,好吧。Ok, have a nice weekend. See you. Bye.
There is another question. What are some of the good and bad things about online dating?
What do you think?
I think online dating has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the positives is the wider pool of potential partners, allowing people to find someone compatible more easily. However, the anonymity of online interactions can lead to dishonesty and even catfishing. Additionally, the instant gratification culture can make it hard to build meaningful relationships.(Anonymity匿名性的,就是anonymous的名词形式,Online interaction,就是网上的在线互动,Catfishing就网络诈骗,也可以有时候也被说成杀猪盘,Instant gratification,就是即时满足,瞬时满足的意思,Instant就是我们方便面instant noodles的instant,instant gratification)
So are there any questions relating to this topic?
Yes, in part 1 and part 3, we have another question. Do you think that all the tech solutions to dating have made dating easier or more complicated?
Well, I think the tech solutions have made dating both easier and more complicated. On one hand, dating apps and social media platforms make it so much convenient to meet new people from diverse backgrounds. On the other hand, the paradox of choice can be overwhelming making it hard to make a decision. Additionally, the superficial nature of online interactions can lead to misunderstandings and disappointments.
Yeah, I agree. So diverse backgrounds就是表示不同的背景、多元的背景. The paradox of choice就是选择的那个悖论。overwhelming可以形容一个人就是被冲击到,然后就令人不知所措。但最后那个superficial nature表示网络上面的一个表面性一个肤浅性。
So after we talked about so many different stuff about love and in Qixi, anything that we can use for our speaking test?
In IELTS Speaking Part 2, there is a question. Talk about an idea you had to improve a relationship. You should say who it was with, what was the idea, when and why did you have this idea.
Can you give us an example?
Sure. I'd like to talk about an idea I had to improve my relationship with my best friend, Lisa. Lisa is a free-spirited individual, always full of energy and spontaneity.(就里面有几个词,我们可以用来形容人的,像free-spirited,自由奔放的。full of energy and spontaneous就是充满活力和随性。)
On the other hand, I'm more scholarly and prefer structured activities. This difference sometimes cause misunderstandings between us.(scholarly,就更偏向学术的,就跟刚才形容的是相反的一个人)
The idea I had was to introduce a balanced day once a month. On this day, we would alternate between activities that each of us enjoys. For example, we might start the day with a visit to a prestigious art gallery which caters to my love for culture and history.(prestigious,著名的,有声望的,就去用来形容一个人或者一个艺术展都可以) Later, we would engage in something more spontaneous and adventurous like hiking or attending a live concert which aligns with her free-spirited nature.(Spontaneous就是刚才提到spontaneity的形容词形式就是随性的,随机的,随缘的)
I had this idea about 6 months ago when I realized that our frequent arguments were mostly due to our differing preferences. I wanted to find a rational way to bridge the gap between our personalities.(rational就是理性的,就跟感性的是相反的一个词,叫做rational)
The idea came to me after reading an article about how successful relationships often involve mutual respect and compromise.(Mutual相互的,支持会仅限于两者之间才可以用,Mutual,三个人就不能用mutual了,所以mutual respect and compromises互相尊重和妥协)
Implementing this idea has had an impeccable impact on our relationship. We both feel more understood and appreciated and it has brought a new level of harmony and balance into our relationship.(impeccable完美的,无可挑剔的)
He's working on a book, a movie, and a TV series based on his life. He also has an account in a website charging $99 for personalized videos.
Did he pay back to those women that he defrauded?
I don't know.
I'm speechless.
Yeah, that's the thing.
太离谱了。I can't believe this.
Yes, that's crazy, right? Actually, it reminded me of another thing.我不知道你有没有看过一个非常经典的一个语录,就是有一个人,他是广西,发生在广西,然后他就说,经常就是偷那个电瓶车的电瓶,然后被捕了,然后他就说,他最喜欢进去监狱,他就说里面个个都是人才,说话又好听,我不知道你有没有看过那个视频。
Oh man,虽然一直有句话叫,黑红也是红,但是这也太,太不对了。That is ethically wrong. He defrauded so many women and he only got 5 months in prison. After that, he got a luxury lifestyle again. He didn't get any real punishment at all.
Yea, exactly.
Crazy world.
That's a bit crazy. But talking about this kind of frustrating news on this special day, I don't want to ruin your mood. 我不是想就破坏你们的好心情。
I just want to broaden our world. 确实林子大了,什么鸟都有,不仅树,鸟也很多。
I just want to raise the awareness of our audience. Be careful when you are online dating because if you meet a charming guy, the guy that you cannot see in real life, you should ask yourself twice. 这种好事怎么会发生在我身上呢。So is it a catfishing?它是不是诈骗,是不是一个钓鱼?
对啊,就留个醒吧,不是不可能。I just mentioned how my friends get married. So everything is possible but also just be careful. Don't get hurt.
So, this guy is called Shimon, a convicted fraudster from Israel. He used dating apps to meet multiple women, establish lines of credits and loans in their names, and left them holding the bills.
是,那很多人可能觉得这么明显套路是吧,然后大家怎么会被骗呢。Okay, so be patient. I'm gonna tell you how he tricked the women. So he followed a pattern. He'd match with a woman on Tinder, take her on an impressive first date, and slowly build a relationship. Maybe he'd take the girls to the five-star hotels, to the fine dining restaurants, or also invite them to the private jets or whatever.
对。And later, he'd claim he was in danger, send a photo of his injured bodyguard, and ask for a new credit card under her name.
然后他就说自己遭遇到危险,然后发了一张关于保镖受伤的照片,并且要求这个女性用她的名字,用自己的名字开一张新的信用卡。Why? How come? Like why should they ever do that?
I mean, in that emergency situation, I think probably that lady didn't think that much, didn't think twice. And what she wanted to do was to save that guy.
Only one date you cannot do that. Even a few days you cannot do that.
If you want to know more about that, you can watch that video. Actually, it's not just one day, I think. Shimon set the trap very patiently and build a relationship bit by bit. That's why he could gain the trust from the ladies.
Yes, correct.
Luckily, finally he was arrested. But, he was released from prison after 5 months, due to the COVID pandemic.
Oh, man. 他被捕了,但是因为新冠疫情,他在被关五个月之后就释放了。
Yeah, that's not the most ridiculous thing. What's more, in 2022, after the documentary's release, he signed with a talent manager to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.