中元节特辑:这可能是一期听了睡不着的尬聊英语!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,咱们挑战尬聊鬼故事!
00:18 🗓️ 今年的8月18日究竟有何特别之处?
01:19 🧟‍♂️ 鬼门大开之时,我们究竟要如何应对?
03:29 🕯️ 邀请亡灵共聚晚餐,是传统习俗还是毛骨悚然?
06:58 🚫 鬼节禁忌有哪些?Wing与Yao有何经验?
08:26 👻 Wing亲身经历过灵异的超自然事件?!?!
13:11 🙀 Yao也亲身经历过类似的灵异超自然事件?!?
15:19 🇮🇳 Yao在印度尼西亚经历了什么事情,让她每每想起都后怕?
17:30 🐕 狗狗都有灵异体质?他们究竟都看到啥了?
22:34 🎃 最负盛名的鬼节究竟是来自哪里的?
24:40 💀 Wing与Yao的鬼屋大作战,除了尖叫还是尖叫
31:38 🇯🇵 日本鬼节都要做些啥,跟我们鬼节有何不同?
33:42 🇰🇷 韩国鬼节其实是用来庆祝秋天大丰收?
34:39 🇳🇵 尼泊尔鬼节是怎么跟牛息息相关的?
35:42 🇰🇭 柬埔寨鬼节竟然持续15天,会有什么特别的习俗?
37:13 🇮🇳 印度鬼节特别招待三代先人,而且还要喂食特别动物?
39:09 🇲🇽 墨西哥鬼节更像派对,你知道是哪部电影让它闻名世界吗?
41:25 😭 Yao让人心碎的亲身经历,竟然是一部电影最终让她释怀?
43:37 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试的“节日”话题中进行创新?
49:00 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hello everyone, it's Gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. This is Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, do you know what day it is this Sunday?
August 18th. Is it your birthday?
Hell no! It's the 15th day of the 7th lunar month. So you know, the Chinese Ghost Festival. The gates of the underworld open and the spirits of the dead visit the living.
Yeah, I know. Because usually on that day, my family don't allow me to go outside, you know. They say stay at home. So why you mention this?
Because it is coming and I think it's a good topic to talk about.
Wait, but do you think our audience will get scared or tuned out?
They might get a little spooked. But let's see if we can keep them hooked.
Yeah, why not, right? That sounds a bit fun and we never talk about this kind of topics before.
Yeah, so be ready, everybody. Be ready for the ghost stories.
Yeah, we have a lot to share.
Yeah, so the Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival.道教叫中元节, 然后佛教是叫盂兰盆节。
Yes, and it is a time when people go to great lengths to appease the spirits. It's quite a sight. Have you ever seen anything about it?
Yes, of course. Even in my family, on that day, we will burn the joss paper.就会烧那些纸。How about yours?
Yeah, just like the fake banknotes, sometimes called hell money.就是冥币的假钞。通常面值都比较高。
对,好多个零。And also, we burn cutouts of cars, televisions, watches and even houses in a metal bin or a heap.
就是我们除了冥币之外, 也会烧一些像车啊、电视机啊、手机、手表。 甚至一个房子都会烧。 那可能会在一个金属的篮子里面, 也可能就直接在地上烧。
我们好像那个盆的话, 好像叫聚宝盆是吧? 对。就是我们会烧在那个聚宝盆里面, 然后现在的话, 随着时代的发展的话, 除了刚才你提到那些, 还有非常多新型的东西。所以这也是为我们的那些先人们送去一些祝福还有送去一些关爱。
是啊。 So it's actually like sending care packages to the afterlife, just like what you said. People also offer special food at altars and burn incense in homes, shops and even on the streets.就是其实我们也会供奉一些食物嘛, 在家里、商店里甚至在街道上,到那一天, 你可能都会看到很多人在那里烧香、烧纸。
So are there any traditions at your home? Like anything that you need to pay attention to?
13:13 我也相信某些时刻的异动,是亲人来向我们告别。
28:15 我也是会扮鬼👻捉弄朋友的人🫣🫣
21:46 想起来看的招魂,刚开始也是狗狗🐶不愿意进去
Some old traditions like those of Ghost Festivals are disappearing. Younger generations often find these rituals outdated and don't participate as much. Busy modern lifestyles, Urban living and environmental concerns about burning joss paper contributes to this decline. However, I think, we can make some changes to make the younger generation more engaging about this festival. For example, we can use more environmental-friendly alternatives instead of burning joss papers. We can use digital offerings. I think preserving these traditions is vital for maintaining our cultural heritage and identity.
Yeah, I totally agree. Because for us, we have to be in awe of our ancestors, traditions and this kind of festivals.
Yeah, 保持一个敬畏之心.
对的,对的.So I think that's all for today after so many stories about ghosts. We wish you a good sleep at night. Yes, hope you can sleep tight. Yeah, and 那朋友们也欢迎你们跟我们分享一下你们经历过的什么,比较creepy 比较令人毛骨悚然也好,或者是你自己亲身经历的鬼故事,也欢迎跟我们分享.你可以在我们的同名 “尬聊英语Gossip English”小红书和微博上面留言,也欢迎你们在我们的小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果博客,还有QQ音乐那里,然后跟我们留言互动。然后最重要最重要最重要的一点就是一键三连,就是点赞、转发还有收藏。对的。对,所以大家睡个安稳觉吧。嗯,have a good sleep. Have a nice weekend. OK, thank you. Bye.
During the festival, my family sets up an altar with offerings like food, incense and joss paper, which we burn to send to the spirits. We also enjoy mesmerizing scenes that the bodies of water are filled with floating lanterns, gently released to guide the spirits back to the world of the dead.(altar 祭坛;mesmerizing 迷人的)
是的. So back to the sample. The somber tone of certain observances, like abstinence from certain activities, highlights the taboos we respect during this time. The eerie atmosphere, with spine-tingling tales and haunting melodies make the festival unique.(somber 阴沉的,严肃的;abstinence 节制,禁欲; eerie 怪异的,诡异的; spine-tingling 令人毛骨悚然的;haunting 营绕心头的,或者是令人难忘的; 对,像 spine-tingling 就是一个组合词,就 tingle 就是刺痛嘛,然后 spine 就是我们的脊椎,然后所以那个感觉是从脊椎发出来那种刺痛冷的感觉,所以叫 spine-tingling 就变成是令人毛骨悚然的.然后还有就是 haunting 也是我们常用,就讲鬼故事的过程当中,是常用的一个词 haunting haunting)
So in short, the Ghost Festival is a special event that strengthens family bonds and cultural continuity, with its eerie and mesmerizing traditions that keep our heritage alive.
Yeah, I agree. Any other questions?
Yes. In part 1 and part 3, there are a few questions about festival. First one, are there any festivals at this time of year? How do people usually celebrate it?
Yes, of course. At this time of year, we celebrate the Ghost Festival, right?
It falls on 15th day of the 7th lunar month, usually in August. People honor their ancestors and appease wandering spirits, believed to visit the living world. Celebrations involve setting up an altar with offerings, like food, incense and joss paper, which are burned to send to the spirits.
And another question is Are any old traditions related to particular times of year in your country disappearing?
So what do you think?
But I think this movie actually depicted a very beautiful scene about the life after death.
Yeah, after life .Yeah, actually talking about this. Well, it's not during the Ghost Festival but during the Tomb Sweeping Festival. So we went to the graveyard. And every time almost since I was little, I would tell my family that. For example, my grandma was in another world. We should keep her updated with our world. So we are not only burning joss paper, fake money to her, but we also needed to offer modern day food, not just goose and roasted pork. We should offer something new like pizza, deep fried chicken, all sort of things. So she could try something new as well. It's just my way to deal with the death, I think.
I think you have a really good point. Who knows? Probably she would meet some, you know, foreigners in the paradise, right?
Yeah, probably.
Okay, Wing, so after talking about so many creepy and sad things. Back to our topic. Do you have any speaking tips for our test?
Yes, in IELTS Part 2, there's a topic about this. Describe a festival in your country, you should say when the festival occurs, what you did during it, what you like or dislike about it and explain why this festival is important.
Okay, so which festival will you pick?
Of course, ghost Festival. Since we talked all about it today.
Wow, I think probably you will impress the examiner.
Yes, just think outside the box. To surprise the examiner. Give them something new.
Yeah, that's true. Just go ahead.
Here is the example. A really important festival in my country is the Ghost Festival, held on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, usually around August. It's a time when we honor our ancestors and appease wandering ghosts who are believed to be relentlessly creeping up from the afterlife.(ancestors 祖先;appease 安抚、慰借;relentless 不懈地,持续不断地;creeping up 悄悄接近; afterlife 就在我们的生命之后嘛,所以就是来世来生)
是的。And I think besides Halloween and our ghost festival, another famous ghost festival, I think, is in Mexico. It's called Day of the Dead or Diá de Los Muertos.大家就将就着听我发这些不太标准的西文吧。Why is famous? Because of a movie “Coco”
So actually is a Ghost Festival celebrated on November the 2nd. Instead of the somber vibe, it's actually more vibrant and joyful. We can learn that from the movie “Coco”,right?
So there were a lot of parades, dances and parties. It's more celebratory compared to our Ghost Festival.
是,我其实我觉得这部电影的话,非常有意义。因为我个人觉得,在我们整个成长过程的话,其实我们很少会进行一个死亡教育。其实我们知道死亡是什么,但是我们不知道死亡之后人会去哪里。那当然如果是有宗教信仰的话,我们就会说什么,上天堂下地狱。但是对于我个人来说的话,其实我不知道他们会是怎么样,他们会过怎么样的日子。所以我觉得这部寻梦环游记的话,其实它打开了我的世界,我之前是没有任何的概念,但是现在我会有一个概念就是,那其实我们的先人或者是我们去世的亲人,他们走了之后,他们会去到一个非常开心的一个地方,他们其实也会过着他们新的生活,对吧,在其他另外一个世界。那我这里的话想提一下自己的一个亲身经历。So actually last year, there was something heartbreaking happened. I lost my nephew last year. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He had a sister. All of us were very clueless because we didn't know how to explain his death to his sister. Then suddenly we thought about this movie. Then we watched the movie with her, telling her that actually your brother went to a paradise, went to a place with happiness, joy and without pain. That's why I really love this movie. And I think it's a really good death education movie for the kids.
I'm sorry to hear that. For your loss.
I think it's okay. Because I think Nobody actually taught us where our ancestors went, right? We all knew they were buried under the ground. And they were worshipped in the temples or something.
尼泊尔的鬼节也叫牛节。It's celebrated to honor those who passed away in the last year. They have processions of cows or children dressed as cows. Because they believe souls need a cow's tail to reach heaven, much like our belief in guiding spirits with lanterns.
So far, the ghost festivals we have mentioned only last for one day. But in Cambodia, it's a 15-day festival.
Wow, 15 days.
And it's called Pchum Ben. It usually happens between September and October. That is the time they believe the gates of hell open. So the way they help ancestral souls atone is to offer food to monks in pagodas. And sometimes toss rice balls in graveyards and temples. For me, it's a little bit like zongzi in Dragon Boat Festival for Qu Yuan.
Yeah, that's kind of true.就是在柬埔寨的话,他们鬼节叫亡人节。那最重要是,他们是为期15天,通常会在9月和10月的时候举行。因为那时候,他们也觉得是鬼门关开嘛。那但是他们的庆祝方式的话,有一点点不太一样,就是他们会为了帮助先人的灵魂赎罪,他们就会在佛堂里面向那些僧侣的话,提供食物。有时候还会在墓地还有寺庙里面,去投掷那个米团。所以比较特别一点。
And also, it is not the only country, which celebrates ghost festival for 15 days. Actually in India, they also celebrate it around the same time and also lasts 15 or 16 days. It's called Pitru Paksha. During this festival, they honor three generations of ancestors. People perform rituals like Shraddha to worship the dead, preparing specific foods and offering clothes. This is a special part of Indian ghost festival. They also feed cows, crows, and dogs as part of the rituals. The abstinence from celebrations during this period is akin to our more somber observances during the ghost festival.
那在印度的话,他们那个祭祖的节日,就叫做Pitru Paksha。通常会在9月和10月的时候庆祝,而且它跟柬埔寨一样,也是为期15到16天的。那通常他们会祭拜三代的祖先,那跟我们不太一样,我们是拜所有的祖先,那他们是拜三代。
你为什么发那个Pitru Paksha这么标准呢?
So except Halloween Are there any traditions in other countries?
Yes, I actually searched a little bit, and I found so many countries celebrate ghost festivals. Of course, in different ways with different traditions. For example, Japan has Oben. It's very similar to our ghost festival. It's believed that ancestor spirits visit the earth and it happens in July or August, just like our ghost festival. People hang lanterns outside their homes and throw paper lanterns of water.
And also very very special, in Japan, there is a dance, an ancient folk dance called Bon Odori.
Yeah, I think so too. And also not only that. Like for example in Kyoto, they also have the Gozan no Okuribi festival, where they light huge bonfires to guide the spirits back to the underworld. Just like the dance in Kyoto.
Yeah, basically I think the ghost festival traditions in Japan is kind of similar to ours, right? How about in other countries?
Well, Korea has a quite a different one. They celebrate Chuseok秋夕节. It's more like Thanksgiving. It happens in September or October. And it's primarily a harvest festival, thanking ancestors for a good harvest. So they would visit graves, clean them up and hold memorial services. Actually much like our visits to cemeteries in Tomb Sweeping Festival.
是的。So all the things, animals or food are usually used as offerings to the ghost or ancestors, right? But in Nepal, they have Gai Jatra or the festival of the cows.
So they were chasing me around, like basically circling around me. You know what my friends did?
Yeah, they were laughing at me.
Oh my god. I feel so sad.就是你就成为那个焦点,不仅是那些扮鬼的那些人,就知道你这个胆小鬼来了,所以我一定要好好捉弄一下她。而且你的朋友也很坏,就是都不帮你,对吧,然后他还笑你呢。
So I still need to keep walking. I was freaking out inside me, but I'm still very curious about everything. So I try to tell myself those are real people. No need to be scared. Those are real people. They're just actors. That's what I've been telling myself the whole time.
Does it help?
Well, the design of the haunted house doesn't help. Like they have so many different themes in one haunted house. For example, in one part, they used smoke and lasers to create the illusion of a river, making it seem like you were walking into a wetland. So half of you were in the river. So I couldn't see the bottom. And of course, of course, out of nowhere, hands would grab your feet from below the fake water surface.就是那个地方的设计是专门特意设计的很恐怖,就很多装置跟很用心的设计。其中一个部分,他们是用那种烟幕跟激光营造出一种河流的感觉,就是有种你走在湿地,你下半身都在水里的感觉,你见不到底。当然在这种情况下 就毫无疑问的,就有只手在下面抓你。
我应该会被吓死,我可能当场就 pass out or pass away。Oh no.
It's not only that. There was another part where we had to wear 3D glasses.就是有一个地方,有一个房间,它是要求你戴着3D眼镜的。In normal haunted houses, everything is real Like the real trees are real people, real actors But if they use the 3D technology, you can pretty much fake anything. Like fake monsters or fake anything. When we wear 3D glasses, everything became vivid in front of our eyes. So that was very scary. As I mentioned before, that place was massive. It took us a good hour to just get through it. And I was screaming my head off the whole time while my friends couldn't stop laughing during the whole time.
Yeah, but after that, it was a good memory, a mix of terror and pure fun.就是事后我还是蛮好玩的,挺搞笑的,但是当时我就真的恨死我那些朋友,恨死他们。
I remember at that time, I went to the haunted houses. You know, usually I'm a faint-hearted.就是我是一个胆小鬼嘛.My friend was holding my hand, trying to calm me down. Suddenly, a ghost popped up. I was screaming and immediately let go my friend's hand and ran out of the haunted houses. 就那时候的话,我朋友就是拖着我的手,然后就说不用害怕,我在我在,但是突然间那个鬼突然出现的时候,我就马上吓死了,尖叫一声,然后直奔那个出口。How about you?
Well, I went to a haunted house as well during Halloween. But it was in the United States. I don't think I've ever been to haunted houses here. But I think usually it wouldn't take you an hour to just walk through the whole house, right? I think it's usually like 10 to 15 minutes, something like that.
Yeah, very short.
But that one I went to took me at least one hour to just finish the whole thing.
Damn, you're really brave.
Well, I was freaking out the whole time. My friends were laughing at me because I was freaking out. So in the States, haunted houses are very popular. They are everywhere and some of them are open year-round.
Oh my god.
我印象最深刻的万圣节经历也是在一个鬼屋,但是是在美国那边,那鬼屋这个文化在美国是非常受欢迎的。很多地方都有,而且有些是全年都开放。During Halloween, of course, that is the peak time for haunted houses. My friend took me there to quote unquote celebrate Halloween. But that was my first time to go to a haunted house. I was terrified. So I walked at a snail pace. 就是我很害怕,我就以蜗牛的速度在行走。就我一直很担心前面有个什么东西,所以我走得非常慢。So practically, I caused a traffic jam behind me. Every time, they only allow like seven people as a group to walk in. They wouldn't let everybody all at once to enter the haunted house. They want to keep the experience as scary as possible. So, you know, just like what you said, a lot of, you know, people jumping in front of me, right? So that is the typical haunted house thing. All the actors quickly noticed how scared I was and zeroed in on me, like chasing me relentlessly in it. But the road inside is not straightforward. There are so many turning and, you know, the path was very winding.
Yes. I mean, not every dog has that kind of ability, right?
Yes. So do you know that not only we celebrate the Ghost Festival here, actually a lot of places like Malaysia and Singapore and probably Indonesia honor their ancestors on the exact same day, on the 5th too.
Yes. In this country, usually the Chinese will celebrate this festival. Also burning the joss paper or the incense, stuff like that. However, I know other countries have different celebrations. Have you ever experienced their traditions?
Oh, definitely. For instance, Halloween.
Oh yeah, Halloween.
就万圣节,最经典的鬼节,or Samhain, originated in Ireland, Scotland and Wales, is celebrated on October the 31st and November the 1st.
那就是我们最熟悉的万圣节啦,它起源于爱尔兰、苏格兰还有威尔士。它一般庆祝时间就是在 10月31号和11月1号。
It's all about marking the start of winter and the end of the harvest season. People believe that the line between the living and the dead is the thinnest during this time. So they leave food and drink outside to appease the spirits. They also light bonfires, wear scary costumes, which we are very familiar with. And back in the day, even offered animal sacrifices. It's a bit like our Ghost Festival where we offer food to hungry ghosts to keep them appeased and away from mischief.
对。I think a lot of people probably sort of experience Halloween here, right? Have you ever celebrated Halloween, ever?
Yeah, when I was still young. I mean, I remember once during the Halloween, I went to 长隆那个游乐园。
我们不是打广告,做个 disclaimer。
我希望可以打到广告。And at that time, they have a very big celebration, right? And they decorated the whole theme park into the Halloween version. They have a lot of haunted houses and a lot of creepy displays.
There must be something there
Yeah, so her father, at first thinking the dog was just acting up, went into the kitchen to check it out. He looked around, but there was absolutely nothing there. Nothing. He tried everything to calm the dog down, but it just wouldn't stop.
对。So that's when he felt it, a cold chill creeping up his spine, like the air itself had turned icy. Realizing something was seriously off, he did the only thing he could think of. Can you guess what?
I don't know. Probably just trying to catch the dog's attention. Calm the dog down and then went back to sleep?
No, he opened the apartment door. The dog still barking, but darting from the kitchen and out into the hallway, as if chasing something invisible. Her father, now thoroughly spooked, called the dog back and shut the door. And then silence. The dog stopped barking immediately.
然后那只狗就尝试把他赶出去,然后赶出去之后关上门了,没事了,然后就是狗就安静下来了。Oh my gosh. Now I have the goosebump. I'm not so sure if the AC is too cold.我现在都已经起鸡皮疙瘩了,不知道是不是空调太猛了现在。
对啊,不仅这一个故事,我还听过挺多。I have a friend, she told me a story about a dog, their dog. Whenever their family want to buy a place, like a house or apartment, they will bring their dog there. Just let the dog walk around, sniff around. If their dog bark, they wouldn't buy that place. If the dog like that place, they will immediately buy that place. They really believe the dogs can hear and see something that we cannot see.
对啊。就是我觉得狗还有这个功用。But unfortunately, my dog doesn't work like that.
Actually, it reminds me of something. I don't think I'm that kind of person who is very sensitive to the supernatural world or supernatural things. However, I did witness something. When I was in Indonesia, again, you know, the Southeast Asian countries are very famous for these kind of creepy things, right?
Yeah, very spooky.
Yeah, spooky. Yeah.
Yeah. I remember once when I was in Indonesia, I was walking with my dog, Goji, the Tibetan Mastiff. Some of you may have known him before since we talked about him in the... Octopus. Yeah, the octopus, the exotic pet episode.那时候我和我的藏獒狗狗Gozi在路上走,我在遛它嘛。And we were waiting in the crossroad. There were so many cars passing by. Suddenly, Goji was crazy. He was jumping, trying to rush into our car. I was very scared because he never reacted like that before. 就是我们在那个十字路口那里去等,因为很多车 突然间我那只藏獒宝宝就好像疯了一样,然后要冲向一台车,我就吓到了。因为它非常壮,我怕我拉不住它,所以我很害怕。
对对对。He's, of course, not as fierce as his name. And suddenly, the creepiest things came. A car slowly stopped. The man on the driving seat slowly rolled down the window. And he showed a ring on his hand and slightly swinging towards us. And my Tibetan Mastiff was crazy about that.就那时候的话,就有一台车慢慢停下来,然后车上那个男人,他摇向那个车窗,向我们展示他手中的那个戒指,然后那只藏獒宝宝就好像疯了一样。Then later, my friend told me that maybe that man kept a spirit in his ring.那时候我的朋友就告诉我,他说,可能那个戒指里面,他是养了什么东西,所以我那只藏獒宝宝非常的敏感,然后就可以感受得到。
I have a story about a dog. This is not my dog. My dog is useless. She can only eat and run around. She cannot smell or sense anything. She's just a happy puppy. But my friend told me a story about her dog. The story itself was very spine-tingling.
Why is that?
It was actually a story between her father and their dog. So one night, this usually silent dog suddenly started barking like crazy. Here's the eerie part. It wasn't just barking aimlessly. That dog was fixated on the kitchen, barking relentlessly at something.就是我朋友家他们的狗,平常这只狗是很安静的,不会吠也不怎么动。
So you must have a really close relationship with your granddad, right? 你跟你爷爷的关系非常亲近。
对呀,就小时候就在他家待的时间比较多。I spent a lot of time with him when I was very little. But since I went to high school, then university in another city, we haven't talked that much. But he was a person who read a lot, so he had a lot of stories to tell me when I was little.
Actually, you remind me of my grandpa, who passed away like 10 years ago. I remember one night, I was asleep. Usually after I fell asleep, nobody could wake me up. Usually I would mute my phone, just to make sure I have a good sleep. However, that night, suddenly, I was awake, and saw the phone ringing. Then I picked up the call. It was from my dad. He told me that my grandpa passed away at that time. 所以就是那天晚上的话, 就是我也是收到一个电话, 就是半夜的时候, 我就爸爸告诉我, 就说爷爷去世了。So probably it was my grandpa who woke me up, and told me about this news.
Yeah, sometimes I feel like when you are very close to someone, and that person leaves this world, somehow we would know. I mean, not by calling, telling, news, that kind of knowing. You just can sense it. It's very strange feeling, very eerie. But for me, it's also very magical that we can sense that. I always think if there are ghosts in the world, just like human, because they used to be human beings, that means some of them are good people, good ghosts. Some of them are bad ghosts, bad people. So this is kind of way, when I, especially when I was little, and after some horror movies, ghost movies, this is the way to comfort myself. There are good ghosts and bad ghosts, just like human beings. So when it's about our family, close people, we wouldn't feel scared. We even feel heartwarming, right? But what if somebody or something that we don't know? Have you thought about that? If it's some weird, eerie, haunting, spooky things happen in your life, and it's probably something or someone that you don't know, how would you feel?
Of course, I'm gonna feel scary, right?
when suddenly I was jotted awake by this strange rumbling noise.
所以就是一年前疫情刚开放的时候,你的房子就长了霉菌是吧? 所以要重新再刷一遍,那去了酒店之后,然后有一天晚上,你竟然被一些声音给吵醒?所以是酒店在装修吗?
No, it wasn't outside. It felt like it was right there in the room with me. The acoustics were too clear for it to be coming from the hallway. I was alone in the room, in the hotel room. Nobody around me.
Oh my gosh.所以那个声音不是来自外面,其实是在房间里面,而且你可以非常确定不是在走廊那里传来。我突然间想到一个很恐怖的一个故事,我不知道该不该跟我们的听众分享,我怕你们睡不着,因为晚上12点钟在听这个播客的时候。
就是我曾经听过一个非常恐怖的鬼故事,就是肯定不是真的,大家不要担心。他们就说在房间里面突然间听到有一些声音,但是绝对不是脚步声,好像在上楼梯那样子,那听到咚咚咚,然后那个人的话就非常害怕,但他又想知道是什么东西,所以他就蹲下到床底下,然后去看一下,发现是一个人的头在那里咚咚咚。Okay, I hope it's not the same one. So what happened next, Wing?
No, it's not the same. Thank God. I didn't call you at that night. You're not helping.
So what happened next?
Well, I was half awake when I heard that my heart was pounding. I was trying to make sense of what I was hearing. The noise was so distinct, so unsettling. When I finally managed to fully wake up and listen carefully, the noise had completely stopped. It was as if whatever had been making it just vanished into thin air.
Wow, that sounds really creepy.就是你半梦半醒的时候,你可以听到那个声音,那你当时应该非常害怕吧。
非常诡异。 So what's next?
I managed myself to fall back asleep.
Seriously? Yeah. 心真大。
对,心真大。Then early the next morning, my phone rang, and it was my mom. She called me to tell me that my grandpa had passed away the night before.
Oh no. 所以早上就收到了噩耗就说, 妈妈,告诉你爷爷去世了。I'm so sorry for your loss.
Yeah. But for me, to this day, I can't shake the feeling that the rumbling noise in my hotel room wasn't just a random sound. I still believe it was my grandpa's spirits coming to say goodbye, making one last connection before departing for me.
That's really sad.
Yeah. 直到今天我依然会觉得说, 那个隆隆的声音, 就我在酒店那个声音, 其实是我爷爷过来跟我说再见的。我是一个原本是不太信这些事情的人,但是因为那个晚上对我来说是最后一次告别嘛,我因为我没有办法见到他最后一面,来得比较突然。 但是我就觉得说, 我就坚信那个是他来给我告别的一个方式。 所以我后来想起那个声音, 我并不觉得很害怕。
Then they will say,弟弟吃饭啦,我们一起吃饭啦something like that. Yeah, so just now when you talk about that, and it reminds me of this story, and suddenly I felt a bit sad.
Wow, that's pretty sad. For us, certainly is a day to honor and remember the dead, especially the ones that we cared so much about. But talking about this festival, it's got a spooky twist because we are not just honoring ancestors or the dead loved ones. We also making sure the wandering spirits that we probably don't know won't cause any trouble on the ghost festival.
I know, make sure they go home.
Their home, not our home.
Yeah, exactly. So actually on that day, besides not going out at night, do you know any other taboos?有什么禁忌吗?
Well, actually in my family, I've never had any taboos on those days because usually I don't even know the day is the day. So I was told from some of my friends, like there are a few taboos on that day or even the whole month. For example, people avoid swimming because it's believed that water ghosts might try to drown them.
And another one is staying out late at night and whistling are also big no-nos since they can attract spirits.
Yeah. So Wing, do you go out on that day?
I don't even know. Well, this year I know thanks to this episode, but usually I don't even know that day is the ghost festival, usually.
So have you ever experienced anything supernatural yourself?
Well, you know, I'm not really a superstitious person. I study engineering, all about watching documentaries and reading scientific reports, but there is one night. And ever since that night, I've become a lot more open to the idea of the unexplained or the supernatural, but it definitely gives me chills. Oh my gosh. So what is that? About a year ago, right after the lockdown of the pandemic, my apartment was covered in mold and needed repainting. So I moved into a hotel for a few days. And one night, I was deep asleep.
Nothing really special, except burning the joss paper and incense. How about yours?
Pretty much the same for my family, but I also heard some of my friends would say during those days, when they have family meals and public performances, certain seats are kept empty for the ghosts, inviting them to join in the festivals.
Yeah, it's a little bit creepy to me. I mean, if we talk about this kind of thing, it's gonna be a bit creepy. However, if we are there and if we lost someone we loved, then it's another story.
That's true. Another tradition of that day, of that festival is the floating lanterns. 就是会在水上放些灯笼, 我不知道你有没有看过?
During the ghost festival, when I learned about this, I found it very mesmerizing to see bodies of water are filled with floating lanterns, gently released to guide the spirits back to the world of the dead. It's pretty beautiful, but at the same time, it's pretty haunting. It is a way to ensure that the spirits find their way and are well taken care of. So this is the meaning of the floating lanterns. And I think it's quite different from what you learned or saw in 西双版纳.
Yeah, I think so. I think this ceremony is really heartwarming because today's topic is kind of creepy, but also very sad. We are talking about the dead, right? And sometimes the people who are still alive don't have any way to express their sadness, how much they miss the dead. That's a very good way to convey their feelings. And actually, I want to share another story with our audience. Just now, we said people actually will leave some seats for the ghosts and inviting them to join the festivals. I heard from my friend, a family lost a kid who was still very young. However, after that, they will still keep a seat for the kid when they have meals. They will put an incense burner on the table, pretending that the kid was still with them.