00:00 🎉 尬聊英语时间又到了,咱们挑战尬聊鬼故事!
00:18 🗓️ 今年的8月18日究竟有何特别之处?
01:19 🧟♂️ 鬼门大开之时,我们究竟要如何应对?
03:29 🕯️ 邀请亡灵共聚晚餐,是传统习俗还是毛骨悚然?
06:58 🚫 鬼节禁忌有哪些?Wing与Yao有何经验?
08:26 👻 Wing亲身经历过灵异的超自然事件?!?!
13:11 🙀 Yao也亲身经历过类似的灵异超自然事件?!?
15:19 🇮🇳 Yao在印度尼西亚经历了什么事情,让她每每想起都后怕?
17:30 🐕 狗狗都有灵异体质?他们究竟都看到啥了?
22:34 🎃 最负盛名的鬼节究竟是来自哪里的?
24:40 💀 Wing与Yao的鬼屋大作战,除了尖叫还是尖叫
31:38 🇯🇵 日本鬼节都要做些啥,跟我们鬼节有何不同?
33:42 🇰🇷 韩国鬼节其实是用来庆祝秋天大丰收?
34:39 🇳🇵 尼泊尔鬼节是怎么跟牛息息相关的?
35:42 🇰🇭 柬埔寨鬼节竟然持续15天,会有什么特别的习俗?
37:13 🇮🇳 印度鬼节特别招待三代先人,而且还要喂食特别动物?
39:09 🇲🇽 墨西哥鬼节更像派对,你知道是哪部电影让它闻名世界吗?
41:25 😭 Yao让人心碎的亲身经历,竟然是一部电影最终让她释怀?
43:37 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试的“节日”话题中进行创新?
49:00 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!
小红书同名直播时间:每周五 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周日22:00(暑假后会再调整),直播评论区有单词小课堂!
Hello everyone, it's Gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. This is Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, do you know what day it is this Sunday?
August 18th. Is it your birthday?
Hell no! It's the 15th day of the 7th lunar month. So you know, the Chinese Ghost Festival. The gates of the underworld open and the spirits of the dead visit the living.
Yeah, I know. Because usually on that day, my family don't allow me to go outside, you know. They say stay at home. So why you mention this?
Because it is coming and I think it's a good topic to talk about.
Wait, but do you think our audience will get scared or tuned out?
They might get a little spooked. But let's see if we can keep them hooked.
Yeah, why not, right? That sounds a bit fun and we never talk about this kind of topics before.
Yeah, so be ready, everybody. Be ready for the ghost stories.
Yeah, we have a lot to share.
Yeah, so the Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival.道教叫中元节, 然后佛教是叫盂兰盆节。
Yes, and it is a time when people go to great lengths to appease the spirits. It's quite a sight. Have you ever seen anything about it?
Yes, of course. Even in my family, on that day, we will burn the joss paper.就会烧那些纸。How about yours?
Yeah, just like the fake banknotes, sometimes called hell money.就是冥币的假钞。通常面值都比较高。
对,好多个零。And also, we burn cutouts of cars, televisions, watches and even houses in a metal bin or a heap.
就是我们除了冥币之外, 也会烧一些像车啊、电视机啊、手机、手表。 甚至一个房子都会烧。 那可能会在一个金属的篮子里面, 也可能就直接在地上烧。
我们好像那个盆的话, 好像叫聚宝盆是吧? 对。就是我们会烧在那个聚宝盆里面, 然后现在的话, 随着时代的发展的话, 除了刚才你提到那些, 还有非常多新型的东西。所以这也是为我们的那些先人们送去一些祝福还有送去一些关爱。
是啊。 So it's actually like sending care packages to the afterlife, just like what you said. People also offer special food at altars and burn incense in homes, shops and even on the streets.就是其实我们也会供奉一些食物嘛, 在家里、商店里甚至在街道上,到那一天, 你可能都会看到很多人在那里烧香、烧纸。
So are there any traditions at your home? Like anything that you need to pay attention to?